Explain why I should be ok with immigration from low IQ european countries, because they're muh white? Yeah I'm sure that if you country gets flooded by albanian retards nothing will change because race is real and differences in intelligence exist, except for euros they're all equal magically.
Muh white nationalism
Alb*nians aren't white
Literally the niggers of Europe
I'm sick and fucking tired of all the goal post shifting faggots. "European nationalism" isn't a real thing and is mainly derived from faggots who didn't want to get called Nazis after the war like Oswald Mosley, so they shifted their goal posts like cucks to white and European nationalism.
And now people are shifting them again to civic nationalism because they don't want to be called racist.
If you support European-nationalism then you should go become an EU loving cuck because they're the closest you'll get to that ideal buddy.
Albanians are obviously nigger-tier scum whites -- still better than actual shitskins but still low-tier whites.
Only 99 ,
Inferior Walloon niggers always dragging us down,
Would be 110 is they measured Flemish people alone
>Albanians are stupid so that means you should accept Afriniggers and mudslimes silly goy
lol, ok Rabbi
Why are you OK with non-white immigrants with low IQ then, Mr European Union?
i believe in the "once" removed immigration rule.
meaning you should really only move to another country if it is on your border/immediately nearby.
albanian coming to western europe is retarded.
Its funny because my country is among the dumbest and still scored above the US on all fields in 2015 kek.
Because Whites have the capacity to integrate into other European countries and non-Whites literally cannot.