It sucks now

it sucks now
what went wrong?

Not enough tits.
>I know it's not The Sun, but they don't have tits anymore either.

You out pretending to look for that sub or something?

We found it, just not telling the argies.

So many bullshit stories about garbage.
> hate speech written on college bathroom window
> woman falls asleep while working the till at a gas station
> 'I was called a stupid slut' staff member of a school wants compensation
Daily mail has become unreadable

When I was a kid The Mail was pretty readable. MailOnline seems just a tiny step above Buzzfeed.

yep. shadow of it's former self

Daily mail has always been a rag for low IQ plebs. The level of writing in articles is barely above the level of a teenager.

It's always sucked, they hit on to the winning clickbait formula early on

What's your opinion of The Guardian? Does the UK have a conservative daily paper? I mean actually conservative, not David Cameron conservative.