Does it really bother you when anime portray white people as the Aryan race?
Does it really bother you when anime portray white people as the Aryan race?
they WERE allied with the nazis
No, and anyone who is is a race traitor.
On the contrary, I feel proud that anime is one of the few medium left in existence that praises White Supremacy.
and the halfie dumb blonde girls have japanese fathers
They make everyone look white.
It's a splendid thing, ain't it?
yes, honestly. As a proud celt I find the prominence of blue eyes and blonde hair disgusting. REAL whites have brown hair, freckles and eyes that are not blue, green is nice but blue is not.
>Real Whites
>Celtic Crap
Go back down to your bunghole called the Mediterranean along with the subhuman Italians and Greeks.
Imagine a world filled with only white people. Beautiful ;-;
Get out Kike! You can't divide Whites!
Even dirty Iranian sandniggers look whiter than you.
But viewed as inferior beings. They wernt all that happy with it.
And boring.
Everytime people prove you wrong.
And Sena is half english.
So the "Honorary Aryan" thing is just empty platitudes? Then again, Hitler seemed to have a better relationship with the Grand Mufti of all people.
I thought they were rewarded as honorary Aryans
>live in the midwest
>everybody either has blonde hair or green/blue eyes
They have the midwest fucking pegged. They're also all fucking giants that love football. A highschool here has a better stadium than my college did.
You wot m8
Celtic peoples have been situated mainly in Northeast Europe for centuries now
Implying any of these disgusting cumskins are in my animes
By midwest are you referring to Minnisota/Wisconson? Because those states are inhabited by snowniggers so it would make sense to be very tall. Most of the midwest is Irish/German though.
You just migrated there just like how Inuits went all the way up to Alaska because LAND BRIDGES.
Why is the Suomi one the only real man in that pic?
>mfw a cumskin tries to associates with mongolbros and rejects his inferior snownigger heritage
Nah, you still look like something out of a bara manga.
Variety is not the spice of life.
It is.
Take your liberal Kool-Aid back to your shit college campus.
Says the mainlander
What the fuck are you trying to say chinaman? You may require further study
t. poltard who never see italian nor iranian
every midwest blonde is fake, thats irish/italian clay
brown/red/black hair black/brown/green eyes
no blue eyed devils, no disgusting cheese hair
I am a mix of all of these
Go back to Sup Forums and fucking your siblings.
Why would I be upset with being portrayed as a paragon of humanity? As aesthetically perfect?