What does Sup Forums think of Tatsumaki?
Is she better than her sister?
One Punch Man
As the voice of Sup Forums I say she is generally liked because of the colorful hairdo, attitude, and being a petite superpower. No rocket science to it. Can't fight it.
she's not better than best girl
Tatsumaki a cute, better than fubuki.
But seriously, chill with the tatsumaki threads. This is the 3rd in two days, no point spamming them unless you want backlash
Fubuki is better
It's all about the Fubooty.
both of them are vapid and annoying
i don't see what others see in them
Tatsumaki is better since she actually does her job very well and if your just fucking around while a monsters is around she'll tell you to either fuck off or do your job seriously while Fubuki only cares about muh power
I fail to see.
>mfw Murata is going to go all out on the MA finale almost killing himself in the process
Post more Garou.
Not the best girl from ONE, but easily the best girl in OPM. Gets shit done, too bad she's probably impreg'd from Golden Sperm passing through her though.
>post more garou
you don't even need to tell me, user
>x character is better because they are sexy
>Is she better than her sister?
That is literally what the question implies you dipshit.
There is no way that Fubuki is even remotely close to her sister in power.
>legal loli
>no pantsu
>based Yuuki Aoi in the adaptation
>cares about little sister
>no BF\married to job - perfect waifu material
What's not to like?
Saitama and Tats need to get together.
Imagine the babies.
Fubuki is a more interesting character because she has more modes than "I am angry at everything but it's really a cover for my insecurity".
>muh I've got no friends in childhood
>gonna get together bunch of noob losers
>they're gonna praise and worship me
>I'm important now
shut the fuck up nigger
>triggered by the truth
Are you guys fucked in the head or what?
Genos X Saitama is OTP and even confirmed by anime staff.
>40-page chapter
I was expecting the cutoff like 5 times and it never happened
monster association/garou was already my favorite arc and all this extra stuff murata is adding is getting me hyped as fuck
So Mob?
you shut you're whore mouth you faggot bitch
Mob is kinda weak physically.
Did he got swell somewhere after anime adaptation?
>not the best girl from ONE
Are you saying some ugly shit from mp100 is best girl?
>shut you're mouth
Tatsu best girl, Fubuki a whiny shit.
Now that's what I call "calling the kettle black".
Anime staff > YOU
>he doesn't know about Lady Himiko
newfag detected.
Saitama's strength isn't genetics dumbass.
>isn't genetics
>broke the limiter in 1.5 years
>of your general athletic training routine
Seafolk King had heart nipples in original webcomic too.
> he thinks Saitama is strong because of the training.
I don't even know why you still think that after MURATA feeding you the monster cells.
What do Saitama eat again? Yep, monsters.
So? What does that have to do with Genos shooting for the heart of Saitama?
>monster cells
No anime staff was involved in webcomic heart nipples.
Maybe One just likes incorporating hearts in shit.
So even the author's OTP is GenosXSaitama?
Ok then.
>best girl
I was never against FemGenos x Saitama ship to begin with.
Actually proposed a pit stop team on standby with spare parts for a shag marathon.
Why do ONE works make such good shows? It doesn't even make sense
Your post is bait faggot. Read the latest chapter.
Your post is bait faggot.
Read webcomic.
Saitama became powerful before he started looting monster corpses for food.
None of the "awakened" humans was able to retain human form, ultimately even Sweet Mask failed at it.
>reading the non canon inferior shitty version
That's your first mistake user.
>inb4 muh webcomic is canon
haha that's like saying the moon kick isn't canon.
>ignoring Saitama breaking the limiter 1.5 years into the training
>no evidence of him looting monsters prior to that
>I need all information to be spoonfed to me
That's like saying there is no evidence of him breaking his limiter.
dumb moeposter.
There is actually no evidence what way he achieved his power.
From the manga the percieved change was sudden at the moment he lost bad tooth, probably the only thing holding him bat from going beyond threshold by then.
In webcomic there are other ways to get stronger although most of them result in losing human form.
His tooth was aching, retard. He didn't become stronger when he lost his tooth. He was already strong before his tooth even ache as you can see from the start of that chapter.
Tooth was throwing him off balance.
The change when it fell out was clear for anyone with half a brain.
The only change is his toothache is gone. Learn some reading comprehension idiot.
Yeah, I am certainly the one who need to go and re-read that part where Saitama version Hairs get his ass kicked by shit tier monster only to one-shot him after the bad tooth falls out.
That's because you need a foot stool
Checks out.
>dumb even without supplementing a post with a pic
Oh shit
ONE's best girl
Her feet would be so soft from floating everywhere. I want to kiss and massage them.