How do people think the kkk was founded by republicans?

How do people think the kkk was founded by republicans?

This bothers me on ((((twitter)))), people are excusing dems of creating and to this day are a part of the kkk. They even go as far to say that republicans were the ones to embrace the klan, though they strongly opposed them throughout history.

How do we fix this shit?
Is it even fixible?
Should we burn everything down and start again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Liberals are arguing in good faith
oh sweetie no...

First you'd fix the school systems to give it less focus on standardized testing and more focus on history and the humanities

There's not actually a step two

>How do we fix this shit?
>Is it even fixible?
Once brainwashed, always brainwashed, there is no fixing something thats already adamant in its ways, that's what (((they))) knew and thats why they went after academia, the key to our childrens brains.

The funny thing is they said the same shit.

Lol yeah Republicans are just nigger loving cucks and dems are the real men. Are you fucking stupid op or are you a shill?

The best is that black slave guy who defected to the North and became a Republican congressman.

You'll never ever see any movies made about him because he repeatedly told blacks to avoid the Democrat party. This triggers the Jew and so they can't make any propaganda biography about him

Who did

That is a scary thought. But at this point I should be used to it, no?

This fat and his cult

Yes, im sorry my brother but yes, you should be very used to it, this is an straight lined battle, once you lose one part you must procced foward, there is no going back and fixing it, a good example is multiculturalism, you can find a way possibly to tone it down or try to avoid it, but no matter what, when its there its there forever, that is unless your willing to turn to genocide

Not Cucknadian and I hate Hillary so... both?

I'm not going down the road of genocide, yet, but what about the education system? Can just reeducate them?

user, the klan always was shit, and so was the confederacy for importing the niggers. Based Republicans even wanted to repatriate them to Liberia until that nigger Booth got Lincoln.

>Can just reeducate them?
You could try, but you will most likely be seen as another hitler or a racist or a white supremacist or some other buzzword, they're like a child that the plugs their ears and screams lalalalalalala, however re taking the education system does ensure that the next generation after the one could possible be saved, but brainwashing is like pour water down a tube filled with pebble's, the brainwashed with parrot their masters and subconsciously brainwash their own without knowing it because what they were taught is what they believe to be true, thats why im a firm believer in that you should NOT teach your children what to think, but HOW to think

will* parrot their masters

You can't fix stupid. The average American is dumber than fuck.

Sounds like the best bet. But the real question is now, How? I doubt the current administration could do anything like that as people would see it as nazi-esc, and further the possibility of civil unreast/war.

Its mainly commiforna and New York. The South, to my knowledge, is based as fuck.


Passive-aggresive removal is the only way i can think of, either that or home schooling children, i really haven't thought too far into how to re model the eduction system, maybe through the federal system it could be accomplished

The Democratic Party started as an anti-Native American nativist/populist party, became the party of slavery, then the party of the KKK, the the party of Jim Crow, then the party of segregation, then somehow implemented a system of restorative justice that saw black home ownership and education plummet. Finally, they became the party of immigration, inventing a new race ("Hispanic") to have an underclass of workers who get treated like shit and paid worse for muh cheap avocados. Now they are trying to rebrand themselves as a party of "resistance", actively fighting the federal government to continue their system of class exploitation.

What does it feel like to be such a hypocrite? I can't imagine spending so much time trying to convince people that I'm a good person by my own standards, while doing all of the things that I say are terrible. It seems exhausting.

Best bet would probably be school choice, removing affermitive action, and utterly gutting the current media outlets. The last one is tricky but I believe it's possible. Pass a transparency law or something, that make media show there bias on there sleeves

The blackpill is for defeatist morons. The future is not written yet.

Its easy when the media is in bed with you

I like the optimism, but I can't help but worry.

Why would Dems be in the KKK they suck niggers off not kill them

>The blackpill
The blackpill IS defetionism however thats ONLY if you are claiming defeat BEFORE the battle is done, however what i said is the truth, therefore making it a redpill, even though it hurts to say, its a redpill because of the hurtful truth

I'd like a fourth estate amendment to the constitution, giving tax exemption and eligibility for subsidies (like lower postage), in exchange for complying with guidelines on factual reporting and non-partisanship. Free press is essential for democracy. Partisan press is not free, it's propaganda.

You're literally saying Dems are the good guys and Republicans are cucks who love niggers and spics.

Agnostic thesist, personally dude. Though when I was younger I was hardcore atheist like a fucked up edge Lord

The Dems were the KKK. The KKK was the radical arm of the Democrats, just like the Tea Party was/still kind of is the radical arm of the GOP.

The ideals of the Democrats switched during the Carter era. Republicans today are the equivalent of Democrats then.

I like it.

The culture war never ends. You can't kill ideas and Sup Forums is the ever-shitting proof that people still care about and harbor the ideals of liberty, democracy, and rule of law.

i dont see whats so bad about genocide at this point desu

We get it. You're Democrats. Please spare us the rant about how eugenics will totally work this time.

Democrats would never kill a nigger. Only true conservatives kill niggers

Sup Forums is always right as they say

Lol is your wife's bull making you post this you cuck?

Less bloodshed=more on our side no?

I think you misunderstood what I said I'm not coming into the black pill however what I said is that one generation is always been lost that doesn't mean that I'm giving up and means that that only one Generations been lost but that doesn't mean that other Generations cannot still be recovered

You're right

This isn't me saying this this is just what I've heard before however remember that genocide is never morally acceptable you could possibly find some sort of logical reasoning solid stance behind it but it will never be morally acceptable and that one little flaw will always have people against it

I did misunderstand, but I still don't agree with you. No one's mind is made of stone. These so-called brainwashed liberals keep their beliefs through continuous social pressure that uses emotional stressors to ensure compliance. The fight for minds is an institutional one, fought using social groups to reinforce and spread ideas.

The main reason we are losing the culture war is that we are disorganized and only rally in places like Sup Forums. And frankly, the social microculture of Sup Forums was founded by straight up neo-nazis.

People talk about hiding their power-level in public all the time. That's guerilla warfare and it's a legacy of groups like stormfront that used to be ubiquitous here, precisely because their ideas are so unpopular that they really do have to hide their power level. If we really want to make an impact, we have to be talking in the real world, forming real world groups were people actually meet up, and promoting a not only socially palatable but moderate and populist political ideology.

Here are some things that are killing conservatism/keeping it on the internet alone:
>"the JQ"
>nigger jokes
>crowd sourced conspiracy theories
>god-emperor jokes
>right-wing libertarians
>mocking social libertarians even though 90% of us are

How many of those are actually essential to your political beliefs? How many of those would make your friends or family cringe?

>be like trump, because it works
>don't be like richard spencer, even though it's fun to larp

>black man gets famous for stealing
Like pottery.

Well being a conservative group isn't very popular. Just look at how the alt-right is doing. The media would call the movement "neo-nazis" Or something and try to ruin it. But if we were to brand it, it would need to have a catchy name and no way to fuck up the message

Branding is looking at it the wrong way. How many Progressive groups are political parties and how many are various types of institutions?

There are Progressive
>insurance companies
>healthcare companies
>social websites/forums

And on and on. Progressives have been at this since around 1870. This culture of oppression and shaming took a very long time to build and conservatives have been complaining about our relative lack of social institutions for at least 50 years. That was one of the reasons National Review was founded.

Then what do you propose? Exposing them does next to nothing. My line of reasoning is that if (big fucking if) conservatives were to do something to fight back, we would form a group to help educate people about dems racism and try to fix the current conservative platform. Make it seem appealing. Someone in this thread (forgot who) made the point that people feel pressured into being progressive. I was merely suggesting that we try to take some pressure off in some way.

No only that but Dems enstated Jim Crowe laws. Heres another, Margret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood started PP as a eugenics movement, to rid the us of poor people and black people.

I think an opposition group would be less effective than a merely conservative group. Opposition groups also tend to let themselves be defined by their opponents actions, rather than their own, meaning that they feed on discontent with opposition, not their own merits.

Neighborhood social groups is the obvious path. Clean up trash groups, neighborhood watches, family night at the community center, charity groups, hobbyist groups, and so on. Conservatism thrived in this country largely because of groups like the Masons and the Elks.

I kinda already knew this, but people will still defend planned parenthood. Especially minorities that vote dem

You'd be stupid not to defend it

This does seem like a better alternative. But one glaring issue is the processes of started the group and finding people willing to become part of the group. Good deeds help the image but I'm having trouble seeing how it helps. People would try and make out everything done by the groups seem like ethnic cleansing, regardless of what you actually do. Pic related

>I ask that every colored man in the North who has a vote to cast, would cast that vote for the regular Republican Party and thus bury the Democratic Party so deep that there will not be seen even a bubble coming from the spot where the burial took place.

average Americanadian