to get alabama to legalize weed would truly be one of the greatest trolls ever
Get alabama to legalize weed
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Move to California with your degeneracy and leave decent people alone.
>brit lecturing us about degeneracy
>Implying weed makes you more degenerate than alcohol
Yeah no
>muh alcohol
Enjoy your booze and pot while you get invaded. It's what the chavs do and look how that's worked out.
shut Jeff sessions down
Just wait 15 years and it will be legal nationwide.
That will be a sad day for your country.
Shut the fuck up tea nigger. Let white people worry about white people problems
Or we can force our will earlier. Most of the opposition will die way before 15 years.
It's already legal in my state and nothing really happened to our culture overall. Public policy does nothing to limit degeneracy and is simply a waste of public funds.
Not going to jail for smoking is a huge change?
>Enjoy your booze and pot while you get invaded.
>pint-guzzling country that couldn't defeat the continental army then became america's bitch for 240 years and counting
California here, your gray, camera infested shithole sucks ass, have fun with your overpriced crappy booze, no wonder you're angry and got taken over.
inb4 "liberal california". at least we have some of the better aspects of liberalism here, while the UK is an example of a liberal nightmare shithole.
Dr. Shekelstein sure appreciates you shilling for Goldberg Pharmaceuticals. Yes, good good, no money is to be made in curing illness, we need to sell more $500 Gentilex pills for 48-minute relief for disease instead of plants that Washington himself grew. Yes, very good
Circumcised jews are upset you can generate tons of money by planting seeds in your backyard.
I think Brits deserve their fate, they're gonna try the same things and take no opportunities.
Stale ass fucking country.
Wow, you mutts are really obsessed with drugs.
>hello fellow trolls
muh hemp bags
most people who smoke marijuana are decent people and they wan't to be left alone.
is america a hippy nation?
We are hippie we send troopsbout everywhere. Yes we is a hippie nation you dumb fuck.
No they aren't. Most people who smoke pot are useless sacks of shit. The contributing members of society who do it are outliers.
sounds like the conflict was never resolved
Whats sad is there is no troll on here good enough to get weed legalized in Alabama. Just good for prank calls.
Fuck off degenerate shit head. If you can't handle the real world and need your weed, then go live with the commies.
Looks like meme magic is as gay as England and just as worthless.
Dont get mad because your a shitty troll
>sad that Sup Forums isn't my personal army
Stop smoking weed, retard.
Sup Forums has the best trolls. Lmao. What a joke pussies
So? The weed arguement is getting old. Legalization is inevitable and anti pot rhetoric is now giant joke. Its a boring debate.
Sorry we aren't worried about legalizing your degeneracy.
I bet its too hard for you. I thought Sup Forums trolls could do anything.
I also prefer my weed tax free and with some value on the black market incase I need the extra cash. So id prefer it stay illigal, but whatever.
Oh no i better prove him wrong by campaigning for a shit tier political cause
and you're really obsessed with being a gay brit
Lol we all got excuses no?
>i prefer not growing my own and paying a dealer tax and buying bud of questionable quality
Not smoking pot makes me gay? Neat. Does Ja'Quarious ask you for favors when he sells you your drugs?
That + Brit = very homosexual. Like a gay frog kinda gay.
I don't buy I grow my own player. Just on rare occasion when I wanna pick up some terp sauce from the store.
Its easy to determine quality by look and smell. If weed gets legalized in my state ill have to start working full time, thats bullshit.
Would it even be a troll though? Almost every redneck I know loves weed, almost every black person I know loves weed and I would assume the suburban and urban folks probably partake in numbers roughly equal to everywhere else in the country.
Besides christfags who's heyday is at least a decade past, who cares about weed these days?
As an Alabama resident please don't do this... :(
The reality is truly that it can't be done! Admit it. Its not because you dont want to or you like your pocket change or its a waste of your time or that its funny to mess with me. I brought fouth something i lnow can't be dosent get me bent to see people make excuses for the impossible.
Their state could really benefit from the tax income from it-
And you 56%ers wonder why the rest of the world makes fun of you.
there are plenty of productive pot smokers. they sell weed to the unproductive ones
heres one of them
I really see no difference in anything with marijuana legalized, it’s easier to get for adults and less kids are smoking it because they know what’s up “this is my weed, don’t fucking touch it”
Explain it to me, Muhammad
1. Not your personal army
2. Stoners should die
3. KYS degenerate
Rural and suburban much?
And also the fact that you take your drug problem to the level of a religion. You know, like the Jamaicans.
what are you a globalist too? why do you care what the "world" thinks?
the rest of the world hates your country, even people who live there all hate each other, you can't say anything, yall could use a joint or two of good shit there. The UK is absolutely miserable. I hate even stopping in Heathrow, it is an absolute nightmare. Dry ass people.
I microdose with edibles three to four times a day, hate stoner types. It helps cope and I definitely use it to fill a void left by Narcotics that no one should do
>Literally a conspiracy
If marijuana was profitable and these businessmen were as smart as you think, they would have just invested in marijuana you fucking idiot.
There are productive heroin users too. There are productive child molesters. All of them should be shot for their vices
you'd be better off if you smoked pot every day.
are you productive member society?
no he's sitting at home jacking off on Sup Forums like the rest of us
5 points Birmingham. It will be like a monkey coated hell here if you legalize. It kinda is already...
Sorry you don't like Heathrow. I don't like JFK, so fair is fair. Everyone in the world hates you and you know it. We don't hate you because you are better than us. We hate you because retards in this thread are the beneficiaries of technology that they mismanage and can't use. Example - The 7th fleet of the US Navy can't stop killing their own people because of incompetence.
No, I'd be an American nigger, which is something I hope to never have to be.
Back to the point. California and Colorado was easy. Im talking about undoing the bible belt.
hey now we're determining the future course of history
Your moms still not gonna love you degenerate faggot
Better than being a British Skeleton
>If weed gets legalized in my state ill have to start working full time, thats bullshit.
so you sell weed user?
he sells mids obviously, people who sell good shit will not have a hard time getting by after legalization
why stop at alabama? why not legalize it in all 50 states?
Well, you're all degenerates, but what else could we expect from Africans.
you can't talk, your "nation" is about to split into 3.
>can't cash out
Mexicans identify as white bruv
No it isn't, but okay.
Good to know. Seems like a lot of mexicans are in this thread
The denial is moderate here.
Smoke up bro. Real things are interfering with your experience.
>Enjoy getting invaded
>Says Britbongistan
>It's what the chavs do and look how that's worked out.
A warning to you my hispanic friend.
Visit Scotland while you can, you'll be needing your passport soon.
>t. salty Britcuck who probably had his gf stolen by a stoner
seriously at least most of our immigrants are hard workers and aren't blowing themselves up every week.
Or an American who hates weedfags.
Is it
weed is not good for you. if you still need to prove it to yourself, then read about cia truth serum, and also, take a couple months off from it. when your brain readjusts and you realize what it has been doing to your mind, you will have quite the experience. giving up weed is redpill
The American is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Hispanic and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Why was hemp made illegal?
This is a true statement
idk if this is a rare flag or not but ive never seen it before
Alabama would be the hardest. The rest of the states will fall in line. But alabama is so stuck up Jesus' back side
That is from all the Avid and Eagle 20 you smoke in your poop buds. I'd feel better if I stopped smoking that shit too.
Burkina Faso is here all the time. I think he's an English teacher.
People give it up and jump back on it like its candy. Or are you an addict?
Disagree. Today marks 4 months since the last time I smoked weed, I don't feel any different and if I could get my hands on some weed right now I'd smoke it.
Is red pill. Lmao
90% of illegal weed is contaminated with ornamental plant sprays and myclobutanil which burns into hydrogen cyanide when ignited, it is no wonder a portion of people feel like ass after smoking. and a small portion of these people don't care for getting lab tested product and keep on smoking the "cheap stuff" from their dealers.
We all deserve to get quality rather than bull shit. So what the price goes up. Take the product from the hood rat.
Required lab testing is the only way to solve this issue.
no no no!
get alabama to leave the union.
Fucking brainlet.
Drugs are illegal for the sole purpose of funding deep state operations and covert wars. You're a fucking retard if you haven't figured this out after any amount of consideration on the topic. Go read a fucking book rather than reposting this tired, unfactual, unscientific, socialist, hippie, psyop bullshit you fucking pot addled degenerate.