Net neutrality what do you think

Net neutrality what do you think

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That guy will shit on net neutrality like he shits in a designated shitting street.

The people shilling net neutrality are useful idiots.

It never has been and never will be about internet censorship.

The question is whether Google, Facebook and Twitter can have a direct link into your ISP's network architecture and push unlimited amounts of bandwidth through it without paying for it.

If I had to pay for internet access by the minute my life would vastly improve.

send pajeet back to his street


Actually I have no idea. Luked a thread by a leaf who tried to break down the situation with citations to try to get to the bottom of it but ultimately my takeaway is that the magic 8-ball says outcome not so clear and it it's still a bit of a wait and see as the process grinds on.

I think Soros is on his way to losing 1bil trying to keep it, too bad he's going to lose it all. He's down a few billion since Trump took office, losing and putting so much money behind Hillary, then gambling the market would tank with a Trump win, now he's down to about 17bil in shell orgs he donated to avoid taxes. He'll be out of money right before the next election if the old crooked kike doesn't end up deceased from farting dust and heartache

pajit pai is just fucking over the internet because no women will send bobs or vagene

not to mention the free porn jew

Soros and King Nigger support it. Ajit Pai is /ourpooinloo/

leftist like it. so it's bad.

The only people shitting their pants about it are children who don’t know how to convince their parents to pay extra bills for their porn addiction

Their wires -- they can charge what they want.

And if the gibs army decides internet is a basic human right or some other bullshit? Well, you can't unilaterally declare a whole industry subject to heavy regulation (including price regulation) without some court calling it a taking and telling the government to write them a check for billions.

you would be broke

His wife looks possibly jewish and has a jewish name.

Soros & DNC shills BTFO with $200 million thrown away for nothing
Liberals get exposed for being the hand up the ass, working the mouth corporate puppets they are

Is Sup Forums still threading about this shit?


Send this mudslim back to designated beheading streets.

I hope it destroys the internet fuck it all