Masculine Guys BTFO!!!!!!!

Well guys, looks like the Goyims, have successfully brainwash the feminist into thinking they want Soy Boys.


Implying you have to be masculine in order to beat the shit out of your wife

>Domestic violence turns women off
Bullshit, every time I've had to hit my wife it made her horny as all get out.

That’s because all the women that had the shit beat out of them were too enamored by their masculine husbands to go out and participate in the poll

lol masculinity is a cope, always has been
Women don't give a fuck how "masculine" you are, only face matters.
You're not gonna become a chad because of muh testosterone or whatever if you're unattractive.
deal w/ it

>Always do the opposite of what Jews say


No, they still use soyboys to buy them dinner and then have sex with masculine guys. It's still the same.

second post best post

This has been determined to be a lie.
Women like being slapped around and bossed. It gets them wet.

>prefer more feminine men
Dyke domestic violence rate is double straight couples.

הישועים הטעו את העולם להאמין שהאנשים האשכנזים הם בני ישראל, כחלק ממזימה לשליטה עולמית.

Funny because true

>just alpha up bro

based Ivan knows all about the gentle backhand

Same, most chicks always want me to fuckin choke them.

How long until the left actually fucking kill it's self.

Are they not taking into consideration that about half the women answer these questionnaires with the exact opposite of the truth?

I beat the shit out chink wife when she gets lost in her emotional asian agression. She rages for a bit but once i show my true form she is instantly submissive and apologettic. My dick becomes diamonds and shes ready to get plowed.

Dont let the lefty fags tell you how to live, anons. Your life is YOURS!

Women want to be choked because they loved to be with a real man. And a real man TAKES what he wants.
Beating a woman is morally wrong. But choking a bitch when she is having an orgasm is just letting her know she is yours.

Male feminists will beat and rape women too. They just cleverly mask their true desires by regurgitating bullshit pro-woman rhetoric that really means nothing to them. I'd say they're actually a lot more evil than a dumb guy who just uses brute force to get what he wants.

>Women like being slapped around and bossed. It gets them wet.
can confirm.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>the cat

The Chad Girly Man vs Virgin Domestic Abuser?

>the magnets on the fridge

>not cats

stop beating your wife?
or even better, don't start.


she wasn't always like that :(

Women being turned on by "masculine" men is why she gets her ass beat in the first place. It's not even "masculine" it's "retard whos aggressive and violent because he's a psychopath and can't control their emotions" women just can't tell the difference because the surface is all that matters to them. They think getting beat up is a form of dominance and get turned on by it... SO THEY CONTINUE TO HAVE SEX WITH THE PERSON.

Later she claims she's some kind of victim that somehow had no conscious decision making ability whatsoever and through sheer coincidence and no fault of hers ended up with someone who hits her. It can never be that she's attracted to men who hit people. She's incapable of taking responsibility enough to come to that conclusion.

Aaaannddddd I'm glad someone said it because I've been saying this for a while and everyone shits on me for it. They can't accept her ass gets turned on by violence. That's not an endorsement of violence either, which is what normies seem to think when I bring this up. It's pointing out that she can easily avoid the situation and just chooses not to. It goes against the narrative of shoving ALL the blame on the bad abuser guy and coddle the woman who basically just enables this bad abuser guy to keep being bad and abusive towards her *****AND EVERYONE THE FUCK ELSE IN THE SOCIETY**** with sex and positive attention.

Women breed evil.

>sex with a woman
Come on, it's 2018

>a whole 83 women
Science Nigger Science.

>asking women
They're lying. Women lie about what they want, especially to themselves.

>once i show my true form

getting beat up is dominance

recent natural selection via starvation of retards enlarged our brains but did not change their structure. girls never got forced into changing their patterns of partner selection

if you look at east asia, the girls there starved to death as often as the men. they, being forcd to choose reliable men, changed their brains via evolution (but not completely)

asian females are the only ones on earth that have some semblance of agency

It's true, but not for the reason you think. Women prefer betas because birth control pills put them hormonally into a state of simulated pregnancy. Normally, an ovulating woman seeks out an alpha for reproduction. But when pregnant, she seeks the physical security of family.

tldr: birth control pills make Stacy want to date her brother, not Chad.

>Implying this is even remotely true

>getting beat up is dominance

I know what you're arguing in the post here but I'll try to clarify, because we do agree, it's like dominance from the pure animalistic perspective.

The savage brute can't last in civilization. Women like him for "taking what he wants" but if his ass takes something that doesn't belong to him, he gets in trouble obviously. So dominance has to come from a different place, civilized dominance is being in control of one's self. She doesn't recognize that.

I find domestic violence not masculine. I also don't find it masculine to beat up your child.
It's just a sign for being helpless and unable to lead.

It's a very weird thing to see it advocated on this sight, as it's (stereo-typically) attributed to inner-city minorities.

That's what I'm saying in the post above you. One can still be dominant and not necessary violent. Violence in self-defense is the only morally okay violence, anything else is morally wrong.

Hey that's great feminists+ soyboy = no kids
Now if we can get all the leftys to do the same we win in one generation

OP says this because he is a retarded faggot who got brainwashed into believing what yids and their feminazi stormtroopers made him believe...







>STFU!... you are being retarded and it's a God damned shame because you are really pretty.... but because you are being such a retarded cunt... I'm gonna fuck your friend... because, even thouh she is uglier than you... SHE IS WAY COOLER THAN YOU AND NOT A BITCH!!!

>here is where the original bitch begs and pleads to let you fuck her instead of you fucking her uglier friend...

The Facts of LIFE!

Take the good and take the bad and take the hoe's (You)'ve [likely] NEVER HAD... the Facts of Life... etc etc etc yadda yadda....


>all women are /oneperson/
what kind of sexist crap is this?

oh, and you're the one being brainwashed into thinking women are desiring something and you want to be desired so you suck

>Believing what a bunch of females say about themselves
>No info about sample group other then hetero
Clickbait, propaganda, disinfo.

>female scientist
>incompetent research

What did you expect?

This means that fat cowards like me should be encouraging domestic violence so that more women will like us.

This has always been true though, woman tend to go to a sneaky fucker less threatening man after being roughed up by a hypermasculine on .

Is that really shocking?

Fuck u Sup Forums
You are getting me in trouble
>Keep saying to random people in public leftist bars while drunk "hitler did nothnig wrong"
>Arguing with muslims that approach me on the dancefloor while their girls shakes their asses infront of me "they are free to do whatever they want"
>start autistic screeching at 2 germans guys that are using muslim language like valllah, brüdi, chüsch... "your are german, start f´n acting like it" all while being at a kebab imbiss with my muslim friend that i know since childhood
f´n /pol you are gonne get me stabbed or in jail for hate speech, i am just a skinny nerd

>83 women
>further broken down to age, education, access to media and health
and lefties believe they are the party of science

>omg chad/tyrone beat the shit of me and left me with his kids
>i'll settle for a beta provider now :))

>some article by a faggot in (((the guardian))) or whatever
>actual opinion of women with naturally occuring hair color in real life

Whew lads

Funny. Everytime I hit it your wife seems completely sexully satiated?

Sorry I can't read dunerunes.

shut the fuck up

Dude what are you talking about? I Posted this so people can debate and not take it up the ass like yourself. I know how women interact, im a bartender at a nightclub in the bay area. Its basically a Mecca for feminist and SJW's. As i see it, they contradict themselves while drunk because their true selfs comes out.

My girlfriend likes being raped. She even has a video of her being orally raped by a black guy so I can get off on it

Most women abusers I've seen are beta cucks. They don't know how to handle anger with a woman and resort to hitting her. Seriously, always a loser. Chads just dump them and never talk to them again. That mindfucks way more because women can't reckon the idea that a guy can just forget about her. I'll ignore a girl for months and she still comes back. The chase is put in reverse. Girls want confidence and dominance. Don't believe what they say. What do they DO?