Was this the peak of black/white race relations in America?
Was this the peak of black/white race relations in America?
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I believe so. I think it started turning for the worst at the beginning of Obamas 2nd term. THat was before all the 'white privilige' and 'mansplaining' bullshit.
no, it's propaganda
Man on the right isn't white
No, slavery was.
Beer summit, with that ASSHOLE elites black professor that got arrested for breaking into his own house
1700s were
They've never been good but I'd say that maybe the late 80's to mid 90's? I was born in 1997, but I've heard that's when it was the best, and it makes since. That time period exists after the civil rights movement, and before the black activist hysteria of today.
that movie was trash
This movie series was based
Mel only fucked them white girls and he didn't fuck the nigger daughter.
The way it should be
everything before Obama and the SJW plague, also Mel Gibson is a cool guy, but he is not white.
>muh irish aren't white
they are the niggers of europe but come on
Mel Gibson doesn’t like niggers
Yes, but nigga was already too old for this shieet back then, stop it started declining
Before the bullshit went mainstream you mean. This kind of crap has been pushed for decades, the root source being the faggot kikes from the Frankfurt School.
It was impressive Mel is our guy while Glover is a commie.
No. This was.
I know, I was ironically larping as an eurochad. They can't stop accusing everybody of not being white while oxymoronically claiming the white people are disappearing....
killing mlk junior
doesnt get much better than that senpai
The 90s, it was the peak of wiggerdom.
thats lethal weapon 2 though
In lethal weapon 1 mel spends the whole time saving the black guys ass. And in 2 he saves his ass through the entire movie until the last 10 minutes
This duo was also a pretty fine example of black/white relations in the U.S.
He was born in the states
No, that would be pre-civil war
Like with any relationship, we worked best when we had a clear role and understanding of how we interacted with one another. Notice how few slave revolts are mentioned in our textbooks despite the long history of America before the Civil War
Only those with Anglo-Saxon blood can make the claim of being white.
the south immediately after the civil war ended
This. Obama actively made race relations worse by constantly siding with feral nogs like Trayboon Martin and Micheal Brown when they were blatantly at fault, among other things.
Every black civil leader wants to step into Martin Luther King's shoes, but they all seem to forget about his insistance that we, or at least blacks, can't let this become a "whites versus blacks" thing, and he was just as critical of blacks as he was with whites.
but what about the nordic and scandinavian real white gods?
they are going to be forced to start a crowdfunded assassination on you, but not because they are butt blasted about you not counting them as whites, but because you "mutt" must know your place (irony).
it was a forced meme that wasnt a reality. it was that late 80s early 90s bullshit where the studio audience goes crazy of a interracial kiss on a tv show. the black white relations where always bad they just didnt want to admit it. they were so determined to pretend that every one is the same they had to inject it into everything
food for thought as birth rates declined decades ago everything had to also be a love story in hollywood. every action movie every comedy ect even fucking horror movies were contaminated with that shit
Yeah right Jew. Stfu
you've got left and right mixed up again retard.
The most homely and wholesome bromance. Also pic related
No, this was
man ben's early works under his pseudo name sure were incredible. Some of it was extremely foretelling.
No, House and Foreman was.
>tfw when I'm now too old for this political shit in new tech world
Probably Scrubs.
Maybe 'This Is Us' can bring it back again? Adopt a black child anyone?
Bradshaw and Farooq when?
Sorry, I forgot about those guys, they're a good example too.
Pre welfare-state was best.
Beverly Hills cop
Stone Cold and Rock when Rock crossed sides too?
toot too toot-tu-tu-tu-tu
toot toot toot tu tu tu tu tu
tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>peak of black/white race relations in America
>two cops
>late 80's to mid 90's
Google LA Riots
>this was followed by Bad Boys and rampant thug culture
I want to go back
The peak of the slave trade
Makes sense the negro was always on about his pension like a good govt nigga
It was positive propaganda - Black family unit
Zimmerman was used to destroy this legacy by divisive media since people were being racist yet still able to work together to see they were getting fucked by the same establishment.
I am not a communist or a hippy. I just hate tyranny, ie corruption in authority.
Honestly if they started pushing more movies like this, buddy buddy cop flicks where both black and white men fight crime and work together, race relations would be better. Miami Vice was also bad ass.
No, this is.
Fuck the last 2 movies pushing muh south africa and refugees on us. Sucks being so redpilled.
The peak was when David Chappelle was on TV.