>Sup Forums says one punch man is bad
>unironically likes dragon ball super
what the fuck is wrong with board?
Sup Forums says one punch man is bad
>Sup Forums is one person
>>Sup Forums says one punch man is bad
>>unironically likes dragon ball super
Its called popular opinions and unpopular opinions. They exist. You might not agree with them. There is nothing wrong with this board in this regard.
OPM is entry-level, not bad.
And the Superfags only watch it because they liked the older ones.
Have you ever heard of haters?
This. Also
Baby's first shonen anime 30-20 years ago DB-DBZ
Baby's fist shonen anime now OPM
It's newish and popular of course it's hated.
Is this from that "green is not a creative color" thing?
Its where ever you want it to be from sweet cakes.
yeah, but seems is the entire board
of course, is cause Sup Forums hates what is popular
It became mainstream. Sup Forumsutists hate mainstream shit because they're insufferable cunts. Funny because they were fapping to it years ago when it was still mango only
OPM became too popular for some of Sup Forums and lacks cute girls doing cute things.
It even got a sticky when the anime was announced. Fucking hate hipsters.
>Sup Forums likes dragon ball super
DBS threads are basically containment threads for retards that even watch this shit.
OPM is stagnating, what was refreshing is only old now. Even Super with its retarded twists is less boring now.
But it has hot guys (and a couple hot girls) doing cool things. Isn't that enough?
This. Many of them don't even like it, either.
but we have three threads of that every day
how many retards are here?
>what the fuck is wrong with board?
Newfag ESLposters like you are the problem. Fuck off, retard.
>muh ESL
fuck off reddit
>implying entry level means anything
The saddest part is that OPM is objectively worse than Mob Psycho 100 but Mob gets talked about less.
>calls me retard for the source of the image
Try with another guy, you frustrated virgin
>Sup Forums is le hivemind
go back to fucking Sup Forums you cancerous piece of shit
Superfags watch it because they hate themselves. I dropped that fucker the instant that satan filler showed up. The thing before that was already difficult to plow through, but fuck me was that bad.
People who use this word should be shot and hanged. It's something 12 year olds with no understanding of the world use.
that's just a hipser coment. One punch man at least is fun, with good action and good characters.
People who think OPM falls on the bad side are a vocal minority. It may be overrated, but with its technical artistry, it is worth watching for that alone.
The people in the DBS threads aren't from Sup Forums and should probably be banned.
>superfags watch it because they hate themselves
100% true. Not a single person in those threads likes that show. It's only watched out of obligation and nostalgia. But it's also one of the most popular series of all time, so ofcourse OP is retarded and doesn't understand why it has multiple threads a day.
Also, I don't think anyone has really said OPM is shit.
But I'm on Sup Forums and shitpost in DBS/DB threads even though I haven't actually touched super.
Tatsumaki is popular on Sup Forums so no
and sdeath is popular too, and no one likes akame ga kill
MP100 has better action and characters than OPM
Because the shittiest character from DBZ, Yamcha is a better character and more relevant than Saitama that he even got his own spinoff.
You can't make this shit up.
nice digits.
YFW Yamcha could have beaten Saitama without even sweating before and now he became even stronger. Saitamafags must be furious as fuck and even argues the gag card eventhough Yamcha is the real gag character.
>muh powerlebels
DBZ is shit precisely because the characters are too strong. Martial Arts is completely meaningless when they can destroy entire planets with energy blasts, punching and kicking is a useless filler that you know beforehand won't get anywhere.
Using that argument, I REALLY hope you dont like OPM
Are you so mad that Yamcha got his own manga that you spout irrelevant shit to the discussion?
Read the webcomic. Saitama has been beaten already.
Mob is fun af, I rewatch that shit more than I'd like to admit.
Why do in all DBZ vs OPM debates. OPMfags always gets murdered horribly?
Anything that's popular is bad. DBS gets a free pass because of nostalgia
DBZfans = mature because of old age
OPMfans = bunch of prepubescent kids that gets easily impressed by a lightshow and repeated jokes.
Saitama is a far better character than anyone in dragon ballz /super. Saitama is like superman , He shares a hero nobility.
>DBZfans = mature
Stopped reading right there
>how many retards are here?
Spics and niggers are not people so they don't count.
>>unironically likes dragon ball super
I doubt anyone in any Dragon Ball Super thread even thinks it's good. It's watch only because it's Dragon Ball.
Why are OPMfags always butthurt that DBZ is more popular and not hated?
>Sup Forums says one punch man is bad
What Sup Forums likes or dislikes have nothing to do with quality of a show, it has everything to do with how popular it is with "normalfags".
This is the reason why this board is the most cancerous and pathetic board in the entire fandom, and the reason why I rarely visit here.
Literally the only reason for Sup Forums to exist is to shitpost and reply to said shitpost with one of your own.
>>Sup Forums says one punch man is bad
That's not true. I think OPM is not bad but mediocre and this is already an unpopular opinion here.
Sup Forums likes OPM, they just know it's not the greatest thing ever.
You're full of shit. Aside from the obligatory poster that seem to hate everything, Sup Forums has nothing against popular anime.
But when you have an almost daily thread that goes "I just watched Cowboy Bebop/Eva/Berserk and oh my god this is so good I want to talk about it." you don't get nice responses because nobody cares.
>Sup Forums has nothing against popular anime.
>Sup Forums has nothing against popular anime
Sup Forums has standards, that's all. Popular anime that are hated are hated because they're bad (at least in most cases).
>Sup Forums has standards
Are you trying to kill me by laughing
Compared to most other places that discuss anime on the internet, it's true.
>we have nothing against popular anime
>we simply have standards
You are so fucking fedorable
Can I put you on a shelf, pull the string on your back, and make you spew our Dawkins quotes?
You're saying that as if Mob Psycho wasn't.
What kind of standards does Sup Forums even have?
>Not a single person in those threads likes that show.
You're a fucking retard if you genuinely believe this
>Also, I don't think anyone has really said OPM is shit.
Then you clearly haven't been on this board longer than a month. Plenty of people have said it, because it's true. OPM is shit.
The haters are a vocal minority
Half of the catalog were OPM threads when it was airing
Same for Re:Zero
The exact same shit happens with every popular anime.
KLK was fucking huge on Sup Forums, but for a while after airing, it was plebeian and far beneath Sup Forums
OPM and Re:Zero are still in that phase: both saturated to FUCK with threads all over the place and Sup Forums generally participating heavily, but now that they're finished, there's nothing to directly cling to, and the rest of the internet still holds them in high regards, Sup Forums can't stand that shit.
I didn't use that. When I write 'Sup Forums thinks' I describe an observable tendency, that's all.
You're probably the kind of person that can't stand critics toward his favorite show and that blame it on "haters" and "hipsters", whatever they are supposed to be.
>most popular series of all time
That's not HxH
Fucking teetan scum.
Only like 10% of Sup Forums actually likes DBS while everyone else is enjoying the trainwreck. Same thing with OPM.
>We simply have standards
Trolling the fanbase is an Internet old tradition.
I really wouldn't put Re:Zero and OPM in the same category, if only because it's been a year since the latter finished airing and it still gets more or lesd active threads with minimal amount of shitposting every other day. There is a vocal minority calling it shit and/overrated asf but overall it doesn't seem like the negative (nor positive) reactions are nearly as extreme as they are for Re:Zero.
Action is one of the more objective facets of a show; characters, story and setting are all disputable under the realms of tastes, but action and it's energy is not.
OPM had much better action than MP100, MP100 cared more to illuminate it's story.
Tatsu gets thread every once in a while
I don't really keep up with this shit, who'd he lose to?
Mob was boring
I didn't even include myself in that comment. I actually don't have much standards, I eat shit and I like it.
Re:Zero is hated far more than OPM
Garou with martial arts.
Notice that in OVA 4 where Bang is beating Saitama. It's a foreshadowing that Saitama is weak against martial arts.
The fact that OPM's dislike has mostly simmered, whereas Re:Zero is more fresh pretty much aligns with what I was saying, though.
Time heals all wounds, and in that vein, time allows Sup Forums to stop being mad over shit being more popular than their own board.
Dbz and other popular shonen generals are containment threads, but these cancerous threads and the kids that post in these thread shouldnt have been allowed in the first place. Remove generals and see how these faggots shout. Unfortunately that wont happen.
He already needed much more than one punch against that alien guy. And now there's this so the next big bad may very well be a challenge for Saitama.
I think that's for the best because the 'one-punch' joke has stopped being fun pretty fast.
Re:Zero is a lot better than OPM.
Yeah they're both shit but the difference is one of them is obviously a kid's show and the other tries to pander to pseudointellectual faggot retards.
Come back when you've seen some good anime like Flip Flappers, kiddo.
call me when the blue maid slut has scat porn
OPM was at least enjoyable if you avoid talking about it with the fanbase.
Re:Zero is just bad.
>Flip Flappers, kiddo
literally airing right now. You're supposed to call them "kiddo" when talking about an old show.
urusai retard
That's one pitiful bait.
>OP posts a nonsensical strawman
>still gets easy replies
He was holding back against Boros
That's a big .gif.
Please don't be one of the Flopperfags.
Mob was actually a way better take on the same general idea but maybe thats because i can associate a lot better with an autistic teenager than an adult that feels unfulfilled.
fuck off kid
>muh gainax wannabe animu mutha fawcka *smack lips*
>implying gundam seed isn't the worst fucking show ever made and deserves every piece of shit it gets
Fun fact, in the first episode of Gundam Seed, they literally show the same exact piece of stock footage mecha fighting within 10 seconds.
but not bad
>on the same general idea
I think OPM is more of a satire and Mob isn't. That's a big difference
OPM have the worst fanbase. Even worse than Reee:Zero
I mean kinda, but Mob psycho 100 hits a lot of the same notes, and there's definite subsersive satireish stuff going on in it
The physical improvement club being one of the key examples