So according to twitter the New York Times is now run by le evul Nazis
Have we won yet?
So according to twitter the New York Times is now run by le evul Nazis
Have we won yet?
1) This is twitter shit posting. Why did you drag these idiotic twits into Sup Forums?
2) It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Globalist are pushing "Nazis". Nazis are a fictional creation of the Globalist anyway, used to scare Jews to moving to Israel - where the Globalist are going to murder them in WW 3.
Looks like a win to me.
Heaven forbid we treat people as having beliefs based on rationality and trying to figure out what their rationale is, even if it goes against our own world view! No, we must call everyone we disagree with a crazy person with no logic to their thought, that will protect us
>used to scare Jews to moving to Israel - where the Globalist are going to murder them in WW 3
But why would they murder themselves?
im a nazi and i have a stamp collection
not all us nazis are bad
nani?! could it true? globalists want to kill the jooz?!
What is all the kvetching referencing?
whats the original article?
It's afraid
lol.. doubling down on their lunacy the left is.
Ever notice how everything is just a thinly veiled justification for why they get to hold others to standards they themselves do not achieve, or even attempt?
>As a Jew
I'm shocked to the core.
"The Nazi Next Door"
I thought Vogue went out of business
She's completely correct. This can be used to argue against affirmative action.
Basically NYT had an interview with a "le ebul nazi" and found out he was mostly a normal person instead of a demon with horns and a pitchfork. Leftists are outraged of course.
>billions of sjw articles
>Sup Forums just laughs about it and moves on
>one "sympathetic" "nazi" article
this is why everyone hates them.
>the nazis lost, so they were bad!
finally the truth comes out
>humanizing the enemy is wrong
Isn't this the same crowd that cheered when Fonda met and humanized the North Vietnamese while we were still actively at war with them?
You dont get it do you, user? It's not about winning its never been about winning. It's about watching them crash and burn. It's about having fun.
Andy Richter is a big fat dildo. (((Max Weinberg))) was better.
You're alright, I can save my pesticides for now.
>herp derp everyone and everything I disagree with is Nazis, and therefore I don't even have to justify my arguments against them
>Be a conservative
>Get called a Nazi
>The left goes to all possible lengths to prove everything conservatives always said about "progressive" values is true
>Polarised political spectrum has "Nazi" traditionalists on one side, and batshit insane hysterical morons on the other
>Numbers of actual Nazis swell in response
>How did this happen? Must be Blompf's fault
They still don't get it. They drew a binary, shoved everybody they disagreed with to the other side of it and branded them all Nazis, and now they can't understand why there seem to be so many Nazis around.
Hell, 3 years ago I considered myself a social democrat. Now, the left has revealed the true nature of that ideology to me. It'd be *nice* if we could help people and provide supports, but given an inch, they take a mile and abuse the fuck out of the system. It'd be *nice* if we could have equal rights for women, and Gays can just become normalized, but they just become angrier and more hysterical with every concession.
So fuck them. This far, no further. Whatever society might've ever owed these cunts has been spent. Not an inch further. Not at the expense of the rest of the normal, hard working, 2-gendered, wife and kids, house, home and hearth society. We're still the majority and it's time we fucking acted like it. I was happy to let these people exist, so long as it didn't infringe on my basic culture and society. Well, they've decided it has to, they declared war, and it's time we accepted.
Am I a Nazi now, Sup Forums?
I wish I was living in US. I'd join a white nationalist movement and be their "non-white" ally just to spite those libs. Every race has a right to exist and race mixing is wrong.
Not until they say fucking COMMIES! Damn these normies to hell!
I love the checkmark outrage.
As if she needed an excuse
I can't wait for them to start trying to push nazism
The non-offending Nazi: "I'm a person not a monster!"
They're hateful bigots these Jews.
Even Andy Richter has become a cuck.
>Oy Vey shut this Irish goy down!
I love how American niggers think that they know something about nazis... so damn tiring...
Someone should really edit his tweet to be about separating ISIS from muslims
What we need to do now is imply that the jew york times are /ourguys/
How about marxists and liberals? They're the reason people are turning to national socialism. Hell, most of the psychos on the left have become marxists over the past few years, and marxists have killed far more people than the nazis.
this is where we pretend to be "concerned leftists"
we destroy the NYT and the leftists at the same time
we play both sides.
Get the feminists on board
"Wearing a swastika armband is empowering for women"
>moral absolutism
the absolute state of leftist (((intellectualism)))
You've got to remember something.
The left considers everyone who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton to be a "nazi." This includes black, asian and hispanic republicans. Even conservative Jews. We're all nazis because we didn't support the evil queen.
This is the chink in the Marxist armor.
Use centrism to discuss the basis on what is morally wrong to those who are morally bankrupt.
The people who normalized faggots and the such deterred morality.
Now we test their progressive beliefs and show them to be the hypocrites they are.
Tell them that normalizing kike hatred is the new thing
>we need to be tolerant of trannies and gays!
>but intolerant of people who like whites!
I laughed at the gooks post
These people know that Nazis literally do not exist in droves, right?
This Tariq Nasheed thing has to shut up. Hardly met people that dumb
btw back then the media didn't normalize Nazis, the Nazis nazified the media
what is interesting, its similar like in Naz Germany.
The jews are evil, so are disabled, gays etc. So you must get rid of them before they can destroy you.
The same with Nazis. And they decide who is a Nazi. A Nazi is who disagrees with them
We did it we took over the NY times. CNN is next.
Again, one of God's chosen people claiming that Jews deserve a special name for discrimination against them, accusations of which are to only be leveled toward goyim. You'll never hear them call Blacks antisemitic
Sean Hannity is propaganda bullshit
Sean Hannity is propaganda bullshit
Sean Hannity is propaganda bullshit
Why not join some nationalist movement in Turkey?
>The jews are evil, so are disabled, gays etc.
Disabled, gays, etc are just useless or degenerate, they don't actively subvert the rise of White culture
if I had to pick, i'd rather be a "Nazi" with common sense, than a "there are 10000 genders, transsexual politically correct unicorn".
Nazis aren't real. Bugmen spend too much time online.
The left realizes the more they say the word "nazi", the less people care, right?
There are no 1930s German socialists in America.
Heather Heyer was a 400-pound communist. The fact these niggers and leftcucks worship her like a saint is really telling.
Feels weird seeing tons of "adults" acting like mental children.
The exact same thing happened to me. They tried to push too far left too fast and it pissed people right the fuck off. Doubling down on this will be the end of them.
The slippery slope is'nt a fallacy or a meme it's fucking real.
Waste of quads but I got no problems with max weinberg.
Very well said user.
Another thing I've noticed is that the leftist articles screeching about this (and other things in the past) are basically just one paragraph, then like 5 retweets from famous shitlibs on Twitter.
It's literally just opinion-posting, and a middle-schooler could do it.
The fact that we got a somewhat sympathetic and not outlandish portrayal is a good start, and (((they))) know it, too.
But the resulting purges will only betray their zeal.
Unfortunately, these people hold power over the unwashed masses, who can vote
It's good that they keep referring to milquetoast white nationalists as Nazis. It will only lead to cognitive dissonance when they encounter people who are clearly not goosestepping brown shirts with NSDAP armbands.
fucking BASED
stop whoring for views on Sup Forums Tariq. It's all so tiresome babysitting children occupying the bodies of men
the gapping butthole of muh virtue is showing.
>"nartzees are really, really, really bad. I'm super against them. I fight nartzees.
nartzees are sooo bad that everyone should just like shut up already."
what is a good low key Nazi symbol I can put on my BMW to trigger liberals? I like actual metal insignia more than stickers so I'd adhere a small solid stainless iron cross or Tyr rune to the trunk face maybe.. anyone know a good source? I think the double sig runes might create more friction than I need...until Kristallnacht 2.0 at least
Bullshit they become corrupt Jew puppets. They're weak pathetic people.
Maybe a slightly modified/simplified version of an SS division symbol like the 1st or 6th or any other that isn't too obvious
if you like getting your car fucked up go ahead. ill fuck your car up slick. b careful.
Iron cross.
Yeah give us a reason to beat the fucking shit out of you. Have fun.
Based roach
More of us today than yesterday. More tomorrow than today. HAIL VICTORY.
Here's the deal. Over the years Jews pushed the anti-white agenda whilst at the same time most of the public saw Jews being white. Jews realised that with the success of white=Nazi and punching Nazis normalised they, now being seen as white, risked being punched too.
The new narrative to emerge is Jews are now again not to be seen as white by the public so they will not be attacked.
>woman who was killed in charlottesville
Didn't she just have a heart attack because she was like 300 pounds overweight? Hardly a murder
>how did we go from loving to defeat nazis to writing about them like it's no big deal
But not:
>how did we go from fighting against communists who were considered the greatest evil in the world at the time to embracing communism
until the NYT starts gassing people im skeptical although didnt they unironically love the nazis on the leadup to ww2?
>SS division symbol
good ideas thanks
Are they too stupid to realize that turning "anti-Nazism" into the most hateful and bigoted platform of 2017 is the main thing actually normalizing Nazis, or is it part of a calculated effort?
The one thing that gives me existential dread is what happens if there's a major Nazi movement in the US by 2020 and then the Democrats get a gal into the White House. I'd expect unironic death camps.
>when you win the purity spiraling contest you are the last man standing by default
any white people on Sup Forums today?
That is going to backfire so badly
Replace every instance of ‘nazi’ with ‘muslim’, that would be a liberal meme.
we are not nazis
nazis don't exist
To be fair, it's not like the New York Times doesn't have a long and storied history of support of Nazism and other European social fascism. The New York Times writing glowingly on Nazis is just them going back to how things used to be.
I may be wrong but it seems to me that they really didn't like that article, did they?
What a shame
This looks decent except the background reminds me of the Canadian maple leaf a little too much.. maybe I could grind that part away..
I imagined an Irishman standing at a podium passionately speaking this to a crowd when I read this, when I was done reading it I stood and applauded.
I'll side with Nazis over Shaun King and BLM any fucking day.
This, there arent any nazis, just edgy teens.
for people who routinely spout off about eschewing absolutes, straining nuance out of everything, and holding to ideologies that promote moral relativism,
they just have a cartoonish, childish view of whatever their jewish masters deem inappropriate.
NYT is extremely liberal, why the fuck is it conservatives job to clean it?
Anyway, it's funny to see NYT pissing people off because they didn't make out a WN to be a super villain
>all powerful and sniveling weaklings
Yes, weaklings that resort to manipulation. Most manipulators develop this ability to cope with their powerlessness. When their attempts to subvert a people fail, they are left crying for pity, or sniveling, like a cheating girlfriend being kicked out for infidelity.
>rapacious capitalists and left-wing anarchists
Yes, when an economy prospers, they learn how to manipulate the economy for their own benefit, at the expense of the population they rape.
When they are underrepresented, or have no economic power, they advocate anarchy, i.e. undermining authority so they can seize control themselves.
>The holocaust never happened but it sure was cool
All the exaggerations, out right lies, and ridiculous "survivor" stories, and holocaust denial persecution lead people to think maybe the Jews are exploiting "tragedy" for their own gain.
And maybe it'd be nice if they were just expelled, so the societies they inhabit can be rid of the cultural neuroses of the Jews and Jewish thinking.