Do those who were bullied tend to grow right-wing tendencies later in life?
Do those who were bullied tend to grow right-wing tendencies later in life?
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You tell me, nerd
people who were bullied tend to grow more extreme views in general, whether they are left-wing or right-wing is independent of that
I think that would depend on how it was handled by those around you; that is to say, were you coddled or told to man up and stop being a little bitch. For me it was the latter...and my experiences as a child did nothing but make me stronger. Bullying is totally normal and is there to force the weak or non-conformists to toughen up or conform.
>Do those who were bullied tend to grow right-wing tendencies later in life?
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>bullied soy
what he said
Your kind won. Good luck with that.
I wouldn't say being bullied informs right-wing/extremist tendencies but more if you were outside looking in for most of your life. Aspergers/autism and anti-social disorders are probably heavily related here. I never really was bullied growing up (who's gonna fuck with the tallest kid in school) but never liked being part of a group, definitely developed some form of aspergers at an early age like around 5.
It's a blessing really; lets you see things others can't. People suck shit anyway.
Doubtful, the left is full of perpetual victims. It's a good strategy to get people traumatized as a child and, have them vote for bigger and bigger government.
No, most soyboys types are leftwing. When I think back to the times people got bullied at school they were virtually all lefty fags as I seem to recall. Maybe that's what makes them think they're being oppressed all the time
lucky motherfucker
I think people who are "right wing" typically just have life experience. They've worked hard and then watched a massive chunk of their income go to Medicare/Medicaid/SSI (welfare). They've had their hearts broken by the eternal roastie. They've had to actually live among and interact with minorities - may even have friends that are minorities. As the saying goes, "a liberal is just a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet."
probably not, the left are the ones that tend to victimize themselves due to the fact that they were constantly in that mindset as a child
For the love of Peter, source on this dirty little whore
oh wait, you mean the one eating that dirty sock.
It's been proven scientifically, many times.. that bullied children tend to grow in to left wing views.
Go bait somewhere else.
Alpha males, big muscles, high test, right wing.
That's just good science
I was never bullied
I got most of my views from my grandfather
He was a simple man that just plain hated niggers and thought that a woman should never be president
God i wish that were me.
left wing = victim status
this is the result of being a victim
hence the amount of leftist faggots that cite their childhood trauma as their motivation
But user, I -was- the bully.
I got in serious trouble in high school for picking on the black kids and the school made me apologize to one of them on threat of expulsion
>me on the left
>>>implying that the term "cuck" isn't indicative of the right's massive inferiority complex and unacknowledged fear that "superior" males will fuck their wives
It depends on if they felt helpless to do anything about it. Kids who don't think they can help themselves probably grow up to love big government.
Uncucked kids would rather have the freedom to really retaliate. That implicit threat of violence causes civil society
Thats a lot of projection there m8
Cuck is used as a weapon because it has edge, because it holds true for the majority of leftists - you're weak men that would rather watch another man foster your culture / women
>be me
>elementary school
>bullied by richard (jew) and a few of his friends
>form early version of safety squad to patrol playground
>call eachother knights, we bully richard and his friends
>force them out of about 80% of the playground, confined to jungle gym
How did little me do? I was also the only student to comprehend having leaves overlap in a art picture we did.
I did because I grew from my experiences
If you are not left wing when you are young, you have no heart. If you are not right wing when you are older, you have no brain.
Lefties get into power and make promises that they know damn well they can't keep, but as long as it gets the magical thinkers out there to vote for them they will do it. The problem starts when the magical thinkers suddenly grow a brain and realize that they have been getting jewed around their whole lives and start to vote to get what they were promised. And that's why I voted for Trump.(I'm actually doing really good, but I still just can't vote for a lefty ever again. Damned liars, the whole lot of them)
I was sort of bullied as a kid, but I fought back on most occasions and used my anger as a tool instead of trying to be the "good boy" that I was supposed to be. I had some liberal views as a kid and still am quite the libertarian, but I will never vote left again in my life. Don't get me wrong, the right has it's own issues too. But the left is just fucking crazy now so far as I can tell.
The boys who got bullied worse than me all ended up wither dead or crazy in the end.
When your a kid who is being picked on and bullied, and you finally have that moment where you snap...there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING more frightening and exhilarating as the moment after you threw that punch at the bullies face and felt your fist connect with it. Standing there and seeing the look in their eyes when they wipe their nose and jaw and see their own blood on their fingers is one of the supreme rituals we all should be fortunate enough to go through. Unless the bully is some wild pavement ape, they immediately lose the tough guy feel they had and suddenly they are scared shitless of you. You stuck back; you hurt their ego and body. Goddamn that felt good.
To the extent that you can attribute being "left wing" or "right wing" to some aspect of your upbringing is primarily a reflection of your relationship with power, i.e., your father. People who resent that figure in their life ("fuck you dad!") tend to be "left wing".
I was a massive kid, taller and doughier than the rest. I was never bullied, but I was constantly accused of it, found myself in the principals office on numerous occasions. Just because kids tended to fall down when we played. Raised by my mom, who dominated my weakling cuck stepdad. She would give me shit for my heavy footsteps.
The whole world was telling me to be quieter, be meeker, be smaller. My dad was a stern Judgemental man, but in the divorce I didn't get enough of that medicine. Poppop was a big influence, like a previous poster said.
I'm not saying that my ideals aren't deviant, or that something didn't go wrong in my upbringing. But being counter-dependent and deviant in this timeline is obv. the correct way to be.
I've never been bullied, but if that's what it involves, I missed out.
I think its more like if you have something wrong with you it either motivates you or makes you look for excuses everywhere.
I was bullied throughout my entire elementary, middle and high school experience.
I think it really drives me though, a lot of the folks that bullied me are fucking losers now.
I also got bullied/beat up by black kids from the city predominantly, I was a soft target, very pale red hair, frail due to a genetic disease. I had to learn fast the behavior of blacks and low iq whites.
In the end, as I look back on it. Bullying is what gave me ambition to succeed and "do better" then them. I am thankful.
I grew up in a "black neighborhood" and was "bullied" by blacks because I was white. Made me realize how bad it is when whites become a minority so it was an easy for me to support identitarianism, National-Socialism and Ethno Nationalism.
No. I was weird, but an athlete and an perpetual observer.
I'm also half Cuban, so listening to stories of abuelo walking home from work to his 2 bedroom apartment with 5 kids and being grateful for it were moving.
We already had this thread and everyone concluded you're projecting, OP. Tell us how old were you and what happened, buddy?
I was never bullied but I’m pretty lonely. I’ve never really fit in with any group
It can go either way
See: soyboys
I was reading some thread about gamergate and found this. Makes sense.
Same reason btw.
oh yeah and when i call someone a nigger it's because i'm actually a nigger :^)