Post smiles that Sup Forums failed to protect.
I'll start.
Post smiles that Sup Forums failed to protect.
I'll start.
Other urls found in this thread:
gif,webm, sound?
You post this shit everyday, fuck off already.
I miss her so much
stop reminding me of this.
Why didn't you save her?
Fucking Nagito
Was it because she couldn't finish the Rubik's cube?
This should have been the first post
These. I'll never understand Sup Forums's fascination with OP's porn. It's not unique to hentai even remotely.
You vanillafaggots will never get it.
I watched it though. Wouldn't it be vanillafags who get triggered by it and THUS understand the meme?
maybe it's my fault. I watched it way before Sup Forums made jokes about it and I only paid attention as it was dying down.
Op pic didnt make me rage as much as Kuroinu. Chloe was the worst for me
I really wonder if this old fart was really bored to do all the shit he did
I don't get it either.
Well for the most part it has everything you could really ask for in a good hentai as far as the basics go: animation, clean art, good VAs, extremely beautiful character designs, simple plot that revolves around sex so you get a lot of action no BS porn story that takes up 60% of the episode. It's pretty great! Definitely my favorite.
I am pretty sure /h/ and Sup Forums only care about pic related smile being protected.
I would protect that precious smile at all costs!
Is the game translated?
Not yet. Hopefully some day it'll get translated, it's really fucking good!
So many good scenes in it!!
One of the few times the anime is better than the source material, it seems.
What a qt, source? Please don't tell me she suffer
I forgot, which episode does she break in?
>implying Guts would ever have become something without his help
You had to remind me, huh?
A woof woof here, and a woof woof there~
Fuck off you samefagging, banevading piece of shit
Only one crossboarding autist spams this shit
Nagito didn't want her to die, it was Hajime who had to ruin everything
Cute semen demon.
NO, Piece of Crap
Stop banevading.
Nagito did everything in his power for her NOT to be picked.
Fuck off back to
A smile we ALMOST failed to protect
You have to go back, reddit.