It's pretty clear that the term "antisemitism" was created by the Jews to psychologically project their own racism onto the gentiles. In reality no group of people on the planet are more racist and hypocritical than the Jews yet they are the only people who have a special term to describe racism/bigotry directed towards them in particular.
Jewish race vs human race.
November 25, 2017 - 11:57
November 25, 2017 - 12:00
November 25, 2017 - 12:03
This really activates my almonds.
November 25, 2017 - 12:06
November 25, 2017 - 12:08
Documentaries exposing zionism
CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli /watch?v=y0J0qzGQvVg
Israeli settlements, /watch?v=E0uLbeQlwjw
The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary) /watch?v=wA1lDow-0rk
Israel Lobby /watch?v=Fu_WEG0HXm8
The Israel Lobby's Impact on /watch?v=w0LyN3ERpxo
Documentary on Israel / Palestine - /watch?v=YuI5GP2LJAs
The Pain Doesn't Go Away - Rachel Corrie's Parents on RAI (1/3) /watch?v=95vzQGGxmfE
November 25, 2017 - 12:09
November 25, 2017 - 12:10
November 25, 2017 - 12:10
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers: > /watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race: > /watch?v=bOgkGzMdieI
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade: > /watch?v=q6c_dinY3fM
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained: > /watch?v=xnqIj8C2Aek
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism: > /watch?v=VggFao85vTs
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis: > /watch?v=IfCOO7Z39j0
White Genocide is real - In their own words > /view?i=aec_1508296335
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov: > /watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA
also see
The facts about slavery in North America: > /watch?v=b5tci36bNjg
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: > /watch?v=hvNNtBmA3SQ
The Jewish role in the porn industry: > /watch?v=gwd_Iofr6ZQ
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52) > /kPdxhLUKZYM?list=PLo0ThsDnveH5nv5TNviBrGTX9P6IrYfIe&t=412
The Holocaust: > /watch?v=tPc899uUb-A > /watch?v=jgGP_evkvOk > /watch?v=Ae_WSV4n-u8
November 25, 2017 - 12:11
Pretty much. Notice how they call us inbred rednecks? Really they're the most inbred people on earth along with their Muslim cousins.
November 25, 2017 - 12:11
You semite-sympathizers disgust me
November 25, 2017 - 12:12
judeophiles (most of the globalist whites) are worse
November 25, 2017 - 12:13
Jews deserve to die with the rest of the white trash in the world.
November 25, 2017 - 12:16
አይሁድ ከአረማውያን ጋር ጨዋታዎችን እየተጫወቱ ነው.
November 25, 2017 - 12:17
Jew detected, what are you doing in Australia goyim?
November 25, 2017 - 12:19
November 25, 2017 - 12:20
I'm antisemitic because i am the kind of goyim they really hate.
November 25, 2017 - 12:20
Hitler embraced the term anti-Semitic and was talking about the anti Semitic movement fondly
November 25, 2017 - 12:28
The jews are not even hypocrites because they know exactly what they're doing and do it intentionally.
November 25, 2017 - 12:29
You live in Toronto, right?
November 25, 2017 - 12:29
It's counter semitism now goyim
November 25, 2017 - 12:31
What fucking language is that
November 25, 2017 - 12:31
Amharic (Ethiopian I think)
November 25, 2017 - 12:34
November 25, 2017 - 12:35
ዓለምን ለማስተዳደር እና ለአህዛብ ባሪያዎች እንዲሆኑ.
November 25, 2017 - 12:39
November 25, 2017 - 12:44
November 25, 2017 - 12:45
That bitch has the face of evil.
November 25, 2017 - 12:46
November 25, 2017 - 12:50
>because Jews are subhuman bloodsucking scum.
November 25, 2017 - 12:52
The jews don't even hide their racism towards gentiles but if you try to point it out they label everyone else anti-Semitic/racist.
November 25, 2017 - 12:56
>Hitler was so fucking right it hurts.
November 25, 2017 - 12:56
Racism is only possible from White people, goyim
November 25, 2017 - 13:00
November 25, 2017 - 13:07