Why is there so many Americans larping as nazis on Sup Forums?

Why is there so many Americans larping as nazis on Sup Forums?

It's one thing to be a American white nationalist but a anti American Hitler loving nazi larper? You shame this country and the people who fought and dead for it..

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It's only a very small percentage of nazi posters that take it seriously.

They're overcompensating for being majority non-white? We fought the Nazi's to save our nation, a continuation of a European war that had been going on for 1000 years. Americans butted it and made us all take refugees.

>Not realising that hitler was right and did nothing wrong

Americans who fought in WWII literally shared more in common ideologically with the Nazis than the current ideological strains which dominate America right now.
Hell, if they lived in Germany pre-1939 they probably would have really fucking liked it.

>It's one thing to be a American white nationalist but a anti American Hitler loving nazi larper? You shame this country and the people who fought and dead for it..

They also fight communism and multiculturalism.

Fuck off kike

>a continuation of a European war that had been going on for 1000 years
you've been at war with germany since before norman conquest of england?

I'm cool with white nationalists, and I'm cool with Nazis (but the gibs and big government are concerning), but combine them and you get a hotbed of schizophrenics and FBI plants

>Americans who fought in WWII literally shared more in common ideologically with the Nazis
History revisionist, Americans were never for socialism or a big federal government ruling over them.

T. stormfag

Normans fighting Saxons fighting Danes fighting Goths fighting Germans?

Ope looks like we have another disciple of Sven Jewbergs indoctrination/propaganda campaign. Saving Private Ryans shekels. You are pathetic OP if you cant realize at this stage in the game that the Germans under Hitler were against the usury of the central banks, preserving white traditionalism and culture. As european countries/cultures around the world are being genocied you are playing the We Wuz Kangs ( amerimutt version)card. Seriously kys, one less bullet when the day of the rope comes.

Ashka-nazi. Do they even know? Lol

Except after Abraham Lincoln that's pretty much what the country has functioned like.
America had eugenics programs in the 1930s.
Americans supported FDR who actually favored a MUCH larger government than Hitler did.
There was a poll during WWII which showed that 90% of respondents would rather lose the war than give American negroes full equality.

>preserving white traditionalism and culture
Because of Hitler and Nazis is the reason we don't have that anymore.

Can you just not ask rhetorical questions and post more pics of women with high hip to waist ratios?

The elites of this country spit on the very idea of blood and soil because it is convienient and because they never gave a damn anyway. It was a longstanding Jacksonian meme that fell out of fashion with the zogifacation of America (making it Weimerica). They also permit every systematic abuse manipulation that the financial sector and monetary powers force on common citizens here, and also on the rest of the planet. They are neoliberal pieces of shit, disgracing the sacrifice of my ancestors with every continued breath. I am certain that if my great grandfathers saw Weimerica they would LARP as Nazis ironically on image board sites and social media outlets that are propped up by pedophile rings too. They would show us all what peak post-irony looks like. Layers and levels of irony that mystery meat brainlet burger faggots like you couldn't even comprehend.

Why do you assume Nazis hate America?

why are you larping on Sup Forums as a kike lover?

There are no American Nazis. It doesn't exist in any real sense. Fucking propaganda.

They weren't for bombing random shitskins and their pre-teen descendants twerking to Rhianna at faggot pride parades either though.

I don't mind hitler myself, but for america, I agree. natsoc can never be copy pasted from germany to the US. we should revive our own form of natsoc, pic related

You're a fucking autist who thinks a piece of paper is more important than your own (white) people.

Heil Hitler

Fuck off, nigger. Go suck some Israel cock like a good american.


>And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Compexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
Benjamin Franklin

>It will probably be asked, why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the State, and thus save the expense of supplying by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep-rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions, which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.
Thomas Jefferson

Let the cunts and niggers to believe they are equal to white men, but when a serious war starts, send them to fight.
If Russia invade Europe, people will take the arms to support them. Nobody like the unelected communist kike bureaucrats who oppressing us for decades.

If they knew the Jews were behind it all they wouldn't have set one foot on Normandy beach
Heil Hitler

Shut your fucking mouth bong.

You had 20 offers of peace from Hitler. You rejected all of them. You started the bombing of civilian homes by night. Hitler considered the British as equals and did not want to war with you. Your Jew backed Churchill didn't even care about the Nazi party, he simply wanted to stop Germany becoming a super power.

Never talk like that again you limey cunt.

you do realisise that "nazism " is an ideology right anybody can be nazi you fucking kike

most nazi posters are just israelis hiding under the memeflag.

ironically, a lot of them aren't even joking. idk what's happened in israel but they seem to hate the roaming ashkenazi jew just as much as the rest of us.

>made us all take refugees
now now. taking millions of refugees helps prove you're not a Nazi; amirite?


Because i was not born in america, nor have lived here most of my life, nor am i an american. Just happen to live here, gtfo as soon as possible

You people are fucking disgrace to this country. You're like father in Wolfestein 2 who sold his country,family to the nazis, you probably stop speaking your mother tongue and start speaking German if the nazis won. This is the main reason why the alt right lost. Jared Taylor is different from you nazi larpers because he centered white nationalism with the first European settlers and founding fathers. Fuck you Hitler loving traitors

>The National Socialist German Workers' Party
I'm out

sports bras and boyshorts are hotter than "sexy" underwear. prove me wrong.

actually it's you that is shameful. You swallow the jew lies hook line and sinker. Research our own history, research how the jew traitor Roosevelt illegally waged war against the Germans and then allowed Pearl Harbor to take place in order to coax us into war against the Germans who the American people before that point overwhelmingly supported

How the fuck did you make it past the captcha?

America is run by jews

pic related, the top 50 American billionaires

>Why is there so many Americans larping as nazis on Sup Forums
yeah, we are all larping kike



every single one of these people is jewish

>Why is there so many Americans larping as nazis on Sup Forums?
Because Jews came to this country after the war and have spent 70 years tirelessly proving to us that Hitler did nothing wrong.

America is a country created and run for the benefit of jews.

America is how jews project power around the world
The soulless consumerist corporate lifestyle, the mass immigration, the faggotry and LGBT shit, the destruction of the traditional family unit...etc. all of this is the jewish plan for society implemented and constructed in America, and then exported around the world

I'm a Jap American. My grandpa got interned and had everything stolen from him and never finished med school. Then died a few years before they paid out the victims.

Nazi larping is awesome.


pic related is what a jew-run society looks like

>You shame this country and the people who fought and dead for it..

Like 70% of the American soldiers who fought in WWII were forced by draft. And 99% of them didn't want any war with Germany because much of America held similiar views to the Nazis. The Nazi party actually had ridiculous amount of backers from America, some of them extremely wealthy.

Henry Ford said this a hundred years ago. Nothing has changed.

>You shame this country and the people who fought and dead for it.
I think you mean people who fought for the jews.

George Patton was literally talking about how honorable and upstanding the German people were, and how we should have teamed up with them against Communism instead. Shortly before he was killed off

>much of America held similiar views to the Nazis
You're retarded. Americans at that time valued freedom as they do now. Fascism never gained any popularity in North America, it was always just a sideshow. How many people do you really expect to be so stupid they would prefer to lose their liberties?

into the pit with you....

America was already controlled by ZOG during wwii, "so fighting for america" was actually anti-american.

>And 99% of them didn't want any war with Germany
and this is the exact reason Jewsevelt and his goy ally Churchhill took the steps to ensure that Japan would attack the U.S. and they could entrench the U.S. in the war against Germany despite the fact the public was 100% against it. Their plan basically forced the Japs to attack and it was all so we could go to war with Germany formally because Jewsevelt was beginning to draw the ire of not just powerful wealthy but the U.S. populace with his shadow war against Germany

>how we should have teamed up with them against Communism instead
He wanted to use ordinary German POWs as soldiers for the Western Allies against the Soviets.

That's not the same thing as teaming up with the Nazis.

fuck you retard. see pic related and

> American
> Nazi
Why would brown people be nazis?

Fuck off kike. Anyone proud of what America's become belongs in a gas chamber.

CIA operation mocking bird

wouldn't it be a real plot twist if around 1929, a columnist for Haaretz wrote an article about 'The Nazi's', referring to the Ashkenazim who were not Orthodox Jews, but the ultimate LARP'rs before LARP'ing was even a 'thing'. Let's say that hypothetically of course, that there is a rift between Orthodox Judaism and the Jews of the Babylonian Talmud; the Ashkenazim, where there are entire groups who do not believe in Israel as a product of God, but a product of mere mortals with a God-complex? that would be weird
>but no; when viewing the term 'Nationalsozialismus ' we use the 'Na' in National, and the 'Zi' instead of the 'So' in 'Sozialismus' because reasons n' stuff
>it is a sheer Cohencidence that there is a similarity between AshkeNAZIm and Nazi; amirite?




America was nearly as far right as nazi germany at that point in history
>internment of racial minorities
>eugenics program
>extreme nationalism
>racial discrimination
America had all of it.

The only reason Americans turned against Germans is because of a massive multi-million dollar propaganda campaign demoralizing the Germans and firing up the war fever

>Nice trend going eh?

>wtf? even the black guy1!?


You clearly have no idea what nazism is

youre so lost, goy

the kennedy's liked hitler, and you know what happened to that whole chapter.
liking hitler is apex american. (real american, none of that bullshit post-ww2 brainwashed boomer american)

Haha it's our meme anyways. We used it on these civic Nationalists. No American really wants that so it's gonna backfire on them like always. They're literally too stupid to create their own memes.

American racism doesn't equal Nazism. Americans then would never have tolerated the kind of policing Nazi Germany had. Even today's pussy Americans would not.

Authoritarianism is only one of the few aspects of fascism, you moron. I said similiar views, I didn't say 'exact' views. Much of America believed in the same things as the Nazis believed - in white racial superiority, white nationalism, the need for a white ethnostate, shared European cultural heritage and history, That's the reason why Roosevelt who wanted to join the war in the beginning couldn't do so and was forced to do all kinds of jewish trickery to make the Japs attack first in order to force America's opinion of joining the war. And EVEN THEN it was the monumentally stupid decision of Hitler to declare war on America that forced America to fight the Nazis.

Contrary to popular belief it was the Americans who invented the idea of race realism first (well, the Europeans did that first with the colonial period, but they didn't view themselves as race) and much of what the Nazis propagated was developed in America first. The notion that Americans went in WWII to stop the le evil Nadzees who eat babies and turn jews into lampshades is recent historical revisionism

you mean, American elites wouldn't have
Americans certainly would have


Hitler wasn't even a bad dictator compared to ALL the others throughout HISTORY. How about Mao? Stalin? Not a word.

So Why is Hitler always singled out?

Why do we always hear about the Holocaust and never about the Armenian genocide, or the Serbian genocide, or any of the other thousands of genocides?

It's because America is run by jews, thus we are programmed to feel guilt about the plight of jews

Wasn't George Lincoln Rockwell a WWII vet? Fuck off off with your "MUH AMERICANS FOGHT NAZIS" redditry.

>Americans then would never have tolerated the kind of policing Nazi Germany had.
like what?

The Jews focus what they want you to focus on.

>Why is Hitler always singled out?
I think your pic sums it up

oh look, another false flag attack

nazis never did that, right?

He's an idiot, it's a continuation of the Roman struggle, has nothing to do with "Europe", the concept of Europe is a joke, the Greeks and the Italians and the Phoenicians were the ones that built empires, the rest of Europe just stole their shit.

>fingernail scratches in concrete
it must be true, i saw it in that hollywood movie

why would hollywood lie about.....oh wait

>We fought the Nazi's to save our nation,
Yes. Sup Forums is this stupid.


>a leaf focusing on raping children...

did your history teacher ever teach you about anyone besides Hitler? I would be genuinely surprised if they did.

Hahaha, does your mommy help keep things tidy?

I was absolutely fucking bored to tears in my history classes all throughout highschool. 90% of the classes focused on nothing but the Indians, then the niggers, then the Mexicans, and lastly Vietnam as if we were supposed to feel bad or something. Like I gave a fuck.

You need to read this book. Irene Zisblatt actually pooped diamonds to save her legacy.

Lol. The funny thing is those scratch marks are fake as fuck. Just looking at it

What years did you go to high school? Was it a public high school? We went into more than that, but I went to quality Catholic schools.

Here's the true story:


Yea, she pooped out the diamonds into a group toilet like in the picture. Then dug them out, all the while SS guards were watching.

You can watch her full interview here:


Fuck you OP. This is not satire. Most of us genuinely like National Socialism.



It was like 2008-2011

Public school. Community College afterwards was pretty based, ironically better than the University I moved onto after that, where everyone was back to high-school level.
