Isn't it amazing how the Jews got the white man to not only fight his brothers (himself) but use his own patriotism against him in the future?
Isn't it amazing how the Jews got the white man to not only fight his brothers (himself) but use his own patriotism...
WW2, I fear, will go down in the long history as one of the biggest misunderstandings in US history
gas the kikes race war now.
I don't understand how you anons still think it's THE JOOOS that did that....
WW1 and 2 were meant to purge populations of primarily Protestant nations.
The Jesuits (in they're continuing Counter-Reformation) have gotten mostly Protestant Americans and Brits to fight against heavily Protestant Germany. The bombing of Dresden, which nobody knew about for decades, was a genocide of almost 100% Protestant Lutherans at 100,000+ plus lives lost. Was a complete civilian city and wasn't even a threat to anything, yet they purged them all!!!!
Russia, starting in 1917 revolution was meant to take over the powerful Eastern Russian Orthodox Church grasp, purge JEWS and Orthodox Christians alike.
People will view it differently when the last of those involved have died.
Who benefited from the wars and who continues to benefit?
The Jesuits have been plotting skirmishes with Non-Catholics for the Counter-Reformation for centuries. Nothing has changed.
Jews don't run shit.
Rothschilds, many of those which have been knighted and are Knights of Malta, etc. are not on the top of the Pyramid of Power, believe me.
Besides, Knights of Malta all serve the infallible pontiff, the Bishop of Rome, The Pope.
Some vets even think so
>People will view it differently when the last of those involved have died.
Hopefully in gas chambers
I consider it a victory if I can convince someone to be in the second block. It's better than blindly falling for the most crude and blatant propaganda
Too late to apologize for the middle east. You are the jews mate, your foreign policy and constant meddling in every countries affairs for financial gain.
whats this shit lately with burgers trying to distance themselves from jews? One cannot exist without the other.
Yes. Germans should have stayed in their nation instead of fucking everything up
If the Rothschilds are so powerful, why did they beg and plead and ask for permission for the British Empire to let them establish a Government entity on an area of British controlled Territory in the Middle East which came from the Balfour Declaration?
For all we know, the territory where Israel is located still belongs to the British Royal Family (just like America) but allowed some Aristocratic families to run the Sovereign Gov't entity on the land and rules those people and be the stewards of that long as it serves the interests of the Crown (which is ruled by the Jesuits).
The British Royal Family are the Arch treasurers of the Holy Roman Empire and through suzerainty are subjects of Vatican. USA and Israel, under suzerainty are subjects of the British Empire.
Explains why USA (big brother) always is lending money to little brother (Isreal), because that's what the Jesuits tell them to do via their Central Banking Warfare (Federal Reserve) System of finance.
No need to gas them.
>We need to stop Germany from taking back parts of Europe they owned 20 years ago and instead help the Soviet Union take over 3/4 of Europe for the next 50 years.
>Jews made Hitler start war with USSR, UK, Poland and France
god damn those Jews... one day they gonna pay...
You have it backwards. Jews made UK and France start war with Germany.
Russia was jewish owned since (((Trotsky))) and (((Lenin))) took over in 1917.
That generation of americans were complete suckers for government propaganda. Like they had literally zero capacity for critical thought and discernment of infomation placed in their movies and radio. Basically a step above zombie retards. Completely jingoistic retards led by the nose to their own peril to fight for the plight of The Jew.
At least now a days a small number of people are waking up.
White people are easily corralled if you inject shame.
Well, they were.
Not anymore.
I have what I think is an interesting story
I'm 36
>grandad was in Oswald Mosley's youth blackshirts, beating commies with bricks
>when war broke out, abandoned fascism and went straight into army
>failed in france, went to raf
>failed in raf, went to special services or secrecy or whatever the fuck
>post-war, joined Mosleys """Union Movement"""" which wanted a European Union with no national identities, just a sole European one
I loved my grandad but what sort of a cuck was he
>his brothers (himself)
Yes the jew is the parasite and the anglo the host, creating a powerful symbiotic relationship.
From national fascism to good goy to cuckold globalist.
Some people just do not like the taste of the red pill.
>the boomers parents were the most brainwashed generation to date..but it looks like the millennials are even more insane.
people are already starting
Just look at my shithole. Everyone's fat, lazy, and most are stupid. Nobody strives to improve their body and mind. Instead everyone is sick in their body and mind. We live in a dystopian world
but was getting caught part of their plan?
Go away ! Stop it!
>humanity was ever peaceful
think again before you talk
>implying the Saudi didn't create artificial conflict to drive away the inhabitants from above the oil deposits
naive as fuck, m8
Millennials have descent within them though. Even if 2/3 are left-wing cuckolds, the remaining 1/3 are what have given rise to the so-called alt-right, white nationalism, populism, etc.
The Greatest Generation were just one big monolith of good goys believing whatever the newspaper and radio told them to.
Alex the "never the Jews" Jones
I stopped listening when he kept bashing white people. Making fun of hicks and not niggers or anyone else?
And they will do it again too. Get ready for the rise of Civ Nationalism funded and propped up by Kikes as their shield against the Far Right.
>white guys
>a bunch of brits
They feel the need to say sorry for everything because of how imperialist they were.
>whats this shit lately with burgers trying to distance themselves from jews
Lmao, what anti-diluvian force-field do you project your reality from, sand-nigger?
The US has always been anti-Jew as fuck. The only reason we view Israel with any level of importance is because they literally rely on us for weapons, mean-while they supply us with intel, and they're situated right in the middle of the middle east.
>posting a picture of Menachem Mendel Schneerson
That has nothing to do with Israel, you cuck.
>implying that WW1 wasn't far worse
>implying that Cypher wasn't absolutely right
all the jews sent thier kids off to college
all the whites sent their kids off to war
you retard. your grandad understands better than you that the EU was about the only thing keeping europe from becoming a fucking powder keg and the only bulwark from russian expansionism (communism in his day) is a strong, centralized Europe. It might have been undermined by these elements but the theory is correct. It's also the only reason China and America haven't gone straight to a hot shooting war; they're far too economically dependent.
Unfortunately, you're dealing with people who are experts at infiltration and demoralization, hence your EU experiment was easily turned on its head to fit a globalist agenda.