Still think the GOPs tax plan is gonna do good?
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>Unmentioned, 37 of them were on our payroll! Silly us!
Science and numbers isn't a democracy.
No, its long been kiked up by the house and senate
I hope it fails so that GOPe cucks have absolutely nothing to run on
Hey you're not supposed to have internet in your cuck shed, Trudeau!
No-one not on the take supports the horse and oats theory.
Those are two entirely different questions, and I doubt economists believe the impossible. This would be the first time in human history that the public market outperformed the private market.
Are these the same experts that said if trump was elected themarket would shed two trillion?
Muh experts
why is she so hot, Sup Forums?
Are these the same economist that said that the economy under Trump would collapse
Are these the same economists who said trumps election would crash the stock market?
Our household income is over 200k, we stand to win big.
Obamaleaf’s right, this board is full of right wing retards who don’t give a fuck about facts
Fact is not consensus.
What do economists know amirite
Hey OP.
I tell everyone in my family and friends to vote trump.
I Also had a good time thanksgiving, we were all mad at the NFL because of there bullshit kneeling shit.
Thank You Faggot.
37 economists. Their are tens of thousands of economists in the country. A sample size of 37 can not possibly speak in a way that would ever feasibly be "unanimous" amongst the professions.
“Substantially higher” is a normative statement.
It doesn't need to lead to "substantial" it just needs to lead to some growth
So who was the guy that agreed?
The only thing Obama leaf is right about is that the stupid laughing girl image has managed to unreasonably trigger me.
Because they're not adding spending cuts, fucking idiots. And we don't need 60,000 troops in Germany
LOL right wing retards got played by a billionaire globalist conman from NYC
middle class gets tax hikes to pay for tax cuts for the rich
the richest 1% pay in a much higher bracket in much higher amounts. the poorest 20% dont even pay taxes.
This should be fucking obvious.
How are they in payroll?
Trump is literally Bush 2.0 but even worse
>substantially higher
Not even moderately or slightly?
Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach.
So out of 3800 you sampled 1% and that's enough to give confidence it's a bad idea? What? We have even more than 3800 economists?
Go to bed Koch
That economist's name?
Ronald Paulsen.
tfw Obama Leaf was right all along
god I love entering a thread and already seeing compliments
Kek. NPR
wait until tax time rolls around. IRS are telling everyone they are going to enforce the obammycare fine again now and will not be excluding anyone. Hows Trump doing now????
god I fucking hate it so much.
I congratulate you on that much at least.
>2017 + nearly 1 AD
Top bracket pays 80% of total taxes, so any cut will look massive.
Do you have any idea how percentages work?
They probably only surveyed lefty economists dumb fuck.
Oh this one is my favorite
Fucking muslim loving tranny loving pos!
>progressive tax system
>comparing savings by dollar value instead of by percentage
Can I get a similar graph for taxes paid? I think it would be very informative.
ty ty
I always appreciate honesty from a right wing retard
i want to see the world burn
cant they rush it already?
Are these the same economists that said Trump's election and Brexit would destroy the global economy.
Econ ba here.
Also built a fintech business / marketplace.
Now in consumer / durable goods.
Two things alone in the bills will make the economy boom.
Business Expense write down all in a single year.
20% corporate tax rate.
The rest is a lot of nice to haves and social engineering.
Who are the 20?
>38 economists
notice how its like 500 economists when they're trying really hard to push something
“Substantially” is the key word here... the other Jews may have just selected “higher” not “substantially higher”
Weak bait. Try harder next time.
Hi ObamaLeaf! How was the dog diddling today?
Of the 38 handpicked unnamed economists by NPR, only one agreed.
>10 out of 10 economists say the crash market will crash when Trump wakes office
>9 out of 10 jewconomists agree that massively cutting taxes for the middle class and corporations will have no effect on the economy
That would be hate speech
u retards took that Supreme Court decision way too importantly
i literally don't hear anything about it at all anywhere except Sup Forums
Triggerd cuckservative?
Of the 38 economists surveyed, only 1 thinks Drumpf stands a chance at getting elected!
Who are the *38?
>Not taking money away from people is giving it to them
No he told me he personally liked it. That's why I bring it up. It's just small talk bro.
>npr hates trump
>this is news
>Having taxes
O sweet child, how far it is you have to go
>He thinks corporations pay 20+% in taxes
It’s like 12-18% you LARPmonger
If u actually look into the GOP TAX SCAM, it's a disastrous bill. Jacking up taxes on middle class to pay for huge tax cuts for billionaires and corporations that they don't need. And jacking up the budget deficit.
>old as fuck
>shit liar
Trump is bringing back ANNUAL trillion dollar budget deficits
this is why right wing retards can't be trusted with money
u literally don't know what revenues are
>dat gif
>dat filename
Woah woah woah. These say two different things! Who's lying?
They are right. 40% of Americans don't pay tax because they are poor
It already is doing good. Way better than (((their))) stimulus checks, you fucking Faggot. I know people right now that are working for Shell, Exxon, BP, Sun Oil, and a handful of others that have preemptively initiated the tax reform for their employees. Get fucking rekt.
taking existing jobs and splitting them into two part-time jobs isn't job creation you idiot
FPBP- see you next summer, flagot
If they only pay 12-18% that change literally wouldn't matter. So who cares.
How did you get to 12-18%?
Write down that couldn't be made in that FY? See my first point.
They would have plenty of revenue if they didn't waste it on bullshit spending.
American hitomi tanaka is fucking gross
Work in corporate tax
>can confirm
They will now.
Poll take be the same people who said hillary would win?
Here is the deal, every so called "prediction" about trump has been wrong.
Give the people tax breaks, then cut cooperate welfare.
I just conducted a quick poll of economists I know and all 45 of them said NPR is jewish.
His is based on the House bill that passed already
mine is based on the Senate bill as it stands and as it was scored by the JCT
if u weren't retarded, if u were actually enlightened as I am, u would be able to grasp these subtle differences
Maybe one is over the house plan and the other is on the Senate plan
This. We need to clamp down on welfare and entitlements. Too much abuse.
>social engineering
Like what? Pushing business and immigrants into low-tax states?
>taking existing jobs and splitting them into two part-time jobs
u right wing retards know this never happened right? u absolute morons just made it up in your demented heads
The government should go bankrupt and die. Sustainability here means making you pay the governments debt, it means stealing from user to pay tyrone
obama leaf thinks tax cuts decrease economic efficiency, and that increasing taxes increases economic efficiency
poor obama leaf
anyway if the republicans actually cared about doing something useful, they would instead reduce corporate tax rates and reduce the costs of tax compliance by reducing the complexity of the tax code
but they are retarded, just like obama leaf
>the greatest president God's ever created
>hands bibi 50 trillion dollars
That's a nice sack of oatmeal you got there
>/fit/ is about those oats
Except Republicans blow up spending every time.
And if u weren't retarded, wouldn't the proper and responsible thing to do, would be to cut spending first, balance the budget THEN consider tax cuts (while still ignoring the national debt). Let's see Republicans do that.
No, they cut taxes, blow up spending, and then crater the economy.
Thanks for pointing it out. Whys the Senate's such shit then? Actually increasing taxes on the lower groups is retarded.
Is it going to do bad?
If not then why not cut everyone's taxes
every God damn time. FDR needed to have his opposition create term limits for a reason. if not. he'd still be president in a head tube like in futurama
Today I learned the United States only has 38 economist.