How the Hell do blacks find this attractive?

I've never seen this before and it's actually insane. What kind of idiot mutilates their body to this extent[minus soy boys] and walks around with giant plates inbedded in their lips?

I mean no wonder their average IQ is so low compared to other countries. I wonder why Liberals are afraid not to mention how Africans consider these body mutilations beautiful. They're literally plates

they dont, thats why the want white women

Even if that's the case, what kind of idiots mutilate their body like this?

Who knows? I don't find dogs attractive but they manage to mate with their own kind without much complaining.

niggers are idiots.
whites with tattoos are basically niggers too.

It establishes a cultural identity. It shows who's a member of the culture and who isn't.

it's a culture's defensive mechanism to defend the culture from other cultures.

Most cultures have some crazy shit like that... often a totally off the wall belief that is so unusual they wouldn't happen upon it by happenstance.

The Maui and their tattoos. Jews and circumcision, make up and Europeans... it's all to identify who is in the culture and who is out and should be shunned.

But ripping off half your face and installing plates.

Niggers are cool as fuck.

wtf is that?

There is literally no accounting for blacks. None. Don't look for reason where none exists.


Its similar to tattoos but less technologically evolved.

>Even if that's the case, what kind of idiots mutilate their body like this?

The idiots that don't realise the slavery days are over so they don't need to cut themselves up any more to avoid being put in chains. Mostly from other niggers. Basically

That's strange.


Lool the child is losing IQ points just sitting there.

why do white boys have small dicks

>This is how you know this child is mine.

Why be on a site like a stupid negro posting your insecurities? Why do black guys have a low IQ?

why does the nigger writing this care about the size of another man's dick?

They did it originally to prevent being sold as slaves, since they were so fucked up looking nobody wanted them and left them alone. The tradition then continued

You also misunderstand tribal man. He doesn't give a fuck about beauty he cares about having 10 kids so they can become warriors and support him in old age so the criteria for a wife is loyalty and fertility not aesthetics.

all the iq in the world isnt going to get you laid bitch

cos white boys need to be shamed for being such little dicked bitches

It's secretly a black guy who looks like this:

A female Orc incubating its offspring. 1951 colorized

>all the iq in the world isnt going to get you laid

Probably never got laid in his life

lol. You like that word don't you? Admit it. You dream about that word don't you? White dicks flying around in your head to and fro? When you can't fall asleep, instead of counting sheep, you count white dicks passing into and out of your orifices. It's ok, you're a nigger AND a faggot. Hey, at least you're not a kike...or are you that too?

two can play your game

This, he cries at night over.

My dood got da ill Swastika scars


Lil nigga like bitch you suckin on da wrong head...