Sup Forums's official YouTuber and top tier e-celeb comes out in defense of white people.

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Kill myself.


Nice video





He doesn't look white. He looks pretty nosey

This kike also posted a video saying anonymity on image boards should be abolished.
>half of the posts here will be meme flags
Goodluck my man. You really don't know what you're doing

never get tired of shitskins LARPing as whites


He looks like a nu-male.

I can't tell if this is a psyop or not. Guy in the video seeeeeemmssss okay, but OP is obviously shilling.

And it's really weird that he's in a sound room.


>When the Soyboy accidentally eats sum protein and the almonds get activated.

check his video titled "how to fix Sup Forums"
more like (((fix)))

wait thats a green screen

thats even weirder

hes not white

>Sup Forums's official YouTuber and top tier e-celeb comes out in defense of white people.

This isn't Styxhexenhammer666.

In a nutshell

Yeah, I saw some of his videos and thought he deserved some recognition and wanted to help him out a bit.

if he shaved his beard and combed / cut his hair right he could pass as hwite


He's literally wrong though.

I bet many "whites" see him as a "mutt"
Learn to bow your goddamned heads and respect a person identified with you cause, this will help you to prevent the fall of "the western civilization"

Go fuck yourself Poland, hope you get invaded by countless hordes of niggers, respect people sticking for your cause or be exterminated you arrogant son of a bitch. BTW slavs are not considered whites by nords and scands you nigger.

Stop shilling your shit here you fucking faggot. Someone's going to push your shit in if you continue.

Fucking witnessed how "impure mutts" are rooting for europeans, while the arrogant europeans would rather BE EXTERMINATED than to accept a new brother in arms....arrogance at his maximum expression fellows...sometimes I wonder why "mutts in America" still support those bigots....oh the globalist jewish menace is scarier...ok right.

>Stop shilling your shit here you fucking faggot.

eggxactly, user.


The guy was saying anonymity should be taken away because of (Russian) shills. Faggot.

based anthony burch


>23 subscribers.

Actually it is 29 subscribers.

styx isn't much of an ethnic guy user

He's in for quite a ride if that's his current revelation.

Eureka! The magic number attained. E-celeb status attained. Atta boy.

We know its you. Stop peddling your tricks, faggot

the mutt is a forced shill meme but a lot of my countrymen can't handle bantz so it's not gonna die anytime soon kek


We can handle bantz we just don't like the fact that it's used to represent White Americans, when White Americans have been proven to be ~99% of European ancestry by genetic testing. It's not that big of a deal or anything, I don't get pissed about it, just mildly annoyed, but that's a normal reaction to seeing people say shit that's been proven wrong.

Dont you realize europeans take this meme seriously? they want NN gone so they do not have to deal with "mutts"...and there we have you, rooting for them ,like a cuck, can't you see "the west" is gone? "the white man" is a myth. WE ARE what remains of the west, shartmart and mutts and all, but we are what is left! at least we know how to stick for our people! let them sink in their own arrogance, for them that meme is very real. Being a mutt is a fact we cannot change, but do not dare to justify or to stick on the euro side....they are begging to be destroyed while we the "mutts" naively offer our hands for help....

Charlie Brown