Degeneracy is a word you use to describe anything you're too much of a pussy to try

>Degeneracy is a word you use to describe anything you're too much of a pussy to try.

i enjoy crop dusting people at the grocery store. beer farts are the most effective

>Tfw I'm not tough enough to pour a jar of poz loads into my gaping boypussy.

I've tried all the drugs. They are degenerate.

No. You misunderstand masculinity.

>Already gassing people before the 4th Reich.


It's just a meme. Half of us are stoned right now.

Eat shit crowley fag, just like crowley did, literally.

Degeneracy is a word you use for behaviour that erodes civilization

Yeah, I'm sure you believe that.

Tell it to the San Fran men's choir.

Degeneracy is behavior that damages you physically or mentally and by proxy if many people engage in jt, it lowers the tone or quality of society as a whole.

You see how easy it is to define and how clear it is?

I bet you won't try taking hot pozz loads in your neg ass you pussy.

I bet you won't suck my shit covered girlcock PUSSY.

You wouldn't want to be a little pussy boy and not lick my hep c infected shithole would you?

>Entirely subjective arguments based on wiggle-words like "erodes," "tone" and "quality."

Try again.

All the things we call degeneracy are things that hurt people and the society they inhabit.

Even extended prison sentences are degenerate.

Corporal punishment, death, and short incarceration are reasonable. The nigger reservation needs to go. Bring back the firing squad

Weak refutation. Those are easily understood words. It's just very painful for you t9 accept that your character is flawed to the point it hurts everyone else

>Other people offend me by existing.

Massive faggot confirmed.

Faggots spread disease. They are primary spreaders of disease because they damage the tissue iof each other's rectums. They used to die, costing incredible sums of money in the process. Now it just costs an incredible sums over a long period of time.

If faggots didn't buttfuck, and acted decently, they wouldn't be degenerate.

Faggotry is often spread through molestation, so it's very similar to a disease.

>Humans spread disease.

Is there a point in all this or are you going to continue projecting how much of a closet homo you are?

I'm not offended, faggot. I treat you people the same as everyone else. With courtesy and respect. I don't know you, so I don't worry about you unless you get in my face and try to justify something obviously wrong.

You know this.

> Cultural/societal decay
> Subjective

Wew Lad do you masturbate to a picture of Jim jones every night because that’s some strong fucking kool aid.

No, it's a very clear point that I know you grasp. Your "argument" FOR practicing buggery, moleststion, and diseased promiscuity is what exactly?

things some people are too pussy to try:

>pedos enjoying sex with adults
>gender confused being straight
>fat people being skinny
>gay people being straight
>democrats listening to a republican
>liking white people
>doing research on the holocaust
>identifying networks of conspiratorial jews
>going to church
>taking personal responsibility
>thinking critically about minority crime

crazy how closed minded some people are.

It’s pretty plain for everyone who has read this short piece of you embarrassing yourself that you are actually the faggot and should be hung until dead. KYs faggot

>I don't like people that are different and stand up for themselves.

>I'm not offended, faggot.

Pick one.

>Your argument about a subjective topic is subjective, and is therefore wrong.

Well, what do you know? It just so happens that what's "good" for a society is subjective depending on who you ask. The problem is, if you ask most sane people they'll all tell you that your definition of degeneracy is wrong. Just because you don't think that anything is a net loss to society doesn't make you right either.

I see the fuher's favorite fuckboys have joined the fray. Do something about it, pegging enthusiasts...

>>Degeneracy is a word you use to describe anything you're too much of a pussy to try.
If that were true, then we would expect degenerates to be courageous and masculine, but instead we find courageous and manly men think more in terms of honor, duty, responsibility, etc; than in terms of pleasure, pain, desire, emotion.

Fortunately we can all be happy, once you realize that degenerates are more likely to kill themselves. You know what to do.

Ha, yeah, you can twist my very clear thinking around... good job. Still looks weak and doesn't actually refute anything nor does it advance your point.

It's clear you understand what I'm saying, but you are an apologist and are actually confirming everything I say, even the worst charges of pedophilia and disease spreading.

You call it "being different and standing up for yourself". You are certainly different. Different in that you are a detriment to society. Society wouldn't exist if your parasitic and corrupting influence tried to build it. And you are a monster for standing up for that degeneracy.

Learn to live better, don't defend a bad way of acting. That's crazy

>Implying there aren't differences between groups of people that make some spread disease faster and more readily than others.

yet they include so much and very by ones out look on them. try again fag

You can't refute that anal sex causes rectal bleeding. This is a main vector for most disease.

You can't refute that gay people disproportionately are polyamorous or sluts. You can't refute that gay people have disproportionately experienced sexual contact as children. You can't refute that a society comprised of 100% gay people could never exist or develop to modern levels. The opposite would be possible.

You can handle the idea that I can be civil in the grocery store, and just mind my own business when I see s swish or a tranny. I only express my opinion here and at the polls.

You sir are a faggot and s failure


No faggot, we are not submerging this discussion in deconstructionist semantics. You and I both speak English. You understand exactly what I say and mean. If I wanted to be laser precise I would clarify. Even an ESL student would understand what I say. It could be directly translated. What you say? No, it's a weak argument wholey built on implication and fallacy

Yes. I am a pussy for not wanting to cut off my dick, shove a glass dildo into the resulting hole once a day so the wound doesn't heal, removing clumps of hair from my would like a regurgitated hairball from a cat, taking hormones for the rest of my life that won't change my bone or facial structure but still give me feminine traits, and will leave me a deformed husk of a human being by the age I turn 30.

Wish I was more"brave"

>You can't refute that anal sex causes rectal bleeding.

Only if you're a total n00b. Rookie mistake.

>You can't refute that gay people disproportionately are polyamorous or sluts.

Military families exist too, ya know.

>You can't refute that gay people have disproportionately experienced sexual contact as children.

So have most southerners.

>You can't refute that a society comprised of 100% gay people could never exist or develop to modern levels.

Implying genetic engineering and digital transfer of consciousness wouldn't happen.

>You can handle the idea that I can be civil in the grocery store, and just mind my own business when I see s swish or a tranny. I only express my opinion here and at the polls.

You sir are a faggot and s failure

So you ARE a pussy? Gotcha.

Dude, I hope the faggot left for his own sake. I don't think even he thought he made any relevant points. That's gotta sting

>I don't want my argument deconstructed because then it's unveiled as the sophistry it is.

Yep, jokes and avoiding the actual central idea I am trying to express really makes it clear you can't argue and you know you don't have a leg to stand on.

Just sit down and really consider your life. Is it a good one? If so, why are you pushing for bad things? If it's bad, just do the best thing possible consistently and it will get better. Redefining bad actions as acceptable is not a solution. It's admitting utter defeat

degeneracy has become a word people without self control use to virtue signal to other people.

Spotted the kike.

Nope. I don't want a simple and easily understood rationality subsumed in questions like "what is IS?"

You may be well trained in trying to end debate by slowing it down to a crawl, mired in annotated sidebars and endless deconstruction of language, but I don't have to. We speak English mother fucker. Not lefty faggot.


You must be a big fan of Michael Bay movies, what with the typical (((Hollywood))) plots of good vs evil and all.

I'm fact.... "Degeneracy is...." was refuted in post #1 Or 2. You lost 20 minutes ago. This is just groveling and repulsive. Don't be mad you got schooled, just learn and be better. Never say that faggot shit again.


Or you actually did that shit and are disgusted you ever did.

Buying into the (((Hollywood))) and (((colloquially accepted))) definition of "degeneracy."

Another weak repost. Dude... so you are really committed to trying to superimpose your shallow interpretation of user on this user? You need to drop the "we shouldn't define good or bad unless it fits my narrow view" act.

There is a lot more clarity and subtlety to a lot of people's worldview than you want to believe. You're just kind of a shallow indoctrinate faggot.

I'll agree with that. It's a clear and nuanced understanding of a lot of the meme antidegeneracy here. I just can't abide the faggot OPs attempt to paint it differently

If I threw a coffee mug in your face, would you "abide" better?

And again, Sup Forums can't let go of things because of a mix of unironic authoritarianism and general "stop liking what I don't like".

Masculinity is overrated.

name 1 (one) successful libertarian society

>Implying genetic engineering and digital transfer of consciousness wouldn't happen.

Are you actually retarded? You mean to suggest that a society could develop at all, and then exceed our current level of technology— starting from nothing— before the first (and last) generation of 100% homosexual individuals dies out.

>You sir are a faggot and a failure
I think you might be projecting your own state of being onto others at this point.

This honestly.

Except for shrooms imo. I've learned a lot from them and would reccomend them to everyone atleast once

Liberalism != Libertarianism
Name one successful authoritarian society

You will reconsider that when you realize you are living in Weimar America. Degeneracy is like the consuming fire in slash-and-burn agriculture: by necessity it creates the fertile ground for fascism. If you knew better this profound fact you might work to stabilize society instead of feeding the next Adolf Hitler. Ge grows stronger with every indulgent hedonist relinquishing their duty to build society over short-sighted fulfilment of banal urges.

People's Republic of China.
Now your turn - name a successful libertarian society.

>Are you actually retarded? You mean to suggest that a society could develop at all, and then exceed our current level of technology— starting from nothing— before the first (and last) generation of 100% homosexual individuals dies out.

Not at all but heterosexuality isn't remotely needed once society has reached a certain point. Factoring in overpopulation, heterosexuality is what becomes "degenerate" over time, if I were to use the (((colloquially accepted))) definition.

More specifically erodes social cohesion which degenerates society. You cannot have a functional society of Aleister Crowley's

>Too much of a pussy to degrade yourself

Fucking degenerates.

Have you actually seen China nowadays?
That is not what I call a healthy society.

Degeneracy is an arbitrary and subjective concept, don't fall for the degeneracy meme.

I used to say we couldn't have a functional society filled with people who watch Here Comes Honey Boo Boo unironically but look at us now.

Evil is always evil, user.

>"The human being does not trust God. Tempted by the serpent, he harbours the suspicion that in the end, God takes something away from his life, that God is a rival who curtails our freedom and that we will be fully human only when we have cast him aside; in brief, that only in this way can we fully achieve our freedom."
>"The human being lives in the suspicion that God's love creates a dependence and that he must rid himself of this dependency if he is to be fully himself. Man does not want to receive his existence and the fullness of his life from God."
>We call this drop of poison "original sin". Precisely on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we have a lurking suspicion that a person who does not sin must really be basically boring and that something is missing from his life: the dramatic dimension of being autonomous; that the freedom to say no, to descend into the shadows of sin and to want to do things on one's own is part of being truly human; that only then can we make the most of all the vastness and depth of our being men and women, of being truly ourselves; that we should put this freedom to the test, even in opposition to God, in order to become, in reality, fully ourselves.
>In a word, we think that evil is basically good, we think that we need it, at least a little, in order to experience the fullness of being. We think that Mephistopheles - the tempter - is right when he says he is the power "that always wants evil and always does good" (J.W. von Goethe, Faust I, 3). We think that a little bargaining with evil, keeping for oneself a little freedom against God, is basically a good thing, perhaps even necessary.
>If we look, however, at the world that surrounds us we can see that this is not so; in other words, that evil is always poisonous, does not uplift human beings but degrades and humiliates them. It does not make them any the greater, purer or wealthier, but harms and belittles them.

>Degeneracy is a word you use to describe anything you're too much of a pussy to try
>posting a picture of a demon
worshiping drug addicted pedophile
lol ok faggot.

Name some problems with modern China then.

>eating shit straight from some guy's asshole is normal, the people not doing it are just too cowardly to try it

Our society isn't exactly stable, were pretty far into the kaliyuga

>Incredibly corrupt government
>Ruthless society lacking any sort of care for their fellow countrymen
>Massive pollution issues
Do I need to go on?

>incredibly corrupt government
The CCCP's only goal is to promote the national interests of the Chinese nation and her people. Far less corrupt than western democracies that sell off their own countrymen for shekels.
>ruthless society
Ruthlessness is required to survive and makes people strong. Overempathy is suicidal.
>Massive pollution
It's actually moving to India these days as China enters a post-industrial economy, but thanks for showing your ignorance.

Why is Crowley being posted so much lately?
Give me the Hermetic Pill.

>how about you try suicide shlomo or is that not degenerate enough for you?

I bet you're too much of a pussy to get your dick butterflied and have to dilate all day. I'll give you the chance to prove you're not.

>networks of conspiratorial (((badbois))).

You mean like pharma and the MSM? We've identified the MSM ones and it didn't do much.

i'm not going to eat my own feces crowley

> Far less corrupt than western democracies that sell off their own countrymen for shekels.
It seems you haven't seen the routine purges in the Chinese communist party.
>Ruthlessness is required to survive and makes people strong. Overempathy is suicidal.
Spoken like a true basement dweller.
When your pit your own countrymen against each other, you get a dysfunctional society.
>It's actually moving to India these days as China enters a post-industrial economy, but thanks for showing your ignorance.
That doesn't refute that China is not a polluted hellhole at all.

"Degeneracy" and "societal obligation" are psy-ops by (((them))) to stifle human discovery, both scientific and spirtual. Sounds a lot like Rand, right? Well that's where you're wrong, user because everything dude's about is summed up in "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." People tend to leave the last part out because they're autists and believe the coprophagia and pedophilia rumors (((they))) spread.

Ain't shit wrong with Crowley.

>routine purges
Good, the corrupt and incompetent should be removed, only the best are fit to lead the nation.
>when you pit your own countrymen against each other, you get a dysfunctional society
The West has literal Satan-worshippers and transvestites openly praised on the streets, favors negro criminals over enforcers of the law, and is currently trying to demographically replace itself with Africans and Arabs. We don't have a lot of room to speak about "dysfunctional society".
>China is a polluted hellhole
That's simply because it just went through industrialization. Britain and Germany suffered the same problem during the 19th century, but have mostly recovered from pollution. So will China.

>fallacious statements like these are meant to stigmatize and shame those who don't agree with them and increase the likelihood they will later, it is a common ploy of leftist socialization

>The West has literal Satan-worshippers and transvestites openly praised on the streets, favors negro criminals over enforcers of the law

You say that like it's a bad thing. You're going to be in the dirt in the next half decade or so like the rest of us. I'd rather go down listening to Mayhem with the nigger tranny Satanists than listening to The Bee Gees with the Whole Milk Drinking Brigade.

Crowley used the word vulgar as opposed to degeneracy.

>b-but eating your own turds isn't kosher rabbi.

>Good, the corrupt and incompetent should be removed, only the best are fit to lead the nation.
You admit then that China is corrupted as fuck, then? Because what I'm seeing is corruption being purged, and it does not seem to be nearly enough.

>The West has literal Satan-worshippers and transvestites openly praised on the streets, favors negro criminals over enforcers of the law, and is currently trying to demographically replace itself with Africans and Arabs. We don't have a lot of room to speak about "dysfunctional society".
Literally "stop liking what I don't like".

>That's simply because it just went through industrialization. Britain and Germany suffered the same problem during the 19th century, but have mostly recovered from pollution. So will China.
Or they could have learned from EUrope and gone through industrialization without making their air a mess, their rivers on par with India.

>You admit then that China is corrupted as fuck
How exactly is China corrupt?
>"stop liking what I don't like"
This is the exact logic used to justify saying that China's society is dysfunctional.
>gone through industrialization without pollution
The government was different back then.

>You're going to be in the dirt in the next half decade or so like the rest of us
There is not going to be an apocalypse in 5 years conspiratard.