The next non-Republican President must set an agenda to eliminate conservatism in America...

The next non-Republican President must set an agenda to eliminate conservatism in America. This can be done in several ways.

1) Economically devastating conservative people. Remove their jobs. Wreck their infrastructure. Nationalize their businesses and redistribute the savings of the leeches back to funding the establishment of minority/refugee communities in rural areas.

2) Remove any media presence of their POV. Deny licensing to media outlets owned by their companies. No more Religious radio/TV. Use the lack of Net Neutrality to make ISPs pull their websites.

3) Reeducate them. Rig elections to remove them from any power.

Conservatism is a disease and the next President needs to be the chemo. Playing nice doesn't work. It's time to get even.

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sage pinko slime


I'm Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance and I would like to talk to you about racial differences in intelligence. I realize this is an unpleasant subject. Even if different races have different average IQs, why talk about it? The truth is, whites have to talk about it if only in self-defense. In America and in every other majority white country if non-whites - especially blacks do not perform at the same level as whites the inevitable explanation is white racism - it's our fault. But what if on average people of different races don't have the same IQ? Differences in intelligence are a big part of why some people do better in life than others. Could it be that blacks do poorly in school for example not because schools are racist but because on average, they are not as smart as whites? If that's true, it may not make much sense to try to narrow the racial gap in achievement. Instead maybe we should be trying simply to improve the performance of all children and not worry about it gap? So what's the evidence for racial differences in intelligence? Actually, that's the wrong question. The right question is why would anyone think blacks and whites for example have the same average level of intelligence? There are certainly smart blacks and stupid whites, but why would anyone think that the people who live in the Congo are just as smart as the people who live in Sweden? Before black Africans had contact with outsiders, not one African society had invented the wheel. No blacks had a written language or a calendar; no blacks had built a two-story building or a mechanical device or had domesticated any beast of burden. All this suggests a low average level of intelligence.

>use chemo
>disease isn't cancer
>immune system gets fucked
>disease kills host

do it.

Black Africa has now been in contact with the outside world for hundreds of years but it is still where you find the countries with the most poverty, the shortest life expectancy and the lowest levels of economic development. Many people will tell you Africa is poor because it was colonized and exploited by Europeans - not so. The most extensively colonized parts, such as South Africa, Ivory Coast and Nigeria are now the most advanced parts of Africa. Ethiopia and Liberia which were never colonized are among the poorest places in Africa. And do you know which country in the Western Hemisphere was the first to become independent after the United States freed itself from Britain? It was Haiti. Haiti, which has an almost entirely African population has been independent for nearly 200 years but it has a profile of poverty, disease, corruption and under-development that makes it a perfect match for black Africa. Its history is very different from that of African countries and it is 4,000 miles away across and ocean but African people have brought a typiically African society to the new world. Wherever blacks live outside of Africa but among people of other races, they show the same patterns of generally less successful behavior. This is true of Canada and Britain for example, which never had a history of slavery of Jim Crow. Does this mean that white people brutally mistreat black people all over the world wherever they go? Or, do black and white people simply have different levels of ability? Here in the United States there are about 16,000 school districts. There isn't a single one in which black students perform at the same level as whites. Is every one of those 16,000 districts run by racists trying to keep black people down? Or, are there simply racial differences in intelligence?

Blacks and whites separated from their last common ancestor at least 60,000 years ago. Since that time the two groups have evolved the dramatically different appearances that we see between today's Europeans and Africans. The brain is an organ, just like other organs. What are the chances that during the time it took for the rest of the body to become so different that the brain remained utterly unchanged? As professors Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending explained in their book, The 10,000 Year Explosion: "The biological equality of human races is about as likely as a fistful of silver dollars all landing on edge when dropped." In other words, its impossible. Therefore just on the basis of what we see around us and what we know of history, there is no reason to think that people of different races on average have the same intelligence. But what does science say about this? Ever since large scale IQ testing began at the time of the first world war white have gotten higher scores than blacks. The 15 point difference in averages (around 100 for whites, around 85 for American blacks) has not changed for nearly 100 years. there have been hundreds of studies and studies of studies and they all give the same results.

Critics of IQ testing claim that A: It doesn't test intelligence and B: That testing is biased against blacks. Such critics are completely outside the mainstream of academic consensus on this subject. IQ test scores reliably predict the ability to do well at things that take brains. Success in school, making money, learning complicated skills, etc. Nor is there any bias against blacks. There are now IQ tests that are completely independent of culture. Ravens progressive matrices is one of the most reliable tests of intelligence available today and doesn't even use language. People are scored on how well they find patterns, you can even use gestures to explain how this test works and give it to people that don't speak a word of English. In the example to the left, you choose which of the eight patterns at the bottom best complete the third row pattern in the box above.

It may seem hash to say so but people of difference races get different scores on IQ tests because they do not have the same average intelligence. Anyone who studies the evidence with an open mind will see this. Some people argue that the reason for this is that blacks live in disadvantaged circumstances that depress their IQ. Environment does have some effect on IQ - especially on children, but that effect is pretty much gone by the time people have grown up. The real test would be to see what would happen to the IQs of blacks if they were raised by whites in a white environment. As it happens, in the 1970s two scientists: Sandra Scarr and Richard Weinberg decided to study that very question. They found black children that had been adopted as babies by upper-middle class whites and they tested their IQs at various ages. When the children were small, they had IQs as high as those of white children. But by the time they were 17 or 18, their IQs had dropped to just 2 or 3 points above the average black score. Maybe, having spent all that time in white families did raise their IQs a bit, but it certainly did not eliminate the fifteen point black-white difference. There is something else that suggests environment does not count for that much. In 2009, black students from families that had annual incomes of more than $160,000 a year got lower average SAT scores than whites from families with incomes of less than $20,000 a year. That is a pretty stunning refutation of the idea that a deprived environment is what explains a low black IQ and poor academic performance.

There are strictly biological data that are hard to argue with too. In 2005, Science Magazine published a report by Bruce Lan of the University of Chicago and a number of colleagues in which he announced the discovery of gene variants associated with brain growth. Professor Lan suggested that these variants which appeared relatively recently in humans could have played a direct role in the development of human civilization. The University of Chicago even used professor Lan's research to apply for a patent for a DNA based intelligence test. It turned out however that these gene variants are common in Europeans but rare in Africans. Pressure began to build on professor Lan and he stopped his research, "Its getting too controversial" and he explained he was beginning to think that some knowledge just isn't worth having. The university dropped its patent application for an IQ test based on DNA. One scientist who never backed down was Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario. He pointed out that there is a well-known correlation between brain size and intelligence. In general, the bigger your brain the smarter you are. And indeed, as professor Rushton showed using MRI and cat scan studies, Asians and Europeans have considerably larger brains than Africans or Austraian Aborigines. As you can see from this graph, Chinese for example have 200 more mililiters or cc's of brains than Kenyans - that's nearly a cup, that's a lot of brain tissue. And brain size has a solid correlation of nearly 0.5 with intelligence.

There is simply no room for doubt that there are racial differences in average intelligence and the evidence is very strong that there's a biological basis for these differences. The table you're looking at now, is from a paper by Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware. It gives you an idea of the social consequences of race differences in intelligence. The two bell curves represent the distributions of intelligence for blacks on the left and whites on the right. The entire table is worth studying in detail. But look at the IQ ratios indicated at the bottom. On the left, blacks are four times more likely than whites to have IQs of less than 75, and hispanics are three times more likely. At the same time, whites are twice as likely as asians to have IQs that low. To the right, we see that Whites are thirty times more likely than blacks to have an IQ over 125 and five times more likely than hispanics. Listed above the ratios are examples of professions that generally require an IQ of 125 or higher: lawyer, chemist, executive. On a per capita basis, we would expect to see thirty times as many whites as blacks with enough intelligence for careers of that kind. It is simply unrealistic to demand that there be proportionately as many blacks as whites in those professions and others that require high intelligence.

Already did that, it's how you got Trump elected.

Equal outcomes in life are just not possible when different groups have different abilities. Science is making progress all the time. And pretty soon we will find the genes for intelligence. You can bet the farm that it will be found that those genes are not distributed equally in all racial groups and the eventual acceptance of the truth will be a very good thing. Our society is constantly telling blacks and hispanics that they are just as smart as white people and that the only reason they fail in school and don't make as much money is because of white racism and opression. This of course is the best possible way to teach blacks and hispanics to hate white people. Wouldn't you hate a group of people if you are always told that that group is keeping you down? We will have a better, more just society if we build it on truth rather than ignorance and the sooner America accepts the truth about Race and IQ, the better.

Thanks for reading.


This is now a red pill thread. You've done fucked up lefty

John Baker, Race (London: Oxford University Press, 1974), pp. 360-400.

"The Persisting Racial Chasm in Scores on the SAT College Entrance Examination," Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, Autumn, 2009, p. 85.

Microcephalin, a Gene Regulating Brain Size, Continues to Evolve Adaptively in Humans, Science, September 9, 2005: Vol. 309 no. 5741 pp. 1717-1720, Patrick D. Evans, Bruce T. Lahn, et. al.

Antonio Regalado, Head Examined: Scientist's Study of Brain Genes Sparks a Backlash, Wall Street Journal, June 16, 2006.

Rushton, J. P. & Ankney, C. D. (1996). Brain Size and Cognitive Ability: Correlations with Age, Sex, Social Class, and Race. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 3, 21-26.

Gottfredson, L. S. (2006). Social consequences of group differences in cognitive ability (Consequencias sociais das diferencas de grupo em habilidade cognitiva). In C. E. Flores-Mendoza & R. Colom (Eds.), Introducau a psicologia das diferencas individuais (pp. 433-456). Porto Allegre, Brazil: ArtMed Publishers.

Wolff, Henry. "Eye Size, Brain Size, and Intelligence." American Renaissance 22.9 (2011): n. pag. Web.

Cochran, Gregory, and Henry Harpending. The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution. New York: Basic, 2009. Print.

You fags already try to do all that shit and like said, all it gets you is Trump elected




Neck yourself, comrade.

Obvious bait is obvious.

OP is alt-right impersonating antifa.

For those paying attention, this post isn't trying to convince non-retards to jump aboard.

It's just low-quality bait intended to make weak-minded alt-righters foam at the mouth.

certain aspects of conservatism need to stay in place, especially those related to money.

social conservatism needs to disappear, it is obsolete, it is ancestor-worshipping national myths and civil religion.

american history is just history, most of it is obsolete, the rest needs to be transformed to uplift humanity, leave out the chauvinism.

the national flag = national myth
the national anthem = national myth
whiteness = oppressive social construct
confederate statutes = oppressive ancestor-worshipping civil relgion

>one post by this ID
This is b8 of excellent quality.