It's Saturday night anons, I hope you have enough willpower to say no to Drugs and Alcohol.
Sobriety thread
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I have had a issue with alcohol as of late. I am working on it but thanks for the reminder mate. I wish you good luck as well.
Alcohol? I lack the willpower to get another job after being here for over a decade.
Don't have any issues with alcohol or smoking anymore
My main issues are now not being productive, too much caffeine and going on streaks where I practice celibacy or beat my dick like it owes me money
just do it nigger.
get a job in a fabrication shop, shops usually want bitches to put shit away and what not. most are willing to teach you to weld or use a mill/do something useful. better money too, usually plenty of overtime.
I'm such an alcoholic, I tried not to drink tonight but relapsed at 12:30 am. Oh well. The shortest lives are the sweetest.
Pic unrelated.
Lol try not to drink for one night. "relapse"
Except weed
hory shit that webm
one month sober master race
Who let Russ on pol?
Can confirm
White male married to white woman both of us work own home with white kids.
It is your responsibility to take care of yourself and your family. The best way to do this is to live a self controlled life and JETTISON THE LIQUID JEW. Be a man.
I'm so NEET that I didn't even know it was Saturday night.
How did you overcome your problem?
going on that pill that makes alcohol taste like puke in about 2 hours... got tired of fucking wasting my talent... lets see how this shit goes...
Good luck to everyone trying to get through dependency and addiction! The sober life really is worth it.
I live to get drunk at night and I can't sleep without alcohol. How did you break the addiction?
Wait till that leaf shit posts about his mexican blowjob.
>get through dependency and addiction
>addicted to shitposting on a mongolian knittingboard
I'm not an alcoholic and I can't be one doesn't matter how much I drink, can I still drink alcohol from time to time? or I must never drink in my life?
time to go to dennys with waifu
fuck drinking
vape oil
Not sure if you are still here to read this but I had to cut off a lot of "friendships" that were based on almost nothing except passive consumption, strived for a better mindset towards a cleaner less degenerate lifestyle and replaced those vices with less harmful ones
Rather die from autism than alcohol withdrawal am I right
>It's Saturday night anons, I hope you have enough willpower to say no to Drugs and Alcohol.
Everyone user is beta asf.
I'd probably be an alcoholic by now if it didn't fuck with my stomach so much
I literally can't get drunk because I just puke it up as soon as I get past the "slightly buzzed" stage
I guess it's a blessing in disguise, but I wonder why the fuck it happens
How could any self loathing piece of garbage say no to that sweet booze?
Pukes not so bad if it's my puke.
Don't get the pill that makes it taste like my puke because it's not too bad.
Regurgitated chips are the shiznit. It's like the fifth major food group - liquid burps.
reminder that there is no privacy on the internet and admitting to drug abuse is a very bad idea outside of a therapeutic setting.
The first week is the hardest.
Painkillers and meth. Obviously.
>he doesn't have the willpower to drink in moderation and take advantage of the numerous health benefits of red wine and beer.
Never drank or smoked in my life
Been sober for a couple months now and going strong. Used to be a raging alcoholic for years but I feel so much better now.
>He talks shit behind a computer monitor where no one has to know his weaknesses.
The world needs less of you.
I quit drinking 2 years ago, my gf has never touched alcohol, worst thing is I can barely socialise with my old friends, they're all alcoholics and only go out to drink, if I go out with them they just give me shit for not drinking
>He is a pretentious cunt talking down to people who like to drink casually and in moderation because of some misplaced sense of moral superiority.
The world needs less of you.
Thanks OP. I am cutting back on booze to lose weight, and to live a more ordered life.
I need some sort of criteria to limit my drinking to. Perhaps, only with good friends in good situations?
Recently I enjoyed a beer on a date with a qt (she was enjoying champagne) and it was 100x more enjoyable than the beer I had later that day with some friends, and some burnout friends of my friends, who were in a dive bar listening to a shitty band.
stone cold alcoholic fag here
sober for 20 years then fuk it and blew up my life
marriage, career, future, financials
i smoked so much weed last year that my jizz went brown
>quitting drinking
Far too many potatoes run through these veins of mine for me to ever give up drinking.
Oh shit, look out fry cook at Wendy's here.
hi :3
The worst thing about Alcohol is the fact that it's socially encouraged. It's disgusting how acceptable it is.
Quitting drinking is easy. And if I avoid old friends I stay away from Cocaine and other speed.
However weed still has a grip on me. I use it as a crutch to motivate myself to be creative.
Good on you for trying. Only problem is it's easy to "forget" to take the pill and start drinking again. If it's avaiabl in your area the vivitrol shot is a good option. Will have same effect as the pill, but for 30 straight days. Gives you more time to re-learn everything about your life so you can stay sober without help. t. sober for 20 months.
I'm 9 cans into the day with 3 more to go
Been completely sober for 2 months now. Still can’t overcome the porn Jew though
Is that Bricktown, Oklahoma? Think I've been to that bar.
when on the job, sober as fuck. off the clock, Irish as fuck.
Had three weeks clean on Friday. This last bender did it for me. I nearly lost everything. I am taking it seriously this time. AA, sponsor, meeting with the Pastor. I will die if I drink again. Keep fighting the good fight Sup Forums
I've been sober for over 2 years. Not one brew. God, I've never been happier either. Productive, into cool shit, expanding my knowledge rather than sitting on a barstool, taking care of my health by practicing Taekwondo. Setting a good example for my sons.
Have you ever seen the shadow man? Scary shit, and when I could sleep shadow man came back in my sleep paralysis dreams.
it was some random ig girl. went and looked again and it was at some place in Northern California.
@16ouncesofseattle qt would buy a beer / 10
i had a glass of red with dinner on my birthday, but that's about it
I don't see a man...I see a shaddow woman and sometimes a giant spider / spider woman.
What does that have to do with drinking though? I normally think I have those dreams when not drinking, if that helps. Never experience sleep paralysis... at least I don't think. But when I see the shadow woman, it's pure terror and I normally jump up and turn on the light and then realize it was a dream.
Oddly enough, I just got shitfaced on beer, vodka, and heering. What a coincidence I see this thread, huh?
The porn Jew is the hardest to overcome.
I had to pour out a few half-finished bottles of port and wine that had been sitting in my cabinet for about 2 years, because they turned to vinegar. I've still got some honey liquor that I bought 4 years ago. Can't really say I have any issues with addiction...
I miss the early summer, though, because that's when smoking season starts. Nothing better than sitting in your garden on a warm summer evening with a pipe and a book.
Does anyonr know anything more about this? I was attacked a while back but it was a Soul Reaves looking motherfucker, definitely a shadow person though.
I had a small glass of wine because it was poured for me. Even though the remaining bottle was given to me to finish I did not drink any more. Did I do well anons?
Very motivating thread, Its great to hear a lot of you are making the right choices.
this is how i spent my weekend
It seems that the consciousness enters some hellish realm in some cases of Withdrawal after heavy drinking, "hallucinations".
Some have reported out of body experiences. It's incredibly difficult to actually sleep in heavy withdrawal, so when the body gets exhausted and tries to sleep, there have been reports of people who describe feeling like they were walking around the environment they were located like it was real, but then they snapped back into reality and wake up, because they can't actually sleep.
I don't know that much. I was sleep deprived from alcohol withdrawal but awake when one ran past me. I just got chills down my spine remembering it. It ran past me out of my bathroom, it was hunched over and covering it's face with it's elbows up. That night I had sleep paralysis in the morning so I could see perfectly humans clothed and standing over me, all races and genders. They just all stood over my bed staring and cocking their heads back and forth like a curious dog. I remember they all had the same emotionless blank stare. I think the incidents are related. Also this was when I was living with my scumbag ex roommate who would draw blood sigels on the wall.
Do you think it's hallucinations or real?
Thanks for making the thread. I'm going to be 11 months sober tomorrow. Best decision I've made. Lost about 40 lbs so far without really trying and feel great. No more wasting mornings hydrating myself on the couch or going into work feeling like shit.
I had a good buddy get cirrhosis at 29 and it made me reevaluate my life. The shit is literally poison, Anons. Say no to the liquid jew,
The numerous health benefits are exaggerated as fuck and some have even based on shillery. The two drink a day number is merely for harm reduction, its not a recommended dose.
It's real. When you get alcohol withdrawal, you get visited by literal demons.
what kind of fuck would refuse a drink while having dinner with someone, also fairly rude....
Went on a crazy binge about 4 months ago and blacked out.
Only happened once before, about 5 years ago. Problem is I said "never again" then and 5 years, last I checked, is not "never".
Decided I can't handle the shit in moderation and just cut it out of my life completely. Don't miss it. Save money, lose weight.
Looking back I don't see the appeal. It didn't add anything to my life.
Who the fuck only drinks saturday night!?I have been drinking for pretty much everyday for more than 4 years.During the weekend i go out with me m8ts and waste ourselfs,fight,travel through the city,get laid etc.
Fucking losers learn how to live your lives pricks,also you westerners cant drink for shit most of the foreigners that try to keep up with us are under the table before midnight and we party till the sun rises.
Dont be a m8less kissless virgin alchoolic that drinks alone,enjoy life!
Send us addicts your will power, anons! Just pray a little prayer for the otherwise steadfast patriots among you who struggle with addiction to food, alcohol, pills, porn, vidya, etc etc. I'm praying for the good people who are struggling out there. You can overcome! Pray to God, meet over people, get over your shame! I know! It's hard. But you have an illness, not a weakness. Maybe they're close, I don't know. But you are infantry, or officer, in the greatest political revolution in 100 years. We need you! We want you! We love you, and count on you! You can do it. Just start taking little steps. Make a new friend, and tell him about your addiction. It will help! God wants you happy and free. And God needs you straight and clean to help fight degeneracy. Godspeed, you white nationalist!
you met one? didnt think so
Obviously you are the only man in this thread who can enjoy it from time to time instead of losing control of it like a spineless weakling
Thanks but I can enjoy time spent with my friends, and I can enjoy sex, without poisoning myself with alcohol on a regular basis at shitty clubs filled with shitty people.
That's a mild form of delerium tremens. The withdrawal from alcohol/ downers strips your brain of neuro inhibitors. So your synapses are over - firing, and your brain is interpreting these charges as sensory events. If you are hung over, you might experience these events as nightmarish flashes...
Don't worry, they pass. Try cbd, gaba, sleep aids, kratom (addictive, be careful) or talk to a doctor if you can. They will help you. Be careful. And I wish you the best. Addiction is weird, it affects lots of good people. Don't be ashamed, get help! The sooner the better. We need you bro!