I just read The Turner Diaries. Pretty fucked up shit but a page turner. Can anyone recommend anything similar?
Books, cunt
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I've seen a lot of anons mention pic related, but I've never read it. Is it good?
Siege series.
it's not fiction if that's what you want, but For My Legionaries is essential natsoc reading
It's good stuff there are 4 in that series
Camp of the Saints
Try Brave New World.
Completely unrelated and not really political, but if you're looking for unique sci-fi, Eifelheim is breddy gud.
Insectoid aliens crash land in 14th century Germany, and interact with the village priest. Some even convert to Christianity. Paints a relatively accurate portrayal of Europe in the Middle Ages. and dispels the myth that science and rational thought were dead. Plus, the author isn't a liberal cuck like most modern sci-fi writers.