Reminder that every person that

Reminder that every person that
>uses ellipsis
>uses exclamation marks
>uses more than one question mark
>uses enter after each sentence
>capitalizes the first letter after the > when non-quote greentexting
>uses emoticons unironically
>uses images that have a filename that isn't the standard UNIX timestamp or custom filename when posting reaction images or old content (esp. if it has an imgur, twitter, KYM, or facebook filename)
>uses phone when posting (usually found through filenames such as image.jpg or IMG_XXXX.jpg)
>uses common cliche-phrases-as-seen-on-r/Sup Forums when posting, such as '>be me'when greentexting, 'the absolute madman,' and 'my sides'
>replies to a post with a reaction image and no comment and/or replying to a post to only note how "hilarious" or notable it was (a form of upvoting)
>uses Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
>addresses to Sup Forums as a whole, unified group when talking about posters
>replies to multiple people individually within the same post
>uses memes which are obviously normalfag (ex. kys) or have gone mainstream/killed by normalfags unironically
>uses images with watermarks of any kind
>uses frogs as a reaction image
>uses goldface as a reaction image
>makes ylyl threads
>makes 'What does [board] think of this' threads
>makes twitter outrage threads
>unironically replies to bait
>claiming to be an oldfag
>not lurking more to know basic board/site history
>using ED, Lurkmore or KYM as sources for knowing the history of Sup Forums
>is not able to access sadpanda
>gets autistically defensive when called out on newfaggotry
>uses 'muh sekret klub' as an argument when called out on newfaggotry
>puts many quotation marks around a word (ex."""meme""")
>types in lowercase outside of Sup Forums
>complains about anime
>thinks opinions belong to any one board
>uses thread screepcaps
>uses thread screencaps that have the epic reddit '[date]: the day [board] [X]'
is a newfag and probably a redditor.

Other urls found in this thread:

I comprehend...


Now fuck off.

I offer these dubs my waifu umaru

>muh sekret klub

t. newfag trying to fit in

Can someone make a post that features at least 90% of these?

pee pee poo poo braappppp lole

Reminder that nothing in the thread you just created pertains to animus or mangoes.


While I agree with you, everything you said is common sense, so you pointing all that out only serves to make those people try to pretend they aren't new even harder. Great job (and by that I mean what the fuck are you doing).

fuck off newfag

>What went wrong?
>Why is she so perfect?
>Who X here?
>Would you a X?
>Everyday until X
>Daily Reminder
>You will never mumble mumble
>Mumble mumble Prove me wrong - You can't
>You have X seconds to mumble mumble - You can't
>What does X's Y smell like?
>How do we fix X?
>X a Y
>Which X would you Y?
>Sup Forums suddenly hates x
>Why is X the only studio willing to take risks?
>About to watch X what should I expect?
>Don't mind me, I'm just posting mumble mumble.
>There are people on Sup Forums right now who mumble mumble
>What the fuck happened?
>Mumble mumble when?
>What's wrong with VLC?
>Wake up, see this. What do?
>I'll just leave this here
>What's your excuse for not watching X
>X will save anime / I'm here to save anime
>What does Sup Forums think about X?
>What's the most boring anime you've ever watched?
>X is Love
>Haven't seen one of these in a while
>Is X worth watching?
>yfw x wins da y
>Mumble mumble thread? Mumble mumble thread
>What the fuck did I just watch?
>X confirmed for Y
>Best Key girl
>Why do you still watch moeshit?
>She sees your dick
>Why is this allowed?
>Which anime has the worst fanbase?
>What anime is this semen demon from?
>X becomes the MC of the Y. How fucked is X?
>Could X defeat Y?
>Your waifu's face when X
>It's time.
>Your waifu is now X, do you still love her?
>Was it rape, Sup Forums?
>Weekend waifu drawthread
>All your waifus are wonderful, Sup Forums
>You should be able to solve this
>Let's get a X thread going
>Do X if your waifu is posted
>ITT: overrated shit
>What an utterly useless power
>Date-a-live? More like date a slut am I right?
>I want to protect X's smile
>Why can't I hold all these feels?
>This is your X tonight
>Why did X fail/Why wasn't X popular
>what did he/she mean by this?
>what was his/her fucking problem?
>this is a japanese X
>Do you like girls (male)?
>Say something!
>Say something nice about __
>Describe Rin in one (1) word.
>What are ___ for
>My wife ___ is so cute

>Hello Sup Forums... I'm an oldfag 4Channer! :^) This is a hilarous post! Can I repost it on r/Sup Forums!?!? lol! Also how do I get on SadPanda!!?! It is not "muh sekrit club!"" Also include me in the screencap!!! remember the day Sup Forums was epic!!!


>Reminder that every person that
>>uses ellipsis
>>uses exclamation marks
>>uses more than one question mark
>>uses enter after each sentence
>>capitalizes the first letter after the > when non-quote greentexting
>>uses emoticons unironically
>>uses images that have a filename that isn't the standard UNIX timestamp or custom filename when posting reaction images or old content (esp. if it has an imgur, twitter, KYM, or facebook filename)
>>uses phone when posting (usually found through filenames such as image.jpg or IMG_XXXX.jpg)
>>uses common cliche-phrases-as-seen-on-r/Sup Forums when posting, such as '>be me'when greentexting, 'the absolute madman,' and 'my sides'
>>replies to a post with a reaction image and no comment and/or replying to a post to only note how "hilarious" or notable it was (a form of upvoting)
>>uses Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
>>addresses to Sup Forums as a whole, unified group when talking about posters
>>replies to multiple people individually within the same post
>>uses memes which are obviously normalfag (ex. kys) or have gone mainstream/killed by normalfags unironically
>>uses images with watermarks of any kind
>>uses frogs as a reaction image
>>uses goldface as a reaction image
>>makes ylyl threads
>>makes 'What does [board] think of this' threads
>>makes twitter outrage threads
>>unironically replies to bait
>>claiming to be an oldfag
>>not lurking more to know basic board/site history
>>using ED, Lurkmore or KYM as sources for knowing the history of Sup Forums
>>is not able to access sadpanda
>>gets autistically defensive when called out on newfaggotry
>>uses 'muh sekret klub' as an argument when called out on newfaggotry
>>puts many quotation marks around a word (ex."""meme""")
>>types in lowercase outside of Sup Forums
>>complains about anime
>>thinks opinions belong to any one board
>>uses thread screepcaps
>>uses thread screencaps that have the epic reddit '[date]: the day [board] [X]'
>is a newfag and probably a redditor.

>A-Am i fitting g-guys? : the post

Reminder that all boards are Sup Forums and Sup Forums clay

>Be me
>On Sup Forums
>Le Oldfag
>>Make thread
>Get banned
KYS you anime neckbeard nerds, as an esteemed 4Channer i think you should all get off my website you newfags Sup Forums is not your safe space

Reminder that if you are a normalfag you need to fuck off from Sup Forums.

>147x UNIX timestamp

Kill yourself.

Did any of you fags even notice that Reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

Ill try....

>Mfw i noticed this would be hard -__-

>be me making this shitpost
> try my hardest to get everything righ

Sup Forums sure is a tough place to fit in at.. i hate this muh sekret klub bullshit smdh

can someone help me out, i keep gettin a sad panda when i click this link...
thanks, Sup Forums!!


What's wrong with having an image saved recently?


>claiming to be an oldfag
>is a newfag and probably a redditor.
Does that make OP a newfag and a redditor?

lul wut r u sayin?????
what does r/Shit think of this thread???!?!
what are those sadbear threads I get a sad panda when I try to use the links like wtf.....
I am real 4channer/oldfag imma screen cap this so I can post it on r/newfags """"#lurkmore""" newfag!!!

Reddit-hating oldfag here.

Kill yourself, OP.


Not mentioning to use the best source for images. No samples / crops or online reader crap if it can be helped, that's 85% of the time. Wtf are you doing OP, also no meta-threads at least steer shit ones like yours on course with Sup Forums related topic.

Reddit-loving oldfag here.

Kill yourself, OP.


And OP is still a faggot.



No so fast, OP



If you don't make your own reaction faces from screenshots you've taken then you deserve to be burnt alive.

Literally who?

>gets autistically defensive when called out on newfaggotry
>uses 'muh sekret klub' as an argument when called out on newfaggotry
These are the worst. I wish people didn't take the statement "lurk more" as an insult, or an invitation to argue.

we did it reddit

Sup Forums favorite tripfag.




4chanX has filename randomizer and I like to use it

If you only have a handful of sentences it's better to post them double spaced so you don't make a long single line of text.

Those take your eyes away from the left side of the page which is where 99% of Sup Forums happens.

So how are you planning to make Sup Forums good if, mods? By being away from the board for 2 hours every 5 minutes?

My screenshot folder is over 4000 files, but I can never be bothered cropping/renaming.

>shilling reddit spacing
No thanks.

Oh boy here we go!

Anyways, that was a copypasta from /vip/.
How would you improve it ?

4chanx has been fucking with Sup Forums for me. It doesn't matter if it's firefox or chrome, 4chanx seems to slow down image and video loading and even loading Sup Forums webpages. Hope this shit gets fixed soon. Been happening for weeks now.

It's actually a really old copypasta from /qa/, newfag.

>I'm going to make a meta-thread where people will whine about everything, that surely will make Sup Forums better
Hiro please bring visible sage back

Why? Everytime you sage, I bump.

Who are you all quoting?

I better delete more general xD.


So I can pretend to bump while saging. Nokosage was great.

I'm pretty sure that /qa/ isn't that old and the contents of which copypasta complains about are pretty new.


>really old


Why do you still come to this board knowing that this place is just full of normalfags and ironic weebs?

So who here's really the newfag?

Adding a couple lines, doesn't make /qa/ shitposts magically /vip/ shitposts.


/qa/ and /vip/ are basically the same blue board [s4s]