was it really deep?
Was it really deep?
also that scene literally never happens
If you are underage?
If you are adult?
The ocean is pretty deep, yes
Not as much as you thought it was when you first saw it. There, that answers that question perfectly forever.
It's a mirror.
Yes, not for the symbolism or the confusing plot, but for the characterization and philosophy behind it.
It's an experience.
It's post choke, dipshit.
Deep is a meaningless buzzword that derived from the word "depth"
"Depth" is just a blanket term for any media that goes beyond simple plot twists, action, and character drama.
Yes, assuming you are talking about the entire series and not just EoE. EoE doesn't stand on its own because then it would make no fucking sense since it's just one ending to the series.
The entire series + both endings have:
-very high information density
-effective utilization of imagery and recurring motifs (but not necessarily symbolism)
In regards to being a deconstruction of the mecha genre and shounen in general:
-characters with uncanny depth and realism when it comes to their personalities, motivations, and conflicts
-a setting and plot with meticulous attention to detail and lore as well as heavy consideration of causality
-setting causes the characters to be forced into extreme situations that expose their true natures
-meaningful themes that tie into reality
-juxtaposition of the characters, setting, and themes to create an unsettling atmosphere and force the viewer to think about what is and isn't true
In regards to tying into reality and otaku culture:
-social commentary which is still relevant 20 years after the initial airing
-an actually important message to deliver to the viewer
So yes, Evangelion [in general] is deep. But in a literary sense, not in a 2DEEP4U buzzword sense. EoE is an alternate ending with the same level of depth as the rest of the series, but challenges the notion that people are actually able to change by having Shinji fuck everything up instead of having an epiphany and coming to terms with himself. Which is actually hilarious since it's almost like the movie is arguing with the TV ending and forces the viewer to think even more about which philosophy is right.
It actually was, back in the time.
Now nobody gets impressed by 2deep4you shit because every anime can do it by having religious an sexual themes.
Eva didn't have religious themes beyond SEELE trying to create a god/achieve heaven on earth. All of the references to Christianity and Judaism were just there because they created a coherent naming scheme for all of technology and mythos that sounded cool.
So there aren't really religious themes or symbolism, but rather just imagery and allusions. I know there's some Shinto and Buddhist shit but I haven't actually researched that very much and most people are referring to the Abrahamic religions when they talk about the religious stuff in Eva.
The sexual themes actually are relevant to the depth, but I don't know any other anime that discuss Freudian psychology and whatnot as hard as Eva does while actually having meaning behind it. Shinji's Oedipus complex, Misato's Electra complex, and Asuka's desperate need for intimate contact all tie heavily into their relationships and are key to their interactions and development.
>social commentary which is still relevant 20 years after the initial airing
>an actually important message to deliver to the viewer
If anything, the message is even more relavant now that the future's already happened. With the internet replacing human contact, you're almost never interacting with real people, just with their public image and (there I said it) their at field.
Please choke and delete me if I am starting to blogshit here, but even tang itself is a great symbol of what we live in today. Without their online persona or social status, a disturbingly large number of people are just piles of blood with no sincere emotions or ideas of their own, beyond meeting their basic needs. And art made today is art made for those people, that's the really scary part. It's art for the unfeeling, made out of quote unquote awesome and bright colors.
Also we've got an interesting inversion (maybe it's different in the west) where it's almost completely socially acceptable to cosplay or play games, but depression and anxiety are taboo. If you are depressive, you are untouchable, like the field was physically, really there.
It had the most quality direction tbqh
Along with its themes and absolutely believable characters it stands out to this day
I remember analyzing literally every frame back in time and finding something new each time, such as parallelisms, hidden messages, expressions, references etc.
Truly amazing
There is literally no characterisation or philiosophy in EoE and if you're talking about the series in general, there's hardly any philosophy either.
The show is about as deep as a non-action low budget hollywood hit. It just gives anime watching retards a false sense of intellect with meaningless, sophistic metaphors and grand imagery. The show doesn't say anything profound about the nature of life or the human condition, it just regurgitates basic existential ponderings of your average teen/young adult with out of balance hormones. The show is fucking schlock and EoE is the most offensively pretentious piece of shit made in the history of telly mediums.
Deeply boring, yes.
>asking about Eva on Sup Forums
It's too deep for local basement dwellers, visit Evageeks or Reddit
>There is literally no characterisation or philiosophy in EoE
The entire fucking movie was about Shinji coming to terms with himself and what it means to coexist with others.
Argue if the characterization was shitty or not, but it's not "literally none".
I'm pretty sure nothing is "deep," actually. How would you even define something as being "deep?" Would it just be complicated to understand or something? Everything I've seen basically says the same thing as everything else, just with varying levels of obfuscation.
There's a Lain thread up right now also discussing some themes from Eva and this is one of them.
It's kind of funny how the internet really hit its stride in the late 90s right after these series aired about human singularity and whatnot. And nowadays we have tons of literature reflecting on how the internet is leading us to a pseudo-singularity. It's even ironic because unlike dystopian literature there were no real hints to speculate that something like this would actually happen.
Don't reply to shitposts unless it's with another shitpost.
DEEP as used on Sup Forums is just a buzzword stemming from "deep" as in "has depth". A work that has depth isn't necessarily hard to understand, but often has many layers of meaning and is carefully crafted in a way that encourages people to think critically about those meanings and see how they connect to the real world.
Any work which has undergone extensive literary analysis likely has a high degree of depth to it, or can be considered "deep". Eva has depth because it has many layers of meaning and all of the elements that make up its narrative and meta-narrative are interconnected.
I even think one of the psychoanalysts predicted it decades before the internet was a thing. For the life of me I can't remember which one was it. The short version is in modern society there is no more difference or ironic distance between our "real" selves and the socially acceptable image we are presenting to others. There is nothing behind the mask, in other words. It's why there's so much illness today and also why it's so unacceptable. When you lose your status you lose your (you).
What if we are the ones that have been living in the real world all along, and most of the population just wants marvel movies, "mom" tagged porn and to obey what the tv tells them for the rest of their lives? What if the only way to not lose your mind is to already be crazy in the first place? I find this prospect much creepier than any number of giant penguins who shoot plasma.
> the message is even more relavant now that the future's already happened
Sup Forums is literally the modern day LCL ocean. All of us here run away from interacting with other people IRL, preferring to them a nameless, averaged out mass on a mongolian clay shaping gathering. We voluntarily give up our self-image in order to throw any radical or shameful opinions into this ocean without any fear of being scorned.
Anno has failed. He blamed anime for everything, and he guessed wrong.
it was so deep it was derp.
I'll take user's shameful and yet completely honest feelings over the roleplaying that passes for human contact on plebbit and shitbook, any day of the week.
Anno was trying to accomplish two things, I think.
One, he wanted to dissuade otaku from letting their hobby take over their life, and he did so by luring them in with a seemingly perfect series for otaku that sucker punched them hard in the gut.
That kind of failed because many of them just glossed over the themes and messages and fawned over the girls and mecha instead.
Two, he wanted to express his own internal turmoil and reach out to people in similar situations and let them know that it's possible to be happy. This one kind of flies over happier people's heads but it really struck a chord with me after rewatching the series and EoE in a bad bout of depression.
Part of how he accomplishes this second point is through the meaning of the AT Field and the goal of humanity apparently being to break down these fields that separate our souls. Sup Forums really is just like the LCL sea, going completely against Anno's point that we need to suffer to find true happiness.
Nowadays, outcasts can just find an easy way to escape from reality. No more having to band together with likeminded people in real life and form otaku clubs to make friends. Even people who AREN'T outcasts are using online platforms to avoid social interaction. It feels like society is becoming a miserable, homogenized experience where we have no barriers separating our thoughts from reality.
Me too pal, me too.
>let them know that it's possible to be happy
>bad bout of depression.
I detest how things like depression are so fashionable nowadays. I seriously doubt the legitimacy of your affliction if you can spool out such shitty platitudes like "you can be happy, bruh."
I'm just so sick and tired of all the posers and trendy teenyboppers crawling all over the places, insipid vermin that they are. Don't you all have normalfag things to do instead of being here? Go outside and get shitfaced at some ebin nightclub or some shit, christ. Might as well fully blogpost at this point, faghat.
We will have no thoughts and no reality long before we lose our barriers.
>No more having to band together with likeminded people in real life and form otaku clubs to make friends.
Tried it, not worth it. It's either shonenfags and gamers, or even worse, a bunch of complete strangers that will immediately notice my similarity to you-know-who, on all levels. I'd rather sit in the fucking chair and I mean it.
What did you mean by this?
> any day of the week
> me too
That's not the point though. Sure, Sup Forums's hivemind is an infinitely better buddy than a hypocritical, closed or dishonest real person (or it's internet varian of leddit). But it's still nowhere close to a honest and open living human being, and we all know it, even we don't want to admit that. It's just too hard to endure all the crap real people put you through before you find those few that will be worth it. Or maybe some here are scared there won't be a single person for them out there, thinking they are unworthy of love. Regardless, we settle for the "next best thing", Sup Forums.
We are all hooked on LCL here. Repent today and go look for your fellow living human that you can romantically strangle on the closest beach.
>advocating 3DPD
Sounds like you're from leddit yourself. Fuck off anytime.
That people tend to assume I'm like Shinji, and not just people I know but total strangers. Apology for blogshit.
I want to be happy. I wish I had friends and wanted to go out and get shitfaced at some ebin nightclub or some shit because then at least I'd feel like I'm having the type of experiences that make life worth living.
But I'm not lying or trying to act cool or whatever. I'm just being honest. I don't fucking post on Sup Forums about the metaphysics and philosophy in 90s anime because it's the hip thing to do. I do it because I have no motivation to do anything which requires significant effort or going out of my comfort zone. Posting on an anonymous imageboard about a a subject I'm interested in means there's no lasting consequences that could damage my character, self-esteem, or well-being.
This isn't /r9k/ so I regret having to blog this hard, but just a few things that prove the "legitimacy of my affliction." I've dropped out of college twice, once because I couldn't handle being in a social environment and the other because I had no motivation to continue attending class. I have zero friends in real life because I can't bring myself to approach people. My immediate family is in shambles, so I don't even have anyone in real life that I can confide my feelings in.
The only reason I continue living is because I want to be happy, and I believe that I can be if I continue to live and search for a purpose.
> advocating 3DPD in a thread about an anime that advocates 3DPD is wrong
You sure showed me, o great and wise anonimous misanthrope. How do you deal with the fact that everyone posting here is 3DPD themselves? Are you aware you are one yourself too?
>How do you deal, huh?
I don't. Just because I am 3D or you are 3D means you should glorify the lamentable meatbags/slagbeasts/ undesirables that are 3D women. Of course, you are a normalfag after all. It's only natural for you.
uh, whats that
Doesn't mean, even.
> I wish I had friends and wanted to go out and get shitfaced at some ebin nightclub or some shit because then at least I'd feel like I'm having the type of experiences that make life worth living.
Yeah, bud, this site isn't for you. You're like all those obnoxious faggots who claim they're hikkikomori or schizoid on "hikkI" forums when they're just vacuous attention whores desperate for a label because they're completely unremarkable otherwise. You're the exact type of poser trash that has been infesting this site since forever. Bandwagon elsewhere you revolting incel.
He is so beta, he can't even choke a bitch.
> you should glorify the lamentable meatbags/slagbeasts/ undesirables that are 3D women
> women
I didn't use the word "woman" a single time in all of my posts, though, and was talking about humans in general. That's just your insecurities showing up.
>clearly alluding to romantic companionship at the end
Alright, whatever fag, be a sour grapes incel. No skin off my bones. Just don't do it here you ronery faggot shit.
The only ones who are worth holding are also the ones who will escape society for the same reasons you do. Eg, you won't really meet them if you force yourself to interact with normalfags or anime meetup trash.
But I don't care to meet any of these alleged people as I am not a normalfag. Even if you think they're so wonderful or whatever it is that you idolize about 3D shit.
it was funny
And you have a speific need to point that out? On Sup Forums?
You're disgusting and your ad hominem attacks are a pathetic method of disregarding the problem. I don't want to be labeled as a special snowflake, or jump on whatever bandwagon you're talking about. I just want to be happy. I don't care how I actually find happiness and fulfillment, I just want to feel these things some day.
People who intentionally deprive themselves of happiness and social interaction and then try to claim that they're enlightened by leading such a miserable existence are mentally disturbed individuals.
No I have a specific need to call you a normalfag.
>if you don't want to be a clubbing normalfag piece of shit you're mentally ill
>using mentally ill as a derogatory
Do you have any idea whatsoever what site you're posting on at this very moment?
Humans are naturally social beings. When we distance ourselves from others, we begin to lose touch with reality and life begins to fades into a bleak, meaningless existence.
If you really believe that rejecting other people just so you can't be branded a normalfag is worth it, then you're a hypocrite for accusing people of trying to be special snowflakes and jump on a niche bandwagon. Because that is the kind of person that you are. Living that way isn't healthy either, regardless of how much you try to convince yourself that it's okay.
So deep, it put my butt to sleep.
My own family doesn't even talk to me, you loli loving autist.
I think I've made it sufficiently clear the ones who care about labels are disingenuous fuckbags such as yourself. I reject other people because other people aren't worth any effort whatsoever and I never really pined for friendship like some of you normalfags seem to care about it.
>muh healthy
Healthiness is a buzzword and a meme. You're beginning to sound like a cosmetics magazine or some shit for "healthier" living, you environmentally conscious, pseudo-elitist fashionable faggot.
I wouldn't talk to your ass either. You sound like an utter faggot and your shit is all fucked up, my ronery incel buddy o pal.
Is that you, Asuka?
>you environmentally conscious, pseudo-elitist fashionable faggot.
And (you), (you) fucked you're uncle.
If by "deep" do you mean
>a hidden philosophical message encrypted into intelligent dialogue and psychologically tense visuals that was at the same time novel and illuminating
then no.
If by deep you mean
>an intelligent and thought provoking deconstruction of what is typically a very immature and sophomoric medium and genre
then yes.
But what you probably meant by "deep" was "deep", because to you it's just a buzzword that lacks any real definition.
Apparently a self-righteous moral tale counts as deep to many anime fans... is Aesops fables deep?
We can post whatever we want no matter how contrary to 4channery it is and nothing we say matters at the end of the day fucker
Do YOU have any idea what site you're posing on?
how about I fuck you instead?