Is this the most blatant Jewish trick ever devised?
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I went to my mothers and she had one. I took it when I left and threw it out of the car while driving down the highway. Those things are bad news bears.
Yes, I think that is a fair assessment.
You'll probably find in a decade having one in your house will be compulsory, backed up by law.
You don't need a smartphone
You don't need amazon alexa
You don't need a chromebook
You don't need a smartwatch
You don't need a tablet
You don't need a smart watch
You don't need a watch
You don't need a smart tv
You don't need a regular tv
You don't need a google home
All you need a is laptop, a soild thinkpad or some other good one
yea except it's Chinese intelligence instead of American
Would rather the chinks spy on me than the Americans or any of the five eyes desu, I doubt they care about my wrongthink
>doesn't care about chinks spying on him
I start to suspect that half of australian posters might be ching-chongs.
Smart tech and automation are the future. I find it ironic you drove down the highway, supplementing your oil fumes with a Amazon device you stole from upstairs at your moms house
true if verifiable
Sup Forums.org/g
You are already carrying the equivalent of this in the smartphone you are carrying in your pocket every day. It has a microphone, cameras on both sides, and GPS to constantly monitor where you are.
Anybody who thinks they aren't being spied on with their smart phone is a fucking moron. Just try saying "OK google" or "Siri" near their smartphone and see what happens. It is listening to and analyzing every single bit of audio it hears 24/7. If it can recognize and react to these key words then what other key words is it programed to recognize and react to that we never know about?
M8 half the stuff I post on here is (((technically))) illegal under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act
>(1) It is unlawful for a person to do an act, otherwise than in private, if:
>(a) the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people;
I have a thinkpad, why does everybody like them. they're just normal dual cope laptops, strange how much they are mentioned on pol.
You need to give up on not being surveiled. Any semblance of privacy left us before we were born. If you wanna have a truly private conversation, you're gonna have to be naked in a cornfield.
That being said it's a LITTLE blatant
Man I sure am getting sleepy, I bet you guys are feeling pretty sleepy too. You should get some rest, just go to sleep.
damn, you right
Nah, this is
Yeah Amazon Google and Apple are using these spy-on-you devices. What are they supposed to be called anyway? What other companies are pushing this garbage?
no, the smartphone is
upgradeable RAM, solid performance even years down the line, bulletproof
Check THIS out-- Alexa is an SJW
Gotta love all the commercials extolling the concept of linking the lock on your door and the lights in your house to what is effectively a cellphone
You really think they can't hear you through your phone?
No I mean those 3 companies are making these home surveillance devices- what are these devices supposed to be called? They just exist and nobody even has a name for them, other than extremely vague Internet of Things.
Very funny!
You have to invite vampires in your house.
oh sorry I responded to the wrong post. that's true thinkpad does easily upgrade to 8GB RAM. But so do a lot of laptops.
now i want to know what you were responding to, my interest is piqued
in 10 years from now even your toothbrush and the spoon you stir your coffee with will be sending the jews data on you.
the amish are probably on to something bros.
I was responding to
Quick rundown.
I have a desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone.
I think I need those.
I work offshore so I load my smartphone with audiobooks so o can listen while I work through the day. And have tons of books on my tablet.
While in port I turn the smart phone into a hotspot to connect. If not for that use have no internet at all for a long time. Which would be a hard thing to deal with for bills and keeping in touch etc.
It's not as cut and dry as saying all you need is a laptop
they're bugs but can't call it that way obviously so better dodge naming them
No, that would be interest.
they're a niche laptop for nerds because muh IBM and muh ISS.
otherwise just solid laptops
That is the least Aussie law I have ever heard of.
What is that thing and why is it bad?
Innernet connected listening device that retards pay for and put in their living room
My mother in law who's the most retarded person I've ever met desperately wants one. She wouldn't even know how to turn the fucking thing on. What is the major selling point of these CIA honey pots?
Face it pol. The only way you can survive in this new world is knowing code. Learn voice recognition. It's really a useful technology to avoid the wrist strain/blue light eye strain your body must deal with. Computers aren't good for you. To make use of more intuitive technology, you must make it yourself. It's possible and not as much work as you may think. Learn python and go from there. If you rely on 3rd party multinationals to do this, I have no pity for you.
>"OK google" or "Siri"
nothing is happening on my iphone 7....just a black screen
8 gb of ram? How could anyone live with that?
Just wait, soon saying nigger in the privacy of your own home will get beamed to SJW HQ and your facebook profile will be tweeted all across the internetz and forwarded to your boss.
> Having a Facebook account in the current year
In about 10 years that little talking hockey puck is going to be a quaint reminder of how simple things used to be. Imagine that device mounted on an AI controlled drone (see: slaughterbots) that acts as an omnipresent replacement for your current cell phone, incorporating all of the personal assitant features of the hockey puck thing, and adding bodyguard functions (again, see slaughterbots). They'll be like companion NPCs in vidya in that you'll be able to order them, for example, to stay out of site or follow closely. Just imagine two guys arguing about a fender bender in a parking lot deciding to "settle this like men" and ordering their Android Falcons™ (or whatever they call it) to kill each other. Unfortunetly (((they))) will also give them anti-racism restrictions that will prevent them from attacking "unarmed" black men so Tyrone will still be able to rob you with impunity, but at least the device will notify the authorities of the incident and call for EMS minimizing your chances of bleeding out.
now, you should make it responsible of driving your car
see, I dont even know what the word means
well, these devices have much greater access to power and bandwidth, so they can analyze constantly locally and remotely. phones need to optimize for battery life
if those exist than there will certainly also be Nigger Killer 5000 self-defense mods
>implying the Zimzam of the won't be the owner of a self-defense AI bot
>implying the fallout from the killing of an innocent 19 year old child who had to rob people for money for school clothes (you have to look at it from his perspective and the perspective of all kids from the hood) won't be a ban on any form of racial recognition by AI
>implying the next step after that ban will be an actual programmatic bias towards preserving the lives of innocent black children even if at the expense of the device's white owner
its almost like you haven't been paying attention to the last 30 years
If you want the functionality it has to have a microphone in it. It's not like they unnecesserialy added a microphone to an otherwise functional product, just to spy on people. That's why there is no mass hysteria about it. Just some general discomfort about it.
For good reason, obviously. Not gonna put one of these in my house.
you are a good son
no, this is
Orwell failed to imagine how we'll cause stampedes trying to get the newest and shiniest surveilance equipment.
Oopsie doopsie.
Amazon’s Alexa is a CRAZY SJW LIBERAL! | Louder With Crowder