Yale Successfully Finds a Way to Turn Conservatives into Liberals


TL;DR conservatives are conservatives because they're more fearful than liberals, and they shift their views to the other side when presented with safety. Not surprising, as conservatism is a platform based on hate, and hate creates fear.

>Conservatives, it turns out, react more strongly to physical threat than liberals do. In fact, their greater concern with physical safety seems to be determined early in life.

>But before they answered the survey questions, we had them engage in an intense imagination exercise. They were asked to close their eyes and richly imagine being visited by a genie who granted them a superpower. For half of our participants, this superpower was to be able to fly, under one’s own power. For the other half, it was to be completely physically safe, invulnerable to any harm.

>If they had just imagined being able to fly, their responses to the social attitude survey showed the usual clear difference between Republicans and Democrats — the former endorsed more conservative positions on social issues and were also more resistant to social change in general.

>But if they had instead just imagined being completely physically safe, the Republicans became significantly more liberal — their positions on social attitudes were much more like the Democratic respondents. And on the issue of social change in general, the Republicans’ attitudes were now indistinguishable from the Democrats. Imagining being completely safe from physical harm had done what no experiment had done before — it had turned conservatives into liberals.

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And here's the archive

>this "study" was probably funded with taxpayer money

Academia was a mistake.

In other words, liberals have a false sense of invulnerability from harm.

>if you stop viewing what you view as threats as being threats, you wouldn't vote for policies that fight against those threats

Why are homosexuals like me a threat?

Diseases and detriments to society

I think wilful ignorance is a detriment to society

I agree. And you'd have to be willfully ignorant not to recognize the statistically significant correlation between gays and disease, rape, child abuse, violence, etc.

>TL;DR conservatives are conservatives because they're more fearful than liberals
I was just watching a Jordan Peterson lecture where he said this doesn't hold up under scrutiny because when testing for personality, conservatives tend to be higher in conscientiousness and lower in neuroticism as a result of them being more orderly. Neuroticism is associated with the fear profile, and as we've all seen in the past 2 years leftists are extremely fearful of anything that goes against their worldview to the point of wanting to silence and exterminate it.