>[HorribleSubs] Girlish Number - 10 [720p].mkv
I know most of you have already watched Davinci/raws, but can we have another thread
Girlish Number
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Chitose got what she deserved.
Will she let Matsuoka save her damned soul?
My milk on her face, that's what she deserved, little slut.
Where the hell are subs? DaVinci, what the fuck are we paying you for?
I will permit it. Post happy Chitose.
There are both davinci and crunchy for ep 10, what the heck are you on
Go back to week ago, pleb.
>putting effort
She'll just find a man to leech off of.
11 is tomorrow negro, what do you want from me
Why is this shit so dark? I was expecting a fun moe show. Jesus
Happy birthday, Chi-sama!
Enjoy your seiyuufus
There's nothing dark about it
Will Chitose get good or just quit and live off his brother's income?
Dark doesn't mean blood and gore.
Character getting a bit depressed doesn't mean it's dark either
Chi is cute and funny which makes up for per personality -- her bro is just a loser that acts like a bitch most of the time. Why is he even in the show?
Felt bad for Chitose but at the same time I didn't because she brought it on herself. Although the message of working hard gets you somewhere isn't always true. Hard to say if Chi even has potential really.
I don't think the message is that you need to work hard, but rather "don't be a lazy fuck and miss your chances"
Squishy breasts.
PV pics when?
Why she sit like that?
From latest episode, I'm sure now that Chiitose loves Gojou-kun
user I have some bad news.
Chitose is life itself, so now that she gave up most of Sup Forums can't care about this show anymore. The positive side is that it shows how much love the board can still feel for someone.
>no preview after the episode
>no summary
>no screenshots
Chitose really is kill, isn't she?
Gi(a)rlish Number
So what's with the (a)
Japanese Pronunciation, maybe.
So, is she going to go to jail for having sex with a minor or will she be able to hold herself back until Momoka is of age.
Is Chitose basically perfect?
Chitose is basically an user in the making,
Depressed Chitose is best Chitose.
No, if she was she wouldn't have been replaced by Nanami.
Congratulations fathers day present?
my jap is shit
It's a joke about gyaru.
But why?
Because that's the only fate left in Chitose's shitty life.
I... I wrote a song for Chitose.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday happy birthday...
Happy birthday to you
I hope she likes it.
My wife Chitose is so cute.
Suffering Chitose is very moe
Every Chitose is moe.
Is Kuzu-P Watari's self insert?
A lazy hack.
Kuzu-P was actually successful at his previous job.
Still cutest
Just like how Yahari was successful.
I know, right? She looks really cute in that reindeer costume.
Even Koto in a reindeer costume is cuter.
By being a hack. Kuzu-P was genuinely good at what he was doing.
You fuckers lied to me. Nothing liked this was even hinted at in the anime.
Touche. I also see Gojou-kun as his possible self insert.
I think Watari is jaded beyond repair.
>Old hag the only one in reindeer costume
Why is the new guy such a better manager than Gojou?
Nobody wants to look at her shriveled navel.
I wonder if the Matsuoka VA is a loudmouth in real life or is actually shy.
He's going to make it happen.
Episode 11 preview.
What's with the kyoani chromatic aberration and blur?
>more best girl
Oops, wrong picture.
I... I wrote a song for Chitose.
I did Chitose and I want out
So effusive - fade - it doesn't cut
The soul is not so vibrant
The reckoning, the sickening
Packaging subversion
Pseudo sacrosanct perversion
Go drill your deserts, go dig Chitose grave
Then fill her mouth with all the cum you can make
Sinking in, getting smaller again
I'm done! It has begun! I'm not the only one!
And the rain will Chitose...
We throw Chitose against the wall
But no one else can see
The preservation of the martyr in Chitose
I hope she likes it.
Where the hell are subs? What the fuck are we paying you for, DaVinci?
Where the hell are subs? What the fuck are we paying you for, DaVinci?
Where the hell are subs? What the fuck are we paying you for, DaVinci?
>Matsuoka as Matsuoka
Sounds like he hasn't gotten the Betelguess out of his system yet.
Wait. They released the subs just now? But the next episode is just a few hours away!
You're one day late, or maybe 10 weeks late.
He's pretty shy even in interviews.
Because Gojo's passive-agressive approach doesn't work with Chitose's passive-agressive personality, plus Chitose doesn't take him seriously since they're siblings.
Are you insane?
>Kabaneri S2
Who can stop her?
Scipt - Watari
Director and Storyboard - animenewsnetwork.com
Hopefully, more Chitose suffering.
He just wants to see more of Chitose. Leave him be. He can't help it.
It hurt a little when I realized you were right.
QP:flapper are so good
Watari asked for Hibike tier animation so they gave him filters.
I cannot into stitches.
That's obvious. What program are you using?
20 minutes
Until what?
>Chitose is life itself
Know that you say it, Chitose is literally me. Except she isn't going to give up. Fuck, last episode really hit close.
Episode start.
It's time.