Is the CIA the most Based Organization in Existent?

>Created by Truman, a man who stood up to the Federal Reserve and won us World war 2
>Keeps Americans safe abroad and at home
>Keeps other people safe who aren't even American since the CIA understands all of humanity is valuable
>Pays for itself (drug operations)
>Will always stand up for American interests
>Is the strongest defender of the constitution

fuck off, Clapper

>Will always stand up for American interests

>kekistan flag
Kys yourself

>>Created by Truman, a man who stood up to the Federal Reserve and won us World war 2

You niggers glow in the dark. Terry told me to hit you with my car.

Tell me about the CIA niggers. Why do they glow in the dark?

>(((Federal Reserve)))
>(((Not siding with Axis powers)))
>(((Created the drug problem)))
>(((Stands up for Jewish Interests)))
>(((They once said their main goal is to get the population to believe opposite of truth in every way possible)))

Fuck off, spooks.

First post best post

2/10 bait, OP. Try harder faggot

Dulles fags eat a dick

You're a terrible troll, get off my thread now or face the ban hammer.

Negro, name 3 good things the CIA has done.

Operation MockingBird, Operation Avalanche, Operation Bay of Pigs.

Also Bay of Pigs wasn't a ""failure"". It was 4D chess and a big warning sign to Castro.

Kill yourself

No fuck that. CIA is run by kikes and serves kike interests. Couldn't give a fuck about Americans. Would blow up citizens if they thought they could get a Zio war out of it.

Lmao nice bait

>CIA is run by kikes and serves kike interests
Israel and America are the strongest countries worldwide. So this is a good thing.

>Pays for itself (drug operations)
One true statement of post.
Literally destroying Brazilian rain forests due to sassafras harvesting.

too much of a pussywhip to let MacArthur bomb those commie rats back to the stoneage in korea, now we have to deal with the long term consequences of his weakness

Stfu pussy NK was bombed to the stone they rebuilt it

It was until about 10 years ago.

>and won us World war 2

>Winning a war for kikes is based

Do all you shills really hate our intelligence agencies? Isn't Sup Forums supposed to be patriotic?

Fuck off Clapper.


>Is the strongest defender of the constitution

You stupid fucking burger. Christ almighty the ignorance I have to deal with on this world. The CIA are not the FBI. The CIA are spies. Spies do their thing through espionage. Espionage involves acting. Acting convincingly. Since the CIA is on a black budget, they had to do their own independent sourcing for funds if they wanted more funds. The thing about being a spy is you are given the "5th freedom," but you are also completely disavowed by your country of origin if you die in the line of duty. Being spies and being on a black budget, they soon started sourcing their funds outside the US. Those funding them wanted favors done from them for said funds. Are you starting to get it yet? How things started to spin out of control? This is only scratching the surface too.

Thats some made up shit right there

The CIA are drug running, mind controlling, terrorists, media psyopists for the banksters aka the jews "spying" they don't do in fact you clearly have never read up on the CIA there are 7-10 different despartments and then the off line bullshit

10/10 troll
or a
0/10 shill

Truman regretted starting the CIA. It got taken over by goons very fast