Been a few weeks since i have been on Sup Forums
What the fuck have they done to you guys??? Why are they making fun of the US?? What kind of sick meme is this
Been a few weeks since i have been on Sup Forums
>t. mutt on vacation
add a couple shills with your regular Sup Forums shit poster and you have your American hate threads
Holy fuck, post more my dick is getting hard
I know you like smelly girl feet.
No post more american memes man
Do you have feetish at least pls?
yeah yeah post more mutt memes mmm
have some feet too
That pseudo-maymay took $80M, and multiple 3 letter agencies and think tanks to produce. Left can't meme for shit.
damn those lips. hnnnnnngggg
>Why are they making fun of the US??
because it is getting mongreziled
you really think they were able to get away with criticism while being 40%+ minority?
y-you don't like the feet pic?
Just childish jealously mixed with ardent weaponized autism
Nobody is making fun of you leaf, you literally don't exist to anyone but America to which you are a liberal tumor.
Reminder that you get arrested for criticizing gays or Muslims in Canada and the UK.
nice leaf proxy mutt
There is no proof of "56%" and even if there was, race mixing is extremely rare in America, 56% would mean we are overwhelmed with niggers and mexicans, not every walking person is 56% white.
But even if that was the case, we own you. We own the entire world. And there's nothing you can do about it. Ever. So I can see why you're so angry. Better to get over it though than cry and scream.
here is your you and im not using a proxy
This is a link to feminist events in Toronto:
it has the dates of when they will or did happen of each event
>But even if that was the case, we own you. We own the entire world. And there's nothing you can do about it. Ever. So I can see why you're so angry.
lick her feet slave
God fucking damn. You are really shitting on them rn
U Jelly muhammad?
Those mutt threads are fucking stupid.
Americans are by far the whitest group on this board.
Anyone have that pic of the nationalist rally with men vs refugees welcome full of women?
>Those mutt threads are fucking stupid.
>Americans are by far the whitest group on this board.
hello I am American and I find these ameri-mutt memes so fucking hilarious. How rare am I?
>be so helpless against the american global supremacy the only outlet of anger you have is MS paint memes
Fucking hell, I can't even imagine how much that sucks.
*gets shot and ends up in the hospital but the medical bill is unpayable*
jokes aside, these drawings are fucking hilarious
Currently redpilling, pls help
Its the European superiority complex.
The memes would be more effective if you fucks would stop being hyperbolic with them and just stick to what works.
Then again, the left can't meme so I don't know what I was expecting.
This is what you're doing
Most of this board is American, so not very. How could a meme stick around if the majority hated it? It wouldn't.
It is American culture to ridicule each other.
Everyone save up the memes.
t. butthurt imbecile who can't take a dumb joke
come on now
>le first amendment
tru tho
apparently retards think that when your country has percentages of people in it's population, it's that the actual people are made of those percentages.
totally fucking stupid, it's like they just keep shitting themselves and liking how they're covered in shit.
if you are 60%
then minorities are 40%
fuck you
I just ignore Jewish nonsense. Amerikkkans are the best.
>haha America is turning into Africa, your all mutts!
>Literally importants millions of sandniggers and somalians to rape their women while imprisoning anyone who complains
you can't make this shit up.
get better bro
Just ignore meme flagging faggots
Canada is irrelevant.
nice :D
>commie red instead of murica shirt
What did he mean by this?
Tru but damn man, dem memes, they are fucking vile
Pol help
>Pol help
Give me another (you) please.
funny cause half you population is non white.
newfig, just post your question as its own thread
not that hard
This is my favourite meme on all of Sup Forums right now. Seeing Americans get THIS assblasted is truly hilarious.
American't, the land of lard and soy.
>live in 80% white state
>majority non jewish
>barely any nig nogs or taco sellers
>is not phased by 56% meme
>feels good
Get memed on faggot
it really is a breath of fresh air when it comes to memes, even though i am laughing at my own country
Thanks for proving my point. Now take your “omg look at my flag guys, I’m so fashy le 1488 guise” ass back to reddìt where your kind belongs
Drunk la, just need an image and jewgle is not help
Do it again, I dare you.
>There is no proof of "56%" and even if there was, race mixing is extremely rare in America, 56% would mean we are overwhelmed with niggers and mexicans, not every walking person is 56% white.
This. All of my predecessors where of pure stock and were here before the Revolutionary War. No mongrels, immigrant, or shit-mixing. Great 5x Grandfather Captain in Virginia militia. Just keep in mind the LARP-faggots and their "special flags".
"The American is immunized to all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he shrinks back: "Whiter than you, Muhammed." - Comrade Joseph Stalin
Mix of CIA forced meme and jelly rest of world fags
>actually thinking we care about MS paint memes while living in the best country on the planet and ruling literally the entire globe
Yes, we are truly assblasted
You don't have the balls to do it a third time.
Ok the memes are getting better.
>while living in the best country on the planet and ruling literally the entire globe
Being a white country
Being a 53% wealthy country
pick one
Brown eyed girls are cute