"The Tatami Galaxy" prequel movie "The Night is Brief, Go Forth Young Woman" just got announced. Here's a trailer: youtube.com
Masaaki Yuasa's new project
I think I will stop watching tv anime series and only watch anime movies now.
Unbelievable. Simply stunned.
>Tatami galaxy rehash
The novel came first dude
Meh. This is not what I expected for his movie.
>dude i'm so neurotic lmao
watch it for the visuals. Yuasa should put his time into something worthwhile like Kaiba or Ping Pong.
Basically this
I can't think of something more stagnant for Yuasa than doing this
I'm sure it will be a fun movie and all but if you are excited about this then you didn't really like Yuasa to begin with.
this year just keeps giving me reasons to not kill myself
yeah it will probably be great but it would be better if he did something new. but perhaps he is doing it to try to get money to fund new projects or something like that? in which case it would be quite good
Ping Pong is the worst TV series Yuasa has made in all respects.
The novel for this came before Tatami Galaxy. It has some side characters in common with it but the focus is on a completely different pair of mains.
I thought he'd be the type of man to always want to do something new not go back and rehash something he made half a decade ago
Who gives a crap? It's the same thing with the same aesthetic
The guy literally spent decades working on crayon shin chan.
>dat instant shitposting
>literally any director/studio makes a prequel/sequel
>Yuasa makes a prequel/sequel
>"It's okay when Yuasa does it"
Random greentext is random
Was that before or after he started directing his own shit
This looks just as amazing, and makes me want to rewatch Tatami Galaxy.
before, that guy doesn't know what he's talking about
Apparently he still has an original movie in the works (or at least, his studio does), so there might still be something new down the line. I wonder where he would find the time for that if he was working on this though, unless this is a lower-profile quicker production. The PV kinda points at that.
Oh. New SZS ripoff.
>complaining about people's opinion 10 posts in
>when most people agree with you
>green texting
stop samefagging, please.
you quoted explicitly different IPs
if you have nothing relevant to say then just hang yourself instead of posting
This and two original movies.
honestly a brand new thing would've been better but above all else I'm just glad he didn't 'learn' from cartoon network & make a gay adventure time bootleg to please the true overlords of animation
>me face when
oh and it's not too surprising that the movie was a 'rehash' of what is as far as I know his most successful & mainstream project, meanwhile really experimental stuff likely doesn't pay off as much
even in the west Yuasa fans rarely list Mind Game as their favorite; I mean it's my favorite but I get the feeling making a super wacky bizarre 'let's fuck around with animation' adaptation of an extremely obscure self insert manga no one cared about was pretty risky
of course I could be completely wrong about how much money his projects made, if so then correct me
He really needs to think about money now that he owns a studio.
So why does Yuusa have dedicated shitposters?
It's also worth noting that making movies based on a successful book author is a safety net, with Mind Game they adapted a manga by some random guy only they cared about
Anything good does.
I am fucking excited.
Is this a real post?
What are you talking about? Most negative comments about this announcement are coming from Yuasa fans.
everything popular does but I think Yuasa fans can be particularly annoying. cancerous mal-reject/born-again youtube celeb "roriconfan"/"thatanimesnob" is an example of a Yuasa fan I absolutely can't stand despite mostly agreeing with him on what's good or bad just because he's a terrible pretentious try hard cunt
those that try to deal with bad fans by board-policing through spam are just as cancerous though
That's true. But it really seems like there's serious Yuasa hate for no legitimately reason, and it always infects every Yuasa thread.
Most of those so called "Yuasa" fans are complaining this isn't an original when if they paid any attention to the man they would already know it is already confirmed that he is working on two novel adaptation films and an original film.
it's retards who want to 'chase away cancerous fanbases' by making shows impossible to discuss through spam. see also the "set fail" meme used to spam One Piece in 2007
Some people think he's pretentious even though the messages in most of the stuff he worked on are straightforward. Who knows.
Is this actually a sequel to Tatami Galaxy?
>The protagonist falls in love with "Otome," his junior in a college club, and struggles daily to be noticed by her. However, "Kurokami no Otome" is naïve and unsophisticated and is completely indifferent to him. This comical love fantasy depicts funny and interesting daily happenings in the city of Kyoto.
>not Madhouse
I wonder how the production quality will be.
It's not as if being pretentious is always bad either.
I actually never got around to watching Tatami Galaxy.
Is it worth a watch?
Science SARU is Yuasa's own studio. You know the director of the original series.
The amount of samefagging is sad.
It'll probably be better
Madhouse is a top tier animation studio.
In terms of animation budget though, comparatively, I have feelings it might look cheaper.
It's a prequel not a sequel, it says it right there in the OP.
Very much so, there were 2 or 3 episodes where I was bored of the formula but they get relevant later and everything pays off in the end.
You think a film is going to look cheaper than a TV anime? Are you dumb? A theatrical film.
It literally looks better.
I don't read moon, but are they saying that they're using a new AKFG song?
Same difference, I'm asking if it's actually related in-universe or if it's just another take on the story.
the fans are often pretentious & describe the shows in a pretentious way so people assume the work is the same.
I initially assumed Mind Game was some gay art house bullshit with no sense of fun after first reading online opinions about it; I only watched it when I saw people talk about it as a 'fun wacky cartoon' in the comment sections on John K's blog posts.
then after I watched it I looked for online opinions again and saw people compare it to fucking Waking Life and other 'do I fit in yet' art film faggot animation and decided 'yeah screw these fans'
as much as I like a lot about the guy, one of Ben Ettinger's posts about Mind Game was part of the reason I thought that way. his writing is like that all the time though to be fair, not just when talking about """""artsy""""" things:
>I miss Group Tac, and it's films like this that are the reason.
>The 11 Cats is a wonderful film - an exuberantly animated, colorful, imaginative, zany, witty, freewheeling adventure about a group of 11 cats out on an odyssey to find a giant fish for dinner.
No yeah, obviously I recognize it's a film and it has a larger budget. I just don't have total confidence about the whole thing.
It's pretty different, it's mostly about the heroine's crazy adventures while the protag acts more like a stalker, the focus is more on the girl in that case.
The OP is wrong, Mijikashi was released after Yojouhan
They both take place in the same Morimi setting but it can hardly be called a sequel.
That little stuff in the PV runs already circles around everything in Tatami Galaxy.
If anything to me it looks like it might be even more stylised. Probably the result of Yuasa with more creative control.
>The 11 Cats is a wonderful film - an exuberantly animated, colorful, imaginative, zany, witty, freewheeling adventure
Well is he wrong, or not? most of those words are easier to say than 'pretentious'
>reads John k's blog
>calls other pretentious
Can't make this shit up
Yeah I'm sorry, I assumed it was related because I saw the style and some characters in common and I know an actual sequel to the novel exists, but it's more like a story set in the same universe.
Weird. I was looking up information about this exact book just a day or two ago. And now a movie about it gets announced. Strange feeling.
Girl looks cute, I'll watch it.
I think his writing style is just overly 'intellectual' sounding for a lot of what he talks about
>reading something means you must agree 100% with it
Reading is pretentious as fuck, user.
>reading posts
What do you think of Aristotle?
>uchouten kazoku getting a second season next year
>this gets adapted next year
Ping Pong and Kemonozume are his best works.
My iq just went up after watching that trailer.
Anyone actually read the source material? The trailer is pretty vague about the plot
Kemonozume and Kaiba in my opinion.
Meh, it really falls short halfway through.
Was not a fan of the tatami galaxy
Wow I suddenly respect Yuasa a lot less. What happened to being original? Since when did he become a washed up hack?
Because you're too dumb to get it.
It's not a prequel.
I don't think it falls short at any point. Not going to argue about it though just stating my opinion.
People should really read the thread, he is working on two novel adaptations and an original film currently.
>Somehow a prequel of a master-piece is bad.
We shall see if it's any good.
Quite the contrary. I got it by the 4th or 5th episode. The next few episodes were boring as hell because its slightly different versions of what I already saw. I would literally rather watch endless 8
Cool OP though
I think you meant to post "wtf i hate yuasa now".
Because literally your post is just as cancerous.
It's a series of books told in reverse order, with the things that happen later chronologically reffering back and informing how you understand the earlier things. Sort of like the movie Memento, on a larger scale, if you've seen it.
Movie year 2017 looks pretty good already.
Though, for most of us, it'll be a movie year 2018.
2017 is looking pretty good in general, honestly.
It took you 5 episodes? Enough said then. It was only boring to you because your an unintellectual that couldn't grasp the complex underlying messages and thematic structures.
Back to plebbit with you, Yuasa hater.
>more yuasa faggotry so the yuasafags will shit up yet another year with their subpar faggotry
>its a tatami galaxy prequel
ok i'll take the suffering then, probably the only decent thing this faggot has ever done.
this nigger sounds like a reverse troll that hates yuasa & wants to make the fans look bad tho
pretentious yuasa fans sound different
>you didn't get it
>you did get it but it took you that long?! You're just dumb
OK user
this is the worst thread i've seen today
No, it's two original films and one novel adaptation.
more cat soup movies when?
its cause shitty yuasafags legitimately believe their shit don't stick even though this guy has made all of one good thing and this is the prequel of it.
seriously they are just the most pretentious fuckers and as soon as this comes out these shits will fag up every single thread on Sup Forums for an entire year getting extremely assmad anyone likes anything other then their fauxartsy bullshittery.