What could have caused an entire nation to devote itself to such evil?
And how can this be avoided in the future? The US is moving dangerously close to the dark side.
What could have caused an entire nation to devote itself to such evil?
And how can this be avoided in the future? The US is moving dangerously close to the dark side.
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let me think...
Go watch the greatest story never told.
Nice flag.
So the Germans lacked the ability to control their own destiny, morals and basic nature after the war? Jews made then do it? They weren't sentient?
Are you Jewish?
Because they were frightened and intimidated into going along with it. Can't you see you frightened and intimidated they were?
>falling for the good n' evil, morality and ethics meme
Move to Florida and drown with the state when the sea level rises.
This is pure evil, and this is what is going to be the cause of the 4th Reich rising.
kill yourself kike
>What could have caused an entire nation to devote itself to such evil?
Exactly. This is unironically a good argument for saying the nazi's did nothing wrong and history is a giant revisionist scam.
Fuck Nazis, fuck Commies and FUCK SOCIALISM.
The USA is not moving close, but poised, to free our country .
the Obama Socialist Coup has been toppled and the remnants of his army are being rooted out, and would have already been, if not for the protection of mass media.
Our goal as a people should be to destroy the media enablers of the Obama Coup against the United States.
These rebels against our Republic need to be arrested, face trial, and if found guilty, executed, according to existing Law.
Some good videos exposing many of the Holocaust lies.
Evil doesn't exist. There are no bad guys and good guys in history, just winners and losers. Now we're stuck between choosing two materialistic ideologies (communism/captialism) that lack any higher purpose other than how wealth is distributed.
Is that all we care about? How money and resources are allocated? The shuffling of wealth doesn't help anyone. At least the fascists had ideals that extended beyond 'who gets what'.
ask yourself that, libshit
>I'll make a few self righteous quips
>there that should stop the coming slaughter
>University of California
Only blood can stop the generational insults to a people.
All those beautiful happy Aryans. They hate us because we are so perfect - physically, mentally, spiritually.
awsome uniformen and badass logos and flaggs. basically pre internet memetics!
>What could have caused an entire nation to devote itself to such evil?
commies, faggots, kikes.
>how can this be avoided in the future?
dont test our patience.
I agree
They're doing it now. They just blindly obey, good or bad.
Bring back slavery. Niggers wont care. They loves pimpin.
Which war?
After WWI the Germans were too poor to do anything and after WWII they were under complete occupation for 4 years.
Are you retarded? no there moving towards Populism and sucking Jewish cock.And that should be avoided in the future.
where are you from memeflag?
the devil found work for idle hands, quite impressive really
they're germans?
It’s really not hard to believe when you study the level of degeneracy Germany reached after WWII.
>What could have caused an entire nation to devote itself to such evil
Nazi propaganda and violent intimidation.
>How can this be avoided in the future
Ignore the neo-nazi 'altright' don't give them any controversy it is how they stay alive and growing.
>And how can this be avoided in the future?
Christian Monarchism
Is it evil to kill tapeworms? Is it evil to not want them in your body?
Yea, the US is moving dangerously close to communism. We ought to remove this communist cyst before it spreads.
>What could have caused an entire nation to devote itself to such evil?
>Germany defeats France in Franco-Prussian war
>Occupy half of France until the reparations are paid off
>Germans paid off after a year
>Germany loses WW1 and is forced to pay reparations
>Chimps out and refuses to pay
>Chimps out when French occupy the Rhineland to get the money Germany owes them
>Crash their own economy to avoid paying debts
That's nothing compared to how much capitalism kills. It's who is being killed is the important thing. If kikes are being killed, then it's no loss to humanity.
>What could have caused an entire nation to devote itself to such evil
>How can this be avoided
To expand upon both points really: We must also remember that fascism in order to be successful as a political movement, must have a mass basis. It must secure not only the frightened, but the active cooperation of the great majority of people. Since by it's very nature if favors the few, at the expense of the many. It cannot possibly demonstrate that it will so improve the situation of most people.That there real interest will be served. It must therefore make its appeal not to rational self interest, but to emotion needs. Often to the most primitive and irrational wishes and fears. If it is argued that fascist propaganda fools people into the belief that their lot will be improved. Then you must ask why are they so easily fooled,because of their personality structure. Because of long established patterns of hopes and aspirations, fears and anxieties that dispose them of to certain and beliefs and make them resistant to others. The task of fascist propaganda in other words, is made easier because of undemocratic potentials already exist in the great mass of people. And yes in Germany I do believe that the economic conflicts and dislocations within the society were such, that for this alone the triumph of fascism was inevitable.But the nazi leaders did not act as if they believed this to be so. Instead they acted as if it were necessary at every moment to take into account the psychology of the people, to activate ever ounce of their antidemocratic potential, to compromise with them. In sum appealing to the lowest common denominator and the primitive instincts that existed within the German people.
the loathsome kike?
Only 5000 died in that """revolution""" the communists also won BTW and istead established a democracy
>Since by it's very nature if favors the few, at the expense of the many.
False. But that's no surprise a kike or kike-a-like would lie.
What makes more sense: That the Nazis, a anti-semitic group who rose to power and commited Genocide against Jews (alongside other groups) in the places they controlled using death camps that they documented, listed, and built.
It's all a massive global conspiracy in which everyone involved, from world leaders to actual jews who lived through the events are lying and making up claims that a genocide happened and that the Nazis who had plans to actually kill jews were really just good guys.
> Niggers too stupid to stop pissig and shitting in their potable water
> blame capitalism
Yeah, go fuck off - nigger. Under some strong communism we could at least send them to the gulag or death camps! yay!
Which is more probable.
1) Something occurring where no proof is offered up
2) Something not occurring when the only proof offered is ridiculous tales of pooping diamonds.
We can help those poor downtrodden niggers if you'd just stop being racist.
No, seriously, kike, you completely missed the point.
(To understand Hitlers "Reich")- Imagine a country letting its cruelest people take charge, Imagine giving these people the power of life and death over a whole nation. Imagine a nation where children are taught to be tattles and tell the secret police about anyone who protests even their parents. Imagine a nation that burns the books of the greatest writers because it fears and hates ideas and truth. Imagine a nation that kills people because it doesn't like their religion or ideas, or they're handicapped. This is what happened in Germany in the 1930s. Germany no longer even attempted to be a democracy. It willingly became a dictatorship. This is what "National socialists" want to restore. So "Normies" is this what you want? So tell me about how Nazism doesn't benefit a chosen few at the great expense of everyone else.
Nothing was evil about the Nazis. They were just our enemy. And a nation always demonizes the enemy for propaganda purposes. It gets the nation behind the war.
But the jews hijacked that sentiment and never let it doe. The Nazis were fine. We've just been repeatedly lied to about them by the jews. The more you learn about it, the more you realized that the Nazis were good guys. So was the USA, but we let ourselves get dragged into a war by jews (what a surprise). So the jews got two good guys and one semi-evil country (Russia) to duke it out for 50 years, and laughed all the way to the bank. Russia is the only country that's ever figured out the trick. Now they're kinda good guys, and Germany is straight up evil, and the USA is the big strong dummy just doing what it's told to do.
If I could go back in time, I'd warn Hitler about the US and Russia, and tell him to avoid protracted war at all costs. He was the last truly great leader in world history, and it's a shame he failed.
"If the general government should persist in the measures now threatened, there must be war. It is painful enough to discover with what unconcern they speak of war and threaten it. They do not know its horrors. I have seen enough of it to make me look upon it as the sum of all evils."
-General Thomas Jonathan Jackson, CSA
TL;DR young and inexperienced men are easily manipulated
Dark for you.
>Something occurring where no proof is offered up
Lol the Holocaust is thoroughly documented and recorded even by the nazis themselves, you really think there is no proof? Don't deny it Hitler is rolling in his grave right now because you guys are trying to deny the Holocaust, besides it's a contradiction to your own ideology.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
I am proud that I have been to that very place.
Sucks that Germans today are taught to be ashamed of themselves.
Everywhere you go there are posters, engravings, and reminders of "oy vey anoda shoha!, this jew was taken from here and he died in camps. never forget goy."
>Pure Evil
>such evil
>the dark side.
"I can only say that while I have considered the preservation of the constitutional power of the General Government to be the foundation of our peace and safety at home and abroad, I yet believe that the maintenance of the rights and authority reserved to the states and to the people, not only essential to the adjustment and balance of the general system, but the safeguard to the continuance of a free government. I consider it as the chief source of stability to our political system, whereas the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it. I need not refer one so well acquainted as you are with American history, to the State papers of Washington and Jefferson, the representatives of the federal and democratic parties, denouncing consolidation and centralization of power, as tending to the subversion of State Governments, and to despotism."
-General Robert Edward Lee
TL;DR consolidation of power in the hands of central authority never ends well
Friendly reminder to report copy and pasted posts, in accordance to Sup Forums's global rules.
Oh spare me you're propaganda bullshit. There's so much bullshit in your post, I don't even know which turd to debunk first.
> Imagine a country letting its cruelest people take charge, Imagine giving these people the power of life and death over a whole natio
You could literally say that about any nation. People with ambition are always domineering. People who wish to be led, will follow them. You're just twisting it into your own perverse worldview, because you have a political agenda.
>Imagine a nation where children are taught to be tattles and tell the secret police about anyone who protests even their parents.
Oh.... kind of like how you're encouraged to rat people out on twitter and facebook because they said something your kind deems naughty?
> Imagine a nation that burns the books of the greatest writers because it fears and hates ideas and truth
Canada actually did burn books. But you people are literally banning people from the internet because of the very reason you're accusing the big bad nawtzees of.
>Germany no longer even attempted to be a democracy.
Implying democracy hadn't been denounced by political theorists from Nietzsche to Plato to the founders of the United States.
>It willingly became a dictatorship. This is what "National socialists" want to restore.
There's inherently wrong with dictatorship. You just put forth a bunch of strawmen and lies about the nature of fascism because you have a political agenda. Fascism is not some big bad man with a huge stick standing in your living room ordering you around. Because that's what weak beta cuck faggots like you try to make it out to be.
Now, isn't it past time to put your girlfriend's children to bed?
>dead people
You sure showed me definitive proof they were gassed.
>pure evil
From a faggot's point of view, yes.
Further on banning books, the books burned were largely of the pornographic variety. Faggots like to claim that they were literally and had value, which is simply not true.
We killed CBTS and Jews are going haywire.
It will be avoided by the complete and utter destruction of the left.
If it was a hoax then why do they have documents written by the Nazis themselves concerning it and why are their photographs and why did Hitler mention ethnic genocide in Mein Kampf, and why why why? Lol BTW buddy the burden of proof doesn't lie on me you're the one trying to debunk the truth, do you even have a single mainstream academic source to support your nazi bullshit?
All the white genocide I see going around is definitely making me worried.
Who knows? Some people just snap. They probably needed therapy. I can refer you to a real, mensch.
What page did Hilter mention ethnic genocide in Mein Kampf?
>he thinks the greatest generation wouldn't beat his degenerate, yellah ass to death
>niggers have far more kids than they can support
>niggers starve to death
>obviously this is capitalism's fault
Our power is the only power. Our culture is the only culture. You cannot stop us.
Neither the US or europe is close to either fascism or communism because the poverty isnt enough to cause such levels of despair.
Germany was bankrupted AF before Hitler stole the jews. Can you imagine a leader in the US claiming he would steal the jews and the likes of Trump? lol. He would have been murdered.
>White genocide
As all sane people who are worth talking to would to tell you this is a fallacy
A question to ask might be, “What is ‘white’?”
Oh, yes, “I know it when I see it,” but do you? What about Europeans who have slightly darker skins? Southern Italians, Spaniards, people with heavy tans?
Did you know that ‘black’ in English literature before the Twentieth century meant ‘having black hair and dark eyes’? Swarthy is an interesting word, too. No surprise you'd make some crap like this up though.
>The US is moving dangerously close to the dark side.
i have bad new for you, but US is already pure evil
>Funny how both communists and natsocs are based on theft and plunder
Rearrange your stripes and maybe youd have some soggy moral ground to stand on. The kgb is partially responsible for all the degeneracy the us is experiencing and exporting.
sound like "its white people to blame" you know?
stay as far away from socialism/collectivism as you can and National SOCIALIST Germany will not repeat itself.
The 2+4 treaty was signed in '96. Until then it was still us at nukepoint by the UN. So try fifty years.
I'm a white guy.
I think they no longer had control over their own economic and social development due to external influences, this caused a disenfranchised native population; that eventually forced them to coalesce for self preservation, but I guess they took it one step too far.
>In what other places do I see similar things happening these days, hmmm?
Would you tolerate cruelty if it meant ending racism or securing freedom? Would you tolerate cruelty if an enemy had a gun to your head?
Most people would say yes when pushed to the edge. If no, you die, or live your life as a slave.
Arguing over the merits of the nazi state is a waste of time, if you oppose its founding principles. Until you actually empathize with other side, you'll be grasping in the darkness of your own projections.
Because the average German citizen is a mindless, humorless, servile automaton who bends the knee to whatever sovereign authority that currently exists.
Every so often, a leader will arise among them and direct their skullduggery into leading their hapless populace in a lemming-like capacity in failed military or political ventures that lead to their self destruction- much to the improvement of the world in general.
The point is that should it ever happen again, dead germans are never a bad thing.
>Using lefty/pol/'s BS "what is white" fallacy
Our understanding of "whites" are one of three broad ethnic groups, those being the Germanics (which include ethnicities such as the Nords and the Britons), the Slavs (some contention on this one) and the Mediterraneans.
Germanic traits include: pale skin, freckles, eyes in every known color, a square jaw, straight hair, remarkably high average IQ, mostly brown and black hair but many blondes and redheads as well.
Mediterranean traits include: Curly dark hair, tan/olive skin tone, mostly brown eyes, rounded jaws, high average IQ
Slavic traits include: strong rounded chins, a lower-than-average IQ level, an incredibly high propensity for alcohol, similar eye- and hair-color variation to the Germanics, pale skin, large noses.
Now, again, these are three incredibly broad ethnic categories, but they all share many traits within themselves. Pretending that these ethnicities simply don't exist is nothing short of pants-on-head retarded. Humanity has a spectrum, and the three mentioned groups are just a part of that spectrum - albeit one that has been objectively incredibly successful.
Oh, and I forgot to answer this: We "turned to Evil" after the Grand Rabbi of Jerusalem declared us Amalek, being a tribe that Jews must wipe out in the Old Testament to the point of this being three of their 613 core commandments in Leviticus. Initially the Emperor believed that the Western civilisations would never allow themselves to be co-opted to such a pathetic end, but unbeknownst to him the Brits had already sold several parliament seats to the Rothschild bankers that drove the agenda, and so when they gave the Balfour Declaration, America unleashed the Spanish Flu, everyone from Hooton to Kallergi started publishing plans about how to exterminate us, France began the Hootonian negrification program in earnest and the commies rolled in with two million, we figured we would at least take it to a fighting end. We then actually slaughtered enough of your Slav cattle for the enlightened democracies to instead need -us- as their slave labor after the war, and by this point we have spread around the world to the point of every serious attempt to wipe our bloodline from the earth with anything but targeted direct combat immediately also fucking all the others over, including your hoily choisen "Ashkenazi" kikes. As such the answer is: We had one chance to live and thank God took it, hail victory.
kys kike
Because historically there was nothing wrong with what they did. Civilizations have been enacting genocide for thousands of years. China idolises Genghis Khan and he killed millions. The British and French have sacked dozens of cities, and we just throw that up as necessary history. But suddenly, in the 20th century, people decide its a big no-no.
Why are you asking here faggot when the answer is very simple. Read about the Weimar Republic in Germany in detail and you will understand. Then make a comparison with today. Any similarities? I can already taste the blood.
Please specify what "evil" exactly.you are referring to?