Step aside old fags. Gen Z is here

Boomers are dying, Gen X wasted their life getting high. Millennials are a fucking joke and a bunch of emotionally stunted medicated crying babies. You are all nothing but a bunch of fucking degenerate. All of you, no exception. You’ve fucked everything that you have touched, the economy, the education system, politics and culture.

We’re taking over now. This is our time. So, just fucking roll over on your back and die, all of you, the sooner the better. You’ve fucked this world and it’s time that we take over and fix the shit that you have left us. In a couple of days, we will release our first manifesto. For the first time ever, the world will hear us.

We are young and we are angry.

We are Gen Z.

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Dunno what Gen Z’s are like in America but they seem worse than millennials here in Aus.

We are currently building our website. So stay tuned. We will post it here once it's ready. This is not a bait thread. We are starting a movement.

We are WOKE as fuck. I'm American, I can't speak for Australian faggots. But maybe our movement will inspire them to wake up.

late genx early millenials havent even stepped up to the plate son.some of those kids grew up on the terminator and cannibal corpse. you might get your ass stomped you step out of line.

This is our first promotional poster. Feedback welcomed btw.

Well this is exactly what we want to challenge. I'm still young but I have plenty of ideas. The current state of the world sickens me. And instead of falling into depression, it inspired me and a couple of friends to start this movement. I really don't understand why any of you "grown ups" tolerate that shit. It's fucking insane.

Identity Evropa contacted us a while ago, but we think that they are out of touch and that their approach is strange. We don't really get it. So we don't want to be associated with them. What we are creating is new and different.

You sound like a cringey 16 year old but I sincerely wish you luck. Keep that power level hidden

So what should we do? Just stay silent and do nothign? LOL! No... Not going to happen.