>Indian "civilization"
Can anyone explain what is going on this video?
>Indian "civilization"
Can anyone explain what is going on this video?
Other urls found in this thread:
you know india's streets were quite clean while the british were in charge
They have a serious problem trying to associate how disposing their feces correctly has to do with the fact they have no real self esteem.
And your grandparents were supposed to be on the gallows when the British were in charge
I have a house older than you 'country'
British Indian Holocaust (1.8 billion excess deaths, 1757-1947; 10 million killed in post-1857 Indian Mutiny reprisals; 1 million starved, 1895-1897 Indian Famine; 6-9 million starved, 1899-1900 Indian Famine; 6-7 million starved under Churchill, Bengali Holocaust 1943-1945].
Dadabhai Naoroji, one of the co - founders of Indian National Congress, also called, "The Grand Old Man Of India," and mentor of both Gokhale and Gandhi estimated in 1870s in his book, "Poverty And Un - British Rule In India," that The siphoning of wealth from India by the British was to the tune of 4 million pounds a year. This he calculated from the year 1857 onwards which went unabated till 1947. Assuming that the drainage was an estimated 2 million pounds a year from 1757 (Battle Of Plassey) to 1856 and 4 million pounds from the year 1857 to 1947 as mentioned before, then the total amount swindled would be an astonishing eye - opener in today's terms. Let us see how.
If we assume the money could have been invested at 7.5% compound interest then the present day value of the money looted from India is about 600,000,000,000,000 pounds or 600 trillion pounds.
Rothschild bank should be able to pay on behalf of the ugly Brit considering they had a huge steak in the rape of India
India had a thriving civilization long before wh*Te dogs.
>500 year old outhouse
>implying it's an outhouse
>being this naive
What video
Australia btfo
>Can anyone explain what is going on this video?
Nice link
Nice use of the word "in"
Lol he mad
Yeah don't be rude leaf. You know Indians don't use outhouses.
>send the worst of the worst white criminals to a far off desert island where everything wants to kill them
>couple hundred years later it's a first world country
>still licks the boot of the population that wanted to kill them
>pretends they had no help from Britain which was rich on the behest of the raj
>Not checking before posting.
Why are you low intelligence stupid people existing in 2017?
I want race war now.
Gas the whites!
I like both mutt memes and poojeet memes
We're the same race idiot. I know its hard for you third worlders to understand the concept of loyalty.
>save race
Topkek, are your people even native to the island, anglo isn't a race it's a a state of barbaric behaviour
The poos are mad!!
>>Indian "civilization"
Thats nothing the islamic conqeusts of india killed 60 to 80 million people.
Were they wrong? Look at the state of India now. Imagine a world completely ran by white people. Now that is paradise.
I get you want to shit where ever you please, but please use the designated shitting street and not the middle of the shack you live in!
Cmon now, give them a little credit, at least their shitting street doesn't became an hepatitis outbreak unlike California,
Perhaps your country should not have allowed itself to be dominated by an island on the other side of the world with
>mutt education
Am I crazy or is there no link?
your GDP still doesn't explain your poo problem
Um excuse me, can you people not be racist please? Thanks in advance.
Pack it up, lads, I'ma fraid we've been BTFO'd
>Indian Famines in Living memory. [Or you're worse at farming than Best Korea]
1943 Bengal famine - Something was going on that was a touch more important for Britains survival than helping India. We also had our own food shortage going on but were organised very well so didn't starve. Also This one's on the Japanese
1947 Indian independence
1966 Bihar Guess that was us too
1973 Maharashtra Totally not the Indians fault Also gib me dats from the US
1979 Damn that Perfidious Albion starving the Wagon wheel's
2001 Obviously Britain is importing extra rats to eat our food.
2013 Maharashtra 2 electric boogaloo
Its almost like being reliant and seasonal agriculture and a single crop [rice] rather than planning and stockpiling makes people die when things go wrong
That looks like every other financial chart on the same timeframe. It’s called inflation.
India was objectively better off under British rule.
Death to the anglos
Racism is not ok, it should be illegal. This isn't the first time I've thought about calling the police on something offensive I saw online.
Objectively one of the worst memes I've ever seen someone actively try to get away with.
Not sure if shitpost.
My son.
>calling the police on something offensive I saw online
>Assuming the cops give a shit about your feelings being hurt by someone in another country
what the fuck is going on in this thread and why is there no link
India's a shit hole. Fuck that place.
hey /poo/ lets destroy the poolatariot prepare to be spooped
>poojeets have a space program now...we can't let them shit in space...what will the ayys think.
>If we assume the money could have been invested at 7.5% compound interest then the present day value of the money
Why the hell would someone assume that?
In Canada they would read the post or tweet or whatever, take a picture or your computer as evidence, and the perpetrator could get 6 years minimum.
You guys should watch this video, its really funny
Its a guy who was uploading videos of him riding his motorcycle through many countries and having a lot of fun, until he reached India
You don't even know what the word objective means. Your comment was a subjective one. Objective refers to a quantified reference.
And that other user was obviously shitposting. You probably need to take a little bit of an Internet break.
Oh no you digdereedidn't.
lol being this mad at mother Britain's golden child , haha cmon now raj
>Staying in local indian area in city
>Dogshit on streets
>more rubbish floating about that a gypsy encampment
>No Dogs to be seen or heard
>Decide to buy a pint of milk to drink from corner shop
>Shop has open bin of rice for sale with pidgeons eating from it.
> milk tastes like burning & fat.
>Google health inspection results All local shops score 1 on health inspection
>Learn about fake milk
>Google shops name in news
>Its previous 3 owners have been barred from runnming businesses for various violations.
This is false, Google doesn't exist in England.
No, I can't, because you didn't post a video.
Its true indians dont use outhouses thats just asking for a witch in your hone
And the streets of Britain are absolutely filthy. Always have been.
Makes you think eh?
Is life even worth living when a fucking toilet is a luxury?
Are you ready to laugh? Get a load of pic related
Rulers? Hahahaha get it? Penis jokes!1!1! I'm so funny totally not insecure and totally not throwing around toxic masculinity.
> British Indian Holocaust (1.8 billion excess deaths, 1757-1947; 10 million killed in post-1857 Indian Mutiny reprisals; 1 million starved, 1895-1897 Indian Famine; 6-9 million starved, 1899-1900 Indian Famine; 6-7 million starved under Churchill, Bengali Holocaust 1943-1945].
It wasn’t enough..
Ha ha street shitter is triggered.
>when your country gets BTFO so hard you forget how to use the toilet
Yes, they ran out of rope for your grandpa
okay rape u next week
Who shits on the streets? Dravidian-Mongoloid hybrids that's who. I bet you've never seen a high caste Indo-Aryan shiiting on the streets. Calling all Indians out for their bheaviour is like calling all Americans out for nigger bheaviour
>poo in loo and shart in mart at it again
reminds me of that old south park episode.
fuhrer is watching this girl
We took Goa from you. Thanks.
look closer...
yes and you are prime minister
Still kinda funny how Antonio Salazar constantly provoked India for military action and then we took Goa in a couple of days with the Portuguese btfo.
Your 'cuntry' didn't even exist before the British. It was just a bunch of 500 different kingdoms fighting each other for supremacy and each state spoke a different language. It was the British who united your subcontinent under British rule and English language.
You poo, have no right to make claim of an non existent house older than Newzealand. India is not even 200 years if you low ball and assume Raj as a whole another country.
Which state are you from?
>work next to an indian grocery store
>can smell them through the walls
>drive like shit
>smell like shit
>the women look and act like shit
>the men are beta virgins that travel in packs, while smelling like shit
>treat everyone else like shit while they are here on a visa
Indian Holocaust when?
What video?
The English were your betters, as they were ours
No need of of. Their incompetence is ending themselves.
Who and what?
what video
>Bastard child of British
>Adopted child of British
No wonder they are so similar in behavior.
At least they are half whites. Instead of poojeets being the Frankenstein creature made up from rape children of European invaders, abbos and Islamic middle eastern invaders you poo.
we demand a video
That is where they anglocucks fucked up. India should have never been united. They also brought in hordes of mudslimes from the ME, more than even under Mongol rule.
Even Ambedkar admitted more buddhists converted to Islam under anglocucks than aurangzeb.
whyyou get so mad? can't you take a joke?
The annexation of Goa 1961.
Lol compare that chart to a first world country
Not bad, just mansplaining not everyone wants to be living under this shit flag.
Rajasthan's not so bad. We've found oil reserves in the desert recently.
I am sorry I was just memeing