They're going to lose every state and the PM will lost next election they are probably finished in Australia for another good 10 years+
They're going to lose every state and the PM will lost next election they are probably finished in Australia for...
the left wing propaganda machine is too well funded
Nah. They're good at blaming the ALP for geo economics.
In 2020-25 the average retard will agree that the ALP didn't do enough to stop the Australian property bubble from deflating, which is underway and won't stop.
See: Ireland, Japan, a lot of the US.
They'll get in on the backs oh MUH IMMAGRONTS again
They're cuckservative losers who will sell the country to China for a quick buck. There is no solid right wing party in Australia.
No matter how low the libs sink labor manages to be even less likeable.
Cory Bernadi is trying.
Getting too close to Christcucks in Family First.
So what though. At least their christian shit makes more sense than the fag acceptance tranny shit that we have no.
Most lemmings need something to believe in.
Neoliberal with a sprinkling of Christianity, why.
Is it so hard to find one fucking Australian isolationist who isn't a total globalist in macro policy?
Dick Smith help me
Getting too close to Christcucks is a mistake that secular rightwingers have made time and time again. They throw away their populist appeal by appealing to a minority of retards or the Christcucks just end up co-opting the party for themselves.
>appealing to Christcucks
Might I remind you that it was the Left wing of the Liberal party that blackmailed the government into the postal vote.
If anything the whole sham show was a demonstration of a weak willed party pandering to identity politics and the disastrous consequences.
Good, they're a shitty wannabe posh boys club
I hate the crypto-Labor wing of the Liberals as much as anyone. But fake conservatives are still a different beast from Christcucks. Christcucks have no popular appeal while fake conservatives appeal to the wrong people.
You seem to think the Christians are the equivalent of the Tea Party Republicans. But no matter the point is the crypto conservatives are the ones you need to deal with. Christians at this point won't be supporting Labor or the Greens for the obvious reason they have too much "excess baggage" to support without seeming like hypocrites.
But with this postal vote the Liberals have alienated everyone. The Laborites for not going far enough and the Christians for acquiescing to legislative blackmail.
imagine being a volunteer for a political party
would you rather have the marxists in power? (Labor/Green alliance)
The seat of Noosa is interesting. It's been a Liberal seat for over a decade due to the greens siphoning Labour and now it's gone lefty independent in a huge swing.
This woman has a fantastic Facebook page. Anyone who's thinking of running should study it closely.
The Facebook stats of the candidates are as follows:
IND (Elected)
1500 likes, 7 videos average time 1min, most videos with 2.4k+ views
2900 likes, 6 videos half range fro 1k to 3.5k views and the rest under 200 views
330 likes, 3 videos, 44k views, 54k views, and ~300 views.
hopefully this is a wake up call for QLD conservatives come the next federal election
you can't throw your votes away on 'meme' parties
who's going to win?
*if you want to change the government
The love for Yellow cock has undone them completely. I wonder how bad you Aussies have it when it comes to Chinese investment.
>implying Labor doesn't want to dissolve boarders
Good fucking riddance. The lnp are crooks, all they do is cut wages and look after the big banks. At least the alp support unions and workers rights.
NZ Labour doesn't they went hard against immigration and Chinese investment. Do the ALP want to go full Trudeau?
the one nation vote wasn't a throw away tho, LNP is forced to move right or crash and burn
The ALP aren't keen on refugees, however they still let some in which usually signals to people smugglers that Australia is open for business.
Don't forget lining Rupert Murdoch's pockets with money.
>Rupert Murdoch
This old cunt needs to be hung from a coolabah tree.
yeah, right now they are held back by the few union guys left, the rest of the party is pretty much greens tier
Yeah our stupid cunt of a prime minister isn't helping with that either. The left always go soft on refugees and then we have a tidal wave of human shit turning up on our shores which gets them thrown out of government during the next elections and so the cuck cycle continues.
Vote for Nationalists if you can.
You said this about legalizing poofta marriage too nigel
Refugees are absolute trash but my biggest concern is the chinks, these sneaky rat cunts are slowly taking over.
>deficit matching american uk and zimbabwean levels
>gina rinehart
>mass confusion and 100 million lost voting on minority rights; again; like zimbabwe; nobody really or truly knows what is going on with that; look at brexit
>pauline hanson
>sometimes labor wins territories for like 30 years
The boats have been dealt with the real problem was always planes pauline was right from the start
So butthurt and poor understanding.
$100m is like 0.0001% of GDP
so it's okey dokey to just waste 100 million taxpayer dollarydoos? you assies are cucked because you don't hold your government to any kind of standards, you let them walk all over you
I hope One Nation gets a chance.
Honestly don't get how people could be so myopic or easily fooled here. Newman did actually good things, and they smashed him for it. Palazcuskvosvic has done fuck all, and nothing good, yet she might get another go at it.
What the hell happened to QLD?
somehow palazsuivok has more balls than the entire qld LNP, no one wants to vote for 'men' with no balls
>At least the alp support unions and workers rights and people smugglers
True. Nichols seems like a bit of a bitch boy. They should have put Frecklington in the big chair, since she actually gets shit done eight days a week.
They were kind of idiots for ditching abbot and electing a personality free cunt
>Oy Vey!..people smugglers are good for the economy...don't be antiseptic goy.
bigger problem LNP doesn't really stand for anything except big business and mass asian immigration
Vote LDP - read their policies
Can a viable right wing party in the Anglosphere be founded on anything other than what you described? This is the true issue with the current state of the rightwing, and with cuckdeau in Canada we are seeing that big business is starting to side with the leftwing in regards to social issues, not in a libertarian way as in leave me alone, but in a modern liberal fashion where we need to address Xally as xihetr.
possibly not until shit gets worse t b h
The social left align with the globalists because both want no borders/mass migration. Neither for the same reason, however. Degeneracy is also desired by both and again for different reasons.
Nationalists have been unable to sell the value of virtue over the value of total liberty to be a degenerate and people are just opting into the social left because they don't see the benefits of the social right, i.e. strong nuclear families, strong communities, strong societies, strong nations.
yall mind if I hit that
Theres a solid left wing party though
If anything we need to stage a march through the institutions to realign this shit. Traditional religion is being supplanted by Social Justice and that will be the new religion of society if we fail.
I don't think it can be based entirely on religion because people like myself aren't religious, though I do see the absolute value in conservatism. But I do agree if you've got 400 university teachers and 350 spout liberalism rhetoric and denigrate conservatism you'll create hundreds of thousands of bugboy and girl students who agree.
Well we can agree to disagree, but if the Republicans cannot stem the tide of modern liberal thought in the school system then we are fucked partially. The only way I can think of this being addressed would to raise teacher salary. The reason being is shown here...
One notices that right wing people tend to flock to jobs that pay the best for their skill set instead of following what they "enjoy". Leftwing people on the otherhand go into things they enjoy, rather than things that pay well. The best examples are in the medical field with surgeons highly paid for their great skill set, and urologists who no one wants to be, but are paid very highly because supply shortage. And this is compared to pediatricians which basically most women who enter medicine want to be because it makes them feel good.
>They're going to lose every state
That's going to be a bit hard since the LNP doesn't exist outside QLD.
>strong nuclear families, strong communities, strong societies, strong nations.
just post that over and over again like that kid who wrote blacklives matter 100 times to get into stanford
Thats a good point, most teachers are lefties and the most right economic/social people I know don't go near teaching. And they do go towards high paying careers. Myself included.
Maybe it's not bad to focus on religion, i'm probably an outlier who is irreligious and conservative for a pragmatic purpose that benefits myself and should benefit society at large. So if most people don't think like me, just bringing religion back into popularity might be enough, if people are willing to return to religion.
idk have you listened to Steven Crowder?
I would care less
But they got rid of #basedtones for a Jew
They can burn
i saw him talk once and he looked like a fag so no. i like ideas i dont like memes and identity politics.
First Queensland votes YES, now they reject One Nation.
>At least the alp support unions and workers rights.
Spotted the literal communist.
Based Turnbull BTFO Tony and I will forever be a fan of him just for that.
>Based Turnbull
>BTFO Tony
Strayas fucked. Just sit back and enjoy the show
One nation had virtually the exact same number of votes as the Greens
Basically its time to fuck the liberals of, start voting for one nation. They can be the new liberals.
>will sell
You can mark that one off