So Atlantis was real, right?

So Atlantis was real, right?
It's what sank in the Biblical flood, correct?

Other urls found in this thread:

/x/>>> is this way newfag

The entire world was flooded with water.

There were immense global floods around 9600 BC as a result of glacial melting. This was the date the Egyptians put to Atlantis sinking. We also know the Giza pyramids were at least partly constructed by then, and Gobleki Tepe in Anatolia was founded right around then. Noah's story is far from the only cultural memory of the horrible floods at the end of the last ice age, just the best preserved one thanks to the spread of Christianity.

How the fuck should I know?

All white Americans are reincarnated Atlanteans.



The statue is Greek from a city who was build by Greek merchants long before Alexander the Great went to Egypt.

The people of Atlantis was not Greek.
Ireland was probably the Atlantis.

Btw wiki has a lot of miss informations. For example, they saying the city was EGYPTIAN

It is Egyptian. Stop KANGZ posting just because your ancestors conquered an Egypt that was already 90% dead after thousands of years of decay.

>It is Egyptian.

Egyptians was unable to build ships or even bridges. We going there not the opposite. Egyptians scared the water and these was islands far away from the coast.

yes, North Pole is the Atlantis

Every time I see this I'm reminded of the scene in AI where they show blue fairy in the underwater ruins of Coney Island or whatever it was. What an underrated and prophetic film

>All white Americans are reincarnated Atlanteans.

No, they're from Mars.

I can't believe you shits don't remember Marduk.

It was a city on the Nile delta when it was built. You're still KANGZ posting without knowledge.

Yes. It was in the middle of the atlantic. Azores islands at the current moment.

Son of Enki, Correct?

Egyptian means (gypsies) they took over the pyramids. Exspain to me how none of them were able to read hieroglyphs if they were the ones that invented it and a white guy had to break the code on the Rosetta Stone.

Then tell me why the Catholics murdered anyone that tried to translate the Bible into German or English.

Then tell me why the Fucking Jews changed the Bible.


Heracleion was originally built on some adjoining islands in the Nile Delta, and was intersected by canals. It had a number of harbors and anchorages and was the sister city of Naucratis until it was superseded by Alexandria.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the history of the ancient Greeks in Egypt dates back at least to Mycenaean times and more likely even further back into the proto-Greek Minoan age. This history is strictly one of commerce as no permanent Greek settlements have been found of these cultures to date.

Greek settlers build these cities autistic uneducated amerimutt.

Yeah this. It's best to look at Noah's story as basically a mash up of a lot of other stories and since there are so, so many of them it does lead one to conclusion that SOMETHING happened back then.

You have to think too, where does man build his cities? By water. Always by water. So if the water is suddenly increasing, he probably not even going to notice until it's too late. Look at flooding we see now, sometimes a large storm causes it and then the area just doesn't drain back out.

Houston's actually having this problem right now, there are still places that are flooded. I think it was a "flood" in slow motion as the different parts of the ice sheets starting melting. So everyone had their own versions at their own time, then they started intermingling and thinking "wow, these guys have a flood story too? Well I guess the gods must flooded the WHOLE WORLD!" which to them was a flat surface that could just be dipped in water or something.

You have the causality backwards. Gypsies were named because people thought they were Egyptian. If we named them today we'd call them skidmarks because they're traveling poos.

>Egyptian means (gypsies)

Gypsies are hindu fucking nigger!

Wasn't Marduk the original fifth planet from the Sun, now the asteroid belt?

I do agree that whites are Martians. I've always had massive interest in Mars, and perhaps returning there someday.

There were absolutely great civilizations that were lost in the great floods. If you think about today, 95% of the human population lives within 50 miles of a coast. The British, SE Asian, and Greek islands weren't even islands. They were just part of the continent.

Imagine over 50 miles of coastline suddenly flooding today. It'd be disaster that would threaten our entire civilization. Humans were advanced enough to keep record of the great floods everywhere on Earth through stories.

Atlantis being an island already would make a lot of sense since few people would have been able to escape a sinking island with record of it.


It was nuked to fuck. Planet is utterly dead. That's why we're here now.

You honestly believe whites are from mars..

Maybe real, definitely not sunk in the flood. IF Atlantis is within the Bible, it is undoubtedly the maritime kingdom of Tyrus in the book of Ezekiel.

Why do you ask?

Who knows. Whites definitely seem like they're not of this Earth, when compared to other races. Mars gets less sun exposure, and has less gravity, which could account for the height and skin color of whites. Just saying.

Sumarize the whole german translation thing? What were (((they))) trying to hide?

Its because whites are half Neanderthal user. Not Martians.

jesus Sup Forums....

Xenon 129.

Wake up.

So you're saying whites inhabited Marduk, as well as Mars?

Actually Mexicans are.
Atlantis is the ancient Mexican civilizations. Deal with white cucks

It wasn't particularly slow motion. Sea levels rose hundreds of feet in less than a thousand years due to a gigantic comet crashing into the Canadian ice sheets. That's why flood myths are all terror and not bitching about sea level rise in slow motion.

Your own linked articles refute your claims.



I can accept that.

>floods destroying dirty filipinos, thai ladyboys, sweaty Greeks and "Great" Britain

Then what is the other half?

Ok, I can see you're at least attempting to use some sort of logical reasoning behind your opinion. At its closest, Mars is still 34,175,415 miles away. Through a vacuum. So I doubt whites are from Mars. This is some kangstier posting user.

Because catholic leadership is satanic. Read the book of Matthew.

Homosapien. Take an anthropology class.

It's almost as if technology used to be far more progressed and was lost when societies were wiped.


>This is some kangstier posting user.
I'm drunkposting, and in an /x/ tier mood.

I don't think the mesoamericans were Atlantean by blood, only by received tradition. Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan, Viracocha, they're all names for whites from somewhere else that taught the post flood locals how to be at least half civilized.

>Mixing biblical tales and a greek philosophical metaphor as fact

Thats not how that works.

Wew kill yourself my pupil

You will find that the biblical accounts and Judaic accounts were plagiarized from Sumerian texts. Every ancient culture has a flood story (mainstream science refers to it as a myth) that points to around all the same time. The end of the last ice age.

As for Atlantis, we can only still theorize what it actually was or where it was.

Yes it is.

For a little bonus:

The moon is a shard of Theia. Left over and shaped after Terra swallowed the planet.

One thing to keep in mind is that the Atlantic Ocean was named after Atlantis, not the other way around. Before the Suez Canal, passing west of Gibraltar was the only way to sail anywhere else in the world from the Mediterranean. It could have been any number of now-sunken areas on this map:

>Your own linked articles refute your claims.

Before us, it was a shithole like the place where you live now nigger.

Both cities was raised and flourished because unlike the rest, Greeks had ships for trade and mercenaries around the known world. (US does the same today).

The city had a large temple of Khonsou, son of Amun, who was known to the Greeks as Herakles.[7] Later, the worship of Amun became more prominent. Heracleion flourished especially from the 6th to the 4th century BC, as revealed by numerous archaeological finds. Pharaoh Nectanebo I made many additions to the temple in the 4th century B.C.[8] The city sank in the 3rd or 2nd century AD, probably due to liquefaction of the silts on which it was built following earth tremors.

Them why aren’t asians black hmm? Because they bred with us whites?

Yup, Genesis is an account of Atlantis.

>large temple to an Egyptian god
>the city predates known Greek involvement
I know English isn't your first language but please at least try to make sense.

I'm Mexican and I can testify that there is a very specific water energy that always surrounds me in life, but then again I'm a water sign


Chapter 6 Lost Book Of Enki

>>large temple to an Egyptian god

who was known to the Greeks as Herakles

Do you know who Herakles was?


Its because whites are half Neanderthal user

The neanderthal haplogroup is one of the easiest to locate in any basic dna test. Its marker stands out like a proverbial sore thumb. There are white people with no neanderthal dna, and some with. Same goes for virtually every other race, as well. Also, there exists no known individual with "half neanderthal" in their dna structure.

Source: All Current Geneological Literature

Do you know something that the rest of the world doesnt?

the real redpill

>Its because whites are half Neanderthal user

The neanderthal haplogroup is one of the easiest to locate in any basic dna test. Its marker stands out like a proverbial sore thumb. There are white people with no neanderthal dna, and some with. Same goes for virtually every other race, as well. Also, there exists no known individual with "half neanderthal" in their dna structure.

Source: All Current Geneological Literature

Do you know something that the rest of the world doesnt?

The Herakles/Hercules myth was just grafting shit on from the local religion to pacify the people that wouldn't covert. It's the same way Eostre became Easter, or why Christmas trees exist.

You're wrong.

Source: people who agree with me.

0/10 trolling, would not read again.

A lot of people put Atlantis in the Yucatan peninsula the heart of the Mayan people this this day. Just look up Mayan underwater caves and they are always finding weird shit down there.


You're wrong.

Source: All Current Geneological Literature

What...what even is this shitty infographic user

Nearly everyone in this thread is either wrong, doesn't know what they are talking about, or some other bullshit.

Here's the truth:
- The Biblical Flood happened 42,000 years ago.
- Atlantis was created as an experiment to see what would happen if Humans (which at the time, the Cro-Magnon/Gen 2's) were given a substantial push in tech over time (at the time Humans were pretty much just the North Sentinel peoples, just not all of them looking like a roasted pig)
- The Atlanteans are what one would call a "Mediterranean" type, however Atlanteans were whiter, didn't look like fucking Arabs, and as such just looked identical to the Ancient Greeks, and Latins/Romans.
- The most advanced they ever got, was a complete exploration of the Earth (via the ocean) Muskets, "Greek Fire" & Cannon (Abeit they were STILL rare) Advanced Architecture, an Effective bureaucratic system, the abolition of Slavery, otherwise they were just Greeco-Romans.
- The Atlanteans are the ancestors of all modern civilization, but their main bloodlines were Latins/Trojans, Achaeans, Berbers(incl Egyptians), Indo-Aryans (Punjabis, Celts, Persians, etc), Mesapotamia, Mesoamerica, Japan (to a tiny degree China aswell) and finally the Basques, although they also settled in the warmer parts of Antarctica, Sandwich/Thule Islands, Somalia, Tanzania + Ethiopia
- The Atlanteans were the only advanced civilisation at the time, and regarded all Gen 2 Humans as beneath them.

Gen 2s are still around, and are what the majority of Africans, Aus. Aboriginals, and certain other groups, this is one of the reasons why they are backwards compared to Europe + Asia.

Also Atlantis still "technically" exists, and it's former mountain range is now known as the Azores.

(BTW the Atlanteans also = Lemurians, Murians, and Thule people)

Atlantis was a seafaring society. They certainly taught the Mayans and their ancestors a bunch, but actually being FROM the Yucatán is a bit of a stretch.

our enemy is the forces of saturn, the cosmic antitheseis of the atlantean mind



>The Herakles/Hercules myth was just grafting shit on from the local religion to pacify the people that wouldn't covert.

What myth you motherfucking autistic subhuman? We are not talking about the bible and your stupid american flat earth theory fucking pest!
The temple called Herakles.

>The city had a large temple of Khonsou, son of Amun, who was known to the Greeks as Herakles

The split of Caucasian and mongoloid is also captured in religious mythology of religions that are traced to the Indus valley.

The ancient Persian and Zoroastrian myths are very similar to the many Indian myths, with the key difference being the two tellings of the myths were from the opposite sides of the conflict. The Zoroastrian God figure is antagonistic in Hindu myths, for example.

So essentially there was some type of large scale conflict that led to the separation of these two groups of early humans, and this conflict is captured in the mythology of the oldest religions from the area.

>The Biblical Flood happened 42,000 years ago.

All these dates are debatable. It's impossible to date stone. Any and all carbon dateable evidence could have been contaminated or left from later periods. Take for example the Sphinx. It's impossible to date the thing. It's been messed with and restored many times. Though the water erosion evidence points to it being when the region was lush forest area which was at least 15,000-25,000 years ago.

Fug man, if I can't use my KJV, what do I use?

You mean /x\《《《

Well skulls found in Yucatan show of a people that are amerindian but also distinct from other amerindians. So either the Atlanteans mixed with the Mexicans or they were an advanced tribe of amerindians. The Quetzacoatl story does point towards a European origin though.

>some brainlet actually picked out a random island in the Baltic and made a infograph about it being Atlantis

Can you give me more in-depth evidence for this, more than just a photo? Where did you hear about this?

Ireland is the famous Atlantis according to Plutarch.

I imagine it was the center of the flat earth that sank and froze over

Tell me.more with sources if possible


Nope they were long gone by the time of all the more recent south American civilizations, Myans, Incas. They actually took over the abandoned temples and sites and built or tried to repair the structures. You can see the difference. The big ton stone buildings were from the Atlantians and the small chopped up small hand sized repairs were from the later ones who had forgotten or didn't know the ancient construction techniques.

The name is because people (incorrectly) thought they came from Egypt

well to be fair the Irish were more pure Atlanto-Celts, thus they weren't as corrupted as say the Gauls, or the Iberian-Celts

Plutarch is only partially right

yes, during the last ice age (bout 12 thousand years ago) a comet hit the northern ice sheet causing it to melt and flood the world

>be spacefaring civilization
>die to flooding
Y-you don't think the water reached past mars, right?

The information in all those 15 lost tablets is crazy and I love it. Makes a lot more sense than badly written Judaic texts.

There is plenty of evidence, once you look into it

it was on antarctica

>Long gone

I said use logic, son. If technology were that advanced there would be some sort of evidence somewhere. If we nuked ourselves back to the stone age today, there would still be evidence of our civilization. Don't be dense for the sake of your argument, use logic like a real person. There was no space traveling race that landed here on Earth from Mars, and then suddenly forgot how to get back to space. They also forgot to write any of it down, or pass along the information verbally. Yeah, all of this seems logical. To top it off, only whites. No other ethnic groups. Fuck you for being an idiot, and not seeing it.

>Atlantis is the ancient Mexican civilization
Sure Paco.

There were actually two cataclysms. Like you stated the 12,000 year ago event and 2,500 ish years ago. That later event is what pretty much doomed us to the dark ages that followed and we are just coming out of it. No one is quite sure what happened 2,500 years ago but all the ancient buildings show signs of being just blasted to hell with lots of carbon scoring.

Listen Turk.
It could go other way around.
It could be that Greek pantheon(or some parts of it) were borrowed from other people.
Like later Romans adopt some middle east gods into theirs.
Or like Romans(and Greek) give name local not their gods after their own if they find them similar.
>large temple of Khonsou, son of Amun, who was known to the Greeks as Herakles
>who was known to the Greeks as Herakles
user. Learn to read. If you can you Turkroach.