Dozens arrested as far-right rally met with anti-fascist counter-protest in Quebec City

So, Antifa got their shit pushed in by the Quebec City Police.

>Two Quebec Nationalist groups have a small, legal manifestation against unlawful immigration an the corrupted Liberal Provincial government in Quebec City
>Antifa show up illegally with bags of piss, telescopic sticks, slingshots
>Black block faggots got cornered by riot police
>Hilarity ensues

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>Hilarity ensues

why is there antifa's every fucking where in the world? wtf

Bumpity bump

They are paid to represent

Searching for some, but i am reading that the police used gas and water cannons.

Gotta hand it to the Queebs, least when they don't like shit they don't sit on their hands and just contemplate what to do about it.

The thing is, the Quebec City and Provincial Police want to set exemples and send the message that they won't tolerate any antifa bullshit, in preparation of the 2018 G7 Summit in Charlevoix.

>G7 Summit in Canada

Shit was pretty fucked during the last one IIRC. Lots of Agent Provocateurs

Money can be transferred instantly and NEETs are everywhere.

>tfw those fuckers have begun torching cars and have begun trying to destroy electric pylons

How were the counter protesters arrested and not the Nazis?

I support this
Fuck Antifa
Soy Boy Shits that don't present an immediate threat to anyone

What I don't support is Trudeau's want for rehabilitation of Canadian ISIS supporters.

Because the "Nazis" did nothing wrong.

the so-called "anti-facists" are actually destructive and have begun committing acts of terrorism

>the Nazis
Have you had the chance to research what the Antifa flag is representative of?


Funny how antifa only ever attempted to take in some powerless nationalist group yet never actually challenges the establishment. Pussies

Fuckin Reds

Every time leftists show up, there's trouble.

Because CIA is everywhere in the world.

Also funny how in the US they only amass in the areas that their groupthink can breed. They're like a virus, give them what they need and they thrive. But outside a host that they can siphon, they slowly fade away.

Quebec, needs to be It's own separate country. They are French, not English and are not definitely Canadian.

Communism isn't an ideology based on genocidal racism


How many people have anti-fascists killed?

I must have missed all the communist terrorist attacks while alt-righters are running cars into crowds of peaceful protesters and shooting churches

And these fucks came from the busload, from the Liberal dump that is Montreal

lol if you think that won't happen soon, considering they've been torching cars of people they don't like just because they're rich

communism doesn't discriminate with the genocide, you're right

Because the world has a history of the formation of thought police oppression armies in the name of "social justice". Think "Red Guard" in china, "Nazis" in Germany, etc.

They are wise to these tactics and try to put down violent thought oppression while it's still in it's infant throws. The CIA pays for these kinds of uprising all over the world. Do you really think white Canadians are as dumb as africans and don't realize that?

Local police are going to put down factions based on their level of violence and disregard for law and order, not because of political correctness.

Go Quebec!

All Nazis should be killed

I'd argue that most NEETs are right wing because they have the time to look into how the world works, rather than going to whatever nonsense classes/meetings/cuckoldry sessions.

A stark contrast to what Trudeau would have. He'd probably have gay pride and immigrant parades just to spam them in other peoples faces. Would be pretty funny watching a bunch of Muslims have to be amassed anywhere in the same city as a gay-pride parade, though...

Yeah, communism just kills everyone.

That's so much better


Everything you don't like is a nazi, go cry into a pillow

Go start then, faggot.

I think you mean Gestapo.

Can't, mom's new stud needs them all because "liberators too fuckin spensive cuh" or something.

The "Nazis" or better yet the Brownshirts were protective segments of the NSDAP to protect NSDAP rallies and Hitler from savage violent militant commie scum you fucking sperg, they did not oppress anyone.
Their job was to be at the rallies and watch out for any trouble. They would then get into fights and fuck up antifa commie scum and send them running like little bitches.
Idk where this stupid meme of the brownshirts being the same as the commies comes from.

We need an army to put an end to thought crimes against humanity. Remember, every time you have a hateful thought, you are committing an act of violence against an innocent.

>when your society is rank with political correctness that you can't even use the proper words to describe what happened because it might be (((offensive)))

>5 cops in Dallas.
>59 with 500 injured in Las Vegas
>64 in the LA riots
>68 in the Chicago riots
>tens of thousands in the Race War against whites
As a starter, I'd say the Antifa has a pretty good death toll going.

You can't use the o-word any more Chad, you might o-word someone.

in essence , they were the modern day trump supporters protecting the trump rallies from antifa scum.
We are the modern day brownshirts.

>mom's new stud needs them all
All the pillows or all the Nazis?

Exactly. Fucking nazis protecting Trump.

Don't know if angry at Nazis

or defending Nazis

She ain't picky.

The left can't meme but also their optics are horrible.
They physically attack the media and use bags of piss?

None of those are associated with antifa nice false equivalence nazi

wouldn't want the world to know that they're actually the bad guys in this story

You caught me. I'm a jew.

>bags of piss
Only form of weapon you can afford when you're on welfare

National Socialists sperg get it right.
nothing wrong with fighting for your people and your country.
The Founding Fathers would've done the same thing.

*Dangles Shekel*

*Pats on head*

The founding fathers would have sent all the democrats and republicans to the gallows back in 1913.

We would even be in this mess if it wasn't for 1913.



At least the Frenchies are trying to do something.
Unlike the rest of you anglo cucks.

>thousands in venezuela
>thousands in cuba
>millions in china
>millions in russia
Punching Antifa, IWW, reds, anyone wearing a balaclava bought with mommies trust money deserves an ass whooping in self defense.
For now we're letting it go, though. I'm quite pleased we are whooping you in the body politic and have won the culture war.
I pray for an excuse to let loose on local Antifa.

you shouldn't talk either, thousands of sandniggers and nigger muslims literally blocked the street and did a muslim prayer INFRONT of the roman coliseum.
they wanted to do their muslim prayer in the Vatican but that would never be allowed to happen due to the Vatican hiding under a bigass wall and being it's own kike nation.

We can point our fingers how much we want to each other, at the end of the day we are all fucking cucked, even the white nations that seem the most uncucked are fucking cucked the same.

All I know is this, the Quebec flag looks so much better then the fucking leaf they are forced to use.

>Nazis are winning the culture war
>We control acad... no...
>Mainstream me... no...
>The corpor.... no...
>Unioniz... no, not that either...
>Entertainment indust... aw, god damnit...
>The gover.... fuck our president's under investigation for the biggest corruption scandal in all of human history!
>Well at least we control the internet! Conservatism is the new coun*gets banned*


I can't wait until Democrats take back both houses of Congress and the White House in 2020 and have millions of Republicans mass executed for transforming into literal Nazis.

>"I've never researched Holodomor": The Post

Because fascists and white supremacists don’t deserve free speech. They want to kill or hurt anyone that’s a minority. There can be no compromise.

why do you lie

>the left can't meme
Antifa are not left, because the liberal MSM says so. I don't know if you noticed, but the MSM has spent the past 12 months trying to associate the Alt-Right with Trump. They have also spend 0 time trying to associate Antifa with themselves. The result is that the basic bitch normie public don't think of Antifa as representatives of the left. They think of them as an obscure disembodied entity that likes to cause trouble.
We know this is not true, that in reality Antifa are the puppets of the Establishment, but go on trying to convince a normie of that.
Antifa has bad optics, but it doesn't matter because it has no repercussions on the political Establishment.

Win the youth, win the future

>some people in X group doing bad things is equal to Y group being based explicitly on doing those same bad things

covering your face with a mask during a protest in minimum 10 years imprisonment. thanks, harper
>nobody does anything

>everyone who hates Nazis is a (((puppet of the Globalists)))

or maybe you're just a fucking piece of shit?

oops it must be unlawful. of course. ok. 40 people. all not nazis. nazis walk down a street nobody cares

>create israel some more stupid goyim look who put these brown people here certainly not bibi
cops are pissed liberals touched their pensions a little bit so they still wear clown pants. oooo. blocking a protest. kinda like blocking a car to protest. where's the permit there? you cant run em over. do all those people get arrested? no. but how much salt would flow if they couldnt get their permit. that's when they start going nuts and subversive

150948890 (no you)
I'm potentially interested in discussing the issue seriously, but not engaging in outrageous strawmen arguments.

>the Nazis?
kys loser

>why are you calling us the name of our party


National Socialist? I'm actually a White Nationalist.

They're in France too, just yesterday they planned a counter-protest to an Identitaire rally that was eventually banned.