> be degenerate - drug and alcohol use, sexual promiscuity, obesity, trivial hobbies, dead end job > after years on Sup Forums I am finally inspired to turn my life around > peak physical condition (rugby and boxing), go sober, enroll in top law school > get inspired by early Christian theology to attend school christian group > membership consists of 70% fat women and 30% bugmen > everyone is pozzed beyond belief > uniform support of gay marriage/adoption, open borders, and female/gay clergy > one day they literally had a long discussion on why race mixing was something not just to be tolerated, but strongly encouraged, in order to destroy whiteness > get called a Nazi when I object to these things > went to a hardline Baptist chruch to try to see another perspective but the only people there were obese boomers who might have been literally retarded > later tried a Catholic church but half of the service was in Spanish and I was the only white person there
Holy fuck guys is there any non-cucked group of Christians? I'm starting to think that this shit is best left as a way to teach basic morality to women and children (white sharia lite).
Religion, as an institution, is by essence a pro-status quo force. Because: a) it tries to preserve ideas from the past rather than creating new ideas for the future b) it's an old man thing
So yes, religion won't be at the forefront of the paradigm shift, it might even resist to it. And yet left propagandists still go out of their way to shit on it. Why? Because they know they didn't kill it and that, on the long term, it could cement a society designed against their ideals.
If you really want, for your practice of religion, a non degenerate group you could find plenty (even among Catholics) but they are still fringe groups.