why do liberals like abortion?
Why do liberals like abortion?
Because they hate responsibility
White genocide.
Came here to post this.
This man and his father are an affront to civilization itself.
they seek to escape from the material constraints of existence and fully realize their will
U gay
Who could've seen that coming?
It seems that volcano demon is no longer pleased with the sacrifice via abortion now he wants and outright slaughter of the innocents.
Because it mostly kills spics and niggers.
Correction: Why do liberals glorify murder and genocide, depending on the race? Why do they care about race, even though it "doesn't exist"?
it maintains the population in a way they deem acceptable.
poor blacks and whites of all classes have fewer children. foreigners, particularly poor mexicans, have more children. Gibs go out, votes come in, informed apathy swells.
I mean obviously they make it easy for poor people to have children, and more expensive for middle class folks. But they also control most urban centers, where they enact and enforce drug laws that cull black people, and brainwash whites into never settling down.
Really, the black people get screwed the most, since they are manipulated into voting left every single time.
Check 'em for truth. Many such cases.
>Implying whites get abortions at higher rates than Spics
i hear you there, but the culture of "abortions for everyone!" and "it's ok to be a slut!" has both terminated, and prevented, many white children.
White women got too busy drinking the progress garbage, going to college, and "finding themselves" amid a sea of birth control thwarted cocks to have children.
I don't know. The rates of unmarried mothers have skyrocketed to the point that children are more likely to be born to unwed mothers nowadays.
I don't believe there are people out there who actually want an abortion, well people who have any sort of political power anyway.
The pro-abortion side of politics is relegated to arguments of medical definition. IMO, I think the general consensus is that a woman is 'so brave' for being a single mom, and women are such vapid cunts that they will bear a child just to 'be a mommy.'
What the real argument should be
>Why aren't whites having families anymore?
Criminalizing abortions won't stop the fundamental flaw.
Good points. Laws preventing abortions aren't the fix. A culture change is the only thing that will change white birth rates at this point. But with everything so polarized, it's like we only have the choice between full Saudi Arabia, or, on the other hand, San Francisco..
FPBP, but lets add how most of them are women and women especially hate responsibility. I think I'm changing my mind on the subject because I used to be pro-legal abortion and ideologically I still am. However, I can't endorse something that's literally just getting people out of being responsible for their actions. And with abortion 100% legal that's all it does. It means the State is condoning people being irresponsible and thus causing other problems too like low-birth rates.
So I'm moving to abortion being legal for medical purposes only. Like the health of the mother or child is at risk.
Don't want kids? Don't have sex. Sex makes babies and it should be for people who are willing to take responsibility if a baby is made.
I don't get it.
happy to murder babies but against gassing criminals.
Abortion is a form of birth control for them.
If it wasn't for abortion whites would be less than half the US population by now. Besides abortion isn't a new concept, it was recorded at least as far back as ancient Rome and Greece.
Repeat shit post from last week.