I am litterally scared as christian chink, can i refugee to burgerland??

Indonesia promotes moderate Islam in International Islamic Education Expo

>Islamic education in Indonesia must always preserve the tradition of combining both textual-based as well as rational academic approaches, which have been passed down by scholars of old and have resulted in a compassionate and moderate Islam in the country, says Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin.

>“What we must observe is how academic tradition since back in the past, which was developed by our predecessors, is always based on texts that are maintained as best as possible, but also they are synergized together with an academic tradition that emphasizes reason and context,” he saidon Tuesday.

>Speaking at the opening of theInternational Islamic Education Expo in South Tangerang, Banten, the minister said Islamic education in Indonesia should pursue a middle path, as siding too much with one of the academic approaches and abandoning the other would be dangerous. Adopting a textual-based approach alone and negating reason would leave students unable to respond to the challenges of the times, he said, while too much emphasis on reasonin understanding Islam would lead students to become too liberal and free.

>He addedthat although there were some Islamic education institutions that had gone to an extreme in deifying one academic approach over the other, most of the Islamic schools in Indonesia had sensibly merged the two academic approaches and as a result had created a situation in which the country can see Islam as it is supposed to be, which isRahmatan lil Alaamin, or a mercy for the whole of mankind.

>“We are grateful that our predecessors have wisely synergized these two approaches, not to have them clash against one another, but to complement one another. This is the responsibility of all of us together: to ensure Islamic education is able to always preserve these two approaches, which are both good,” he said.

Other urls found in this thread:



i am litterally shaking... how can I greencard??


An Indonesian school is suspected of harboring and possibly nurturing children and teachers who have traveled to fight for the Islamic State militant group (ISIS), or pose a domestic security threat to Indonesia, aReuters investigationhas found.

At least 12 people from Ibnu Mas’ud, an Islamic boarding school, traveled to or attempted to travel to Iraq and Syria to join the ranks of the radical Islamist group between 2013 and 2016. Eight of those were teachers, but four of them were students, including one child aged 11.

Can you move to the Philippines? You're just another island gook.

Move to China, chink. They don't tolerate uppity mudslimes there.

what does this have to do with singapore?

Aren't most Christians in Indonesia protestant?

We're full

Everyone in the world already assumes Indonesia is a 100% Muslim country.

do you see jokowi busy promoting Pancasila and secularism in jewtube?

Nov 23
Jokowi at Lombok

Oct 28
Jokowi Praising Pemuda Pancasila

Sept 27
Jokowi at Bali

internet sehat so proxy..

I thought they already killed all chinese in 1998?

oh yeah then fucking move m8. try canada or just go to thailand or singapore. why would you stay in that islamic shithole?

Indonesia has ISIS sleeper cells in almost all provinces: Military chief

>JAKARTA - Radicalism has spread to almost all provinces in Indonesia and the country's military is beefing up security in its Sulawesi border area amid the ongoing siege in the southern Philippine city of Marawi, the Indonesian military (TNI) said.

>"Almost in all Indonesian provinces, except for Papua, there are ISIS sleeper cells," TNI chief General Gatot Nurmantyo said in a speech during a forum attended by media chiefs on Monday night (June 12).

>Members of sleeper cells have been radicalised but remain inactive. They may resort to action when there is a trigger, the military warned.


nah they should stay there and minimize the spread of islam in that country

As far as I'm concerned you're welcome to come, provided you don't vote Democrat when you get here. Coming to the US and voting for the Democrats is like being invited into someone's house and taking a dump on their family room floor.

But if you want to come and be a productive citizen and assimilate then that's good. That being said, it's not up to me. I don't know if our government would let you in or not. I know Trump wanted to grant refugee status to the Christians from Syria, but the Democrats sued him in the courts twice, and so the measure to give preference to Christians did not go through.

Move to literally any Asian country that doesn't have a Mudslime majority. Stay the fuck out of America, gook.

Remember chinks your here forever..

Suspected Indonesian radicals armed with bows and arrows burn down police complex

>JAKARTA (REUTERS) - Indonesian police shot dead two men suspected of burning down a police station complex in a militant-inspired attack after they fired at them with bows and arrows, officials said on Monday (Nov 13).

>All the main buildings at the police headquarters in Dharmasraya regency in West Sumatra were burned to the ground in Sunday's attack. There were no casualties.

>"We are investigating links between the fire and the two terrorists who were killed," said national police spokesman Rikwanto, adding that a extremist message was found scrawled on a piece of paper on one of the suspects.

>He added that firefighters had found two suspects near the complex and reported them to police. The suspects tried to shoot at police with bows and arrows and were shot dead.

>Police and police buildings have been the primary targets for militants in Indonesia for many years, because of a sustained crackdown by the anti-terrorism force on home-grown radicals.

>Detachment 88 - known locally as 'Densus 88' - has managed to stamp out or weaken many radical Islamist networks. But the world's largest Muslim-majority nation has seen a recent resurgence in radicalism, inspired largely by Islamic State.

>A series of small-scale attacks since early 2016 have been linked to Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which is believed to have thousands of sympathisers in Indonesia.

how can I accidentally democrat, if I am on Sup Forums?

Pro-ISIS school in Indonesia recruits child fighters for Syrian jihad

>BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:45 P.M.) – According to an investigative report by the Reuters news group, there exists a school in Indonesia which openly endorses the ideology of the Islamic State terrorist group and which even serves as a recruitment base for sending fighters – among them children – to Syria to wage jihad.

I would be worried, but indos are a bunch of manlets who get bleached by tourismbux.

I just had to throw that out there. As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome, and I hope you can make it here and participate positively.

I have no faith in Islam. They are all either terrorists or potential terrorists.

>christian chink
yes, you should refuge, not because you're a christian, but because you still called yourself chink not indonesian.

oh good to know, i thought you're a jew larping to destabilize and make civil unrest in Indonesia

>yes, you should refuge, not because you're a christian, but because you still called yourself chink not indonesian.
meh, you racist still call us chink anyway..

Sink the chinks

Depends on whether or not you eat dogs. If you don't, I have a plan.

We get Christians from southeast Asia to seek refugee status in California. Because they're more legitimate refugees, we must make a choice between housing them here or housing more spics here. But then I guess the spics will just continue coming here illegally... well fuck it. I'd rather take Christian refugees than Muslim "refugees"

i born here, but your "pribumi" comments on facebook, kaskus, youtube, twitter still call us chinese or pig and tell us to go back to mainland china

nvm, after they done with indo-chinese they will kill anything they call liberal or kafir,
>now the question is: are you sure you're not part of islam liberal or kafir


Radical Uztad has 3.8 million views

Go to Bali

ISIS magazine Al Mustaqbal being handed out at Indonesian mosques along with 'vouchers for fried chicken'

>Malay language magazine released by jihadist group ISIS
>Publication is handed out at mosques and locals are being contacted on social media
>Promises to explain ISIS to readers and dispel rumours circulating about the terrorist group
>Similar to Inspire magazine circulated by extremist group al-Qaeda




i think Utah (mormons) will be the last crusade

> still call us chinese or pig and tell us to go back to mainland china
bro, you should have thick skin, show them you're better than them, as muslim in world stage, i've calling worse, not mention on Sup Forums
>islam liberal
lol, i'm muslim and no, personally i dont subscribe to the islam liberal or what not, just islam.

Pancasila is also my view, it's not contradict to Islam teaching, so why is it a problem, remember Unity in Diversity - Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. I'm not gonna preaching about islam here. not the right place, and not my expertise.

re 3.8 mill views, Rebecca Black Friday song are 114 Mill views, doesn't meant people like her song.

I used to know a girl from Singapore. Holy shit she got brainwashed fast. She had to defend every slight against Islam it was nuts.

Asian people shouldn't believe in that Arab horse shit.

It's a mistake to adopt islam into your country.
If you weren't infected by that violent cancer, you could have become developed like the Japanese and South Koreans.

>Unity in Diversity, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
jej, still believing this meme can last after they coup jokowi as pki

sorry, goy. yellow is just too close to white and we are already dealing with all the problematic whiteness we can handle

I'm from Idaho.
Mormons are the huge proponents of Islamic mass immigration into Utah and Idaho.

>Rabecca Black Friday
uh try searching vevo and list it from the most viewed

>pic vevo this year, top view
and people like despacito

>Arab horse shit
not correlation. other non muslim asian country also shit compared to Japan or SK.

We are jungle asian, not fancy asian maybe that's why.

Why not believing, it's what make Indonesia united in the first place, pki issues just some external power to destabilize Indonesia, you should know that by now. Indonesia is economy, resource and military threat in the region by (((them)))

wtf i hate indonesia now

>Mormons are the huge proponents of Islamic mass immigration into Utah and Idaho.
Masha'Allah... I still love their Tabernacle Choir or One Voice Children's Choir though


>Why not believing, it's what make Indonesia united in the first place,
I DO, but youre avg IQ telling me otherwise..
with enough "nasi bungkus" you guys can accidentally change votes see or ahok vs anies case

> pki issues just some external power to destabilize Indonesia, you should know that by now. Indonesia is economy, resource and military threat in the region by (((them)))

and (((they))) already starting to destabilize Indonesia, I just dont want to be your scapegoat like May 1998 when things go bad

Islam is literally arab supremacy though.
People who are culturally muslims are culturally arabic and non arab muslims are considered inferior to arab muslims despite the umma meme.

>posting old image from years ago
i bet some of them already backpedalled/withdrawn their support after all the revelation of what Isis is, who support them/the goal etc.

> I just dont want to be your scapegoat
I don't want you be the one too. Redpilling/educating people aren't easy, but if you felt that you need to go, just go, but please dont put more fuel in my lovely country.

Seem MSM report acceptable for you if it about how savage muslim are, not gonna rebut that one.

I know Indonesia is big, stong, etc

it has many islands
>in which ISIS can take and build a fortress

it has comfy (moderate) Islam
>which love arab, and want to learn a "real islam" (radical Islam) in Mecca or Medinah

proof 4:30
>your radical ustad are usually smart and went to Medinah to study

shit mang, you still confused between Islam and wahabi

Mecca and Medinah is important city in Islam no doubt about that, people want to visit them, unless i know the specific madrasah/mosque where they want to learn more about Islam, i can't guessed whether is it just Islam or wahabi, not to mention my limited knowledge of Islam - i'm not a scholar.

Is like if i'm gonna visit Czech to study, doesn't meant i gonna study to become a porn star or porn producer isn't it?

just ignore him, mas
he always makes this unpopular thread here
he's literally an asian jew, want our attention because he's a victim of world tragedies and unfairness

>Redpilling/educating people aren't easy, but if you felt that you need to go, just go, but please dont put more fuel in my lovely country.
>more fuel
I can put more fuel opening thread in kaskus than here. m8

>he's literally an asian jew, want our attention
jej, i am a jew or am i just redpilling Sup Forums about the current state in Indonesia

>because he's a victim of world tragedies and unfairness
>pic related
1740, 1946, 1965, 1998

Taiwan is the ideal place for you. Plenty of Chinese Christians and they're anti-commie too.

>I would be worried
You should be. Expect rising islamism and a humanitarian crisis from indonesia in the coming years as civil unrest hots up that Australia will be expected to solve when the north gets flooded with islamic state trained refugees.

How the fuck did chinks become mudslime?

Even here its rare to get the white retard who decides to adopt that Arabic diarrhoea

*breathes in

Hmm, I wonder what colonial overlord would've stopped the spread of Islam.

How did this colony become so overly Islamic.

Nothing can co-exist with islam.
>Islam started making headway among the Cham after the 10th century. By the 17th century, the royal families of the Cham had converted to Islam.

Due to mathematical formula:
-Muslim invader marry 4 women.
-3 women less for indigenous males.
-Women are forced to convert into islam.
-Children are forced to convert into islam.
-Children who break free from islam is considered defects, and killed so they can't become a problem.

It simply takes 700 years before an entire country is turned up side down.
It's math, and it's historical proven.

Burmese-Chinese genocide of Nusantara. Sino-Tibetan boogaloo. Best day of my life.


It looks like the Chinese are redpilled against the threat of this Arab poison.

We're full, try the Philippines if you're willing to convert to Catholicism. You should anyways to avoid hell.

Are you fe**note?

To be honest, with everyone and their mother wanting to carve up the middle east, I would like to see the area of Lebanon, and small parts of Syria, carved up, based on the old Crusader States line, and just made a Christian Haven.

Would do wonders for the Native Christian population there, and I know many would flock to it just to be in the Holy Land.

what is fe**note??

Nevermind. He's someone I know from another website.

Get fucked chink. That's what happen when you try to chink the nation of Indonesia.

Australia doesn't.

lol no


Those numerals..., jokowi is blessed by kek