Sup Forums give me a good reason why we shouldn't go on another crusade and take back the holy land?
Sup Forums give me a good reason why we shouldn't go on another crusade and take back the holy land?
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The holy land is a shithole.
Because it's never going to happen again and LARPing is sad to watch.
We have to clean our room first.
We need a crusade to take back our own countries
Crusade tim, although it has been dificult getting ppl ralied up! Sadly people lost their own children and several weeks after went to a concert singing along about unity! Sure whats gone is gone but while they sing along some idiotic Islamist may live another day and take another life! What will it take for our idiot people to get to it, the cruisades that is.
How about because Christianity, Judaism and Islam are bullshit made up control mechanisms designed to get you to obey or even help them take back "the holy land"
Only the Pope can call for a crusade.
Cause we don't even own our land anymore
Wait until the muslims kill off most of the jews first
It would be ill prepared and the only willing fanatics are brown people from South America who sympathize with mudslimes due to their similarity of having brown skin.
Nothing worth taking there. Better nuke it all...
Reconquista first, Crusade second.
nukes pollute the planet
better use mustard gas
Because you're a larping faggot.
Pope won't call for the crusade. Gib pope that will and I'll join.
>"My Kingdom is not of this world!"
>Jesus of Nazareth
There is no "holy land". To the point that when Christian Rome owned Jerusalem before the Persians and then Muslims conquered it, they turned the temple mount into a latrine and filled it so full of human shit that the jews (and then muslims - who are really just jews anyway) wouldn't even touch the stones of the roman walls surrounding it (this is what has become the Western wall that all the jews kiss today).
glass parking lot
>pope cuck the 1st dies
>new pope is militaristic and wants to retake all lands Christians have lost over the centuries
>all Christian lands send volunteers, US makes sure other world powers don't intervene
>steam roll through middle-east taking everything back
>bury ISIS once and for all, end Islam
>exile the Jews to Antarctica
>world peace
>Unless the Lord guard the city the watchmen guard in vain.
And tell me just how that is going to happen when it is clear to all that the Lord has given over the West to destruction?
Christianity is a terrible religion from a sandy shithole. It took from and fought to destroy European religions. I vote for the movement of all the faiths of Abraham to be abolished.
We're the watchmen mate.
What do you mean by "we"?
Those who are called to listen and don't turn away.
Because due to living in your mom's basement all your life, you lack of proper combat training and you will most likely be dead before the first day ends
Then we should listen to the Lord. He is very angry with the civilization we have stood by and watched be built. He is very angry with us.
How will you be a good shepherd for your flock?
Because it's occupied by the Jews
By teaching them to turn away from their desires for the power of this world. Ours is to be adopted sons in the eternal Kingdom which Christ has won.
Christ demands we strive to be worthy to be a part of that kingdom, though we know that we can never be worthy by our striving.
And then, if we can keep our eyes on the Kingdom to come, and live our lives better than all those around us, we might just be blessed with creating a shadow of an imitation of the glorious new creation in this world as we live for the next.
Because I'm dealing with such dirty fucking jews right now I actually consider the muslims to be enemies of my enemies and therefore friends.
Muslims are jews my friend, just of a different flavour.
>good reason why not
Any religious motivation is as stupid as possible
Do you have a flock tho? I'm not trying to one-up you on anything, but I think there is a lot of solace to be found by living among the sick, the poor, the fallen, the unhappy.
It teaches you a lot.
It doesn't matter what we say because Sup Forums is full of people waiting for someone else to do it and who won't ever take initiative to do anything.
Because unless we kill of all the kikes and sand niggers this will be just another excuse for them to invade white countries again.
And who wan's to obey a Satanist pope.
You need the pope to call a crusade and the current one is a cuck
The Pope is CEO of Vatican City.
He has one job to do and it probably isn't shilling for global warming.
Sorry can't think of any
The holy land is a largely barren wasteland
please take anatolia first.
Learn some history.
Particularly of the Arabian Peninsular and the Persian Empire between 65AD and 660AD
>Sunnis are the Arabian Sadducees who fled the destruction of Jerusalem
>Shiia are the Babylonian Exhilarch and Pharisees who fled to Arabia from Persian prosecution.
>Zionists are the Babylonian Pharisees who fled to the Caucasus from Persian prosecution and eventually gathered to themselves the European and Sephardic talmudic converts who were kicked out from European nation states.
All are followers of the Babylonian Talmud, the difference being who they believe is the messiah.
>All the remaining Talmudics in Jerusalem considered the Al Aqsa mosque to be the rebuilt Temple when it was built by the Muslims after the conquered Jerusalem.
I am not a pastor, or anyone ordained. Though I am a lay preacher and a teacher by training.
I do not pretend to be very good at it, but I am learning a lot.
After all, are we not all High Priests in Jesus?
I don't know what a High Priest is. What I do know is I'd like to be one of the highly studied scripture type guys but they pretty much never call me out on what I say even though I'm not learned by a long shot.
So I just do what I do instead based on what seems to be what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm just a vessel.
Hes not wrong paki, halal =/= kosher
Talmud =/= hadiths
Goyim =/= kaffir
You're the inbred jewish side project. A tool of theirs dumbed down through cousin marriage.
There is no such good reason. We should absolutely do this.
Eat pesticide, roach.
A High Priest, when it comes to God, is the person who speaks the words of God into the world.
>So pretty much exactly what you described yourself as
There are lots of places I can suggest to start learning more, but I highly recommend reading Spurgeon's sermons.
I hope you or your daughter gets raped by a gang of niggers and you or her gets aids and dies.
I don't see it like that really. Seems more like I'm possessed by demons (plural). Just barely trying to make the best of it.
But to get back to my original point, unless you're going to exorcise me or something you're better off learning how to sync in with your flock.
Who is Jesus to you?
Illegal gardener from Mexico
Because you can't even keep your own land lol. gl taking someone else's when yours is being taken out from under your nose!
That Jewish/Arab cesspool is Greek clay.
Some guy we don't know about beyond what his friends wrote about him. Kind of like how we don't know who Socrates is except through the lense of Aristotle. We can speculate on and on.
But he was an incarnation of God's eternal love who mic dropped it like no other in an era were there was no mass communication. And 2000 years later it's still rocking the world, and I've never been able to mount a counter-argument.
You wouldn't be fighting muslims. You'd be fighting jews.
You've got to get to know Him as your Lord and Savior.
Do you believe that God raised Him from the dead for the forgiveness of sins?
Obviously the situation was so dire that God had to send his only son Jesus to mock the blood sacrifices and so-forth in order to reform us into the new covenant, forgiving all who would follow our sins.
But that doesn't answer my questions.
>Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior
>Did God raise Him from the dead for the forgiveness of sins?
Jesus Christ is my Lord, but it's up to him if he wants to save me or not.
God sure as heck raised Jesus from the dead for the forgiveness of our sins.
I thought I'd answered that clearly.
You're fat, ugly, disgusting fucking pussies who won't do shit. I HATE LARPers.
>even more refugees
We're full, fuck off.
Because it's not holy and crusaders are not christian.
because fuck getting burned alive by feral sand monkeys
Sage cause it's filled with shills and this is basic shallow shit.
Israel is our greatest ally
>crusaders are not christian
Are you reverse religion of peacing?
you'll fail
Its not good to do the jews bidding
The same reason why Vietnam war failed.
First, let's take our own lands back.
The holy land is a shit hole filled with niggers.
I say we just nuke it, make some kind of airborn pathogen that only targets non-whites, then make Earth in it's entirety the Holy Land.
>Sup Forums give me a good reason why we shouldn't go on another crusade and take back the holy land?
Eh....fuck the holy land, take back the
white mans land first and foremost.
The Crusades were a success moron
well......... the first one was........ and then the secound kinda...... it was downhill from there man
Why do you want a sandbox so bad?
>turn the other cheek
>dont kill or you will go to hell
>slaughters innocents
The Holy Land is God's to give and to take away, when He's ready to sweep the bugs off He will, are not the Christians the holy temple? Indeed for the Holy Spirit dwells in us, the Lord will redeem Israel the nation once again for the sake of His name and to fulfill the prophecies of the end times
This is the first time I'm seeing anyone mistake Vietnam war in the 20th century for the crusades.
>Sup Forums give me a good reason why we shouldn't go on another crusade
Because you'll lose.
This time we would not forgive you, we would absolutely massacre every single white subhuman in Europe.
Go ahead if you want us to crucify your children alive.
Oh and subhuman amerimutts stop roleplaying as Europeans you're cringy as shit. You are subhuman sperm cocktails in goblin forms, not european or even human lmao.
listen closely:
>because "Christians" are pussies waiting for God to do what the White Nationalist is being told not to do
>are faggot "Christians" happy now?