looks like it was just autism. not to mention the psychologists don't even agree with him, but that's neither here nor there.
>and another one bites the dust
looks like it was just autism. not to mention the psychologists don't even agree with him, but that's neither here nor there.
>and another one bites the dust
please kill yourself
This is why we shouldn't immediately rally around everyone who seems to oppose SJWs.
He's still a libtard, but his autism definitely opened him up to the gender redpill. Ultimately, he should have played the victim card with his autism earlier.
can you imagine how butthurt Sup Forums must have made OP for him to come post this here.
his girlfriend stopped fucking him though and he didn't know how to handle it
>t. fake country
This cucks mistake was not going full 1488.
>Google's face when they may have violated the Americans with Disabilities Act
This isn't bad, this is a chess move. Nice get BTW OP.
the end of the piece leaves this open ended too. Autism could literally be SJW kryptonite
> He alleges his dismissal is explained by Google’s failure to understand how autism causes him to talk or act in ways that others misinterpret. Google declined to comment on his dismissal.
“Fellow employees need to be educated that being on the spectrum means we’ll occasionally step on people’s toes,” the engineer tells me. “Being on the spectrum gives some of us unique experiences that lead us in unusual directions, ideologically. If Google can’t handle that, it needs to depoliticise itself.”
First of all the article just says that he agrees that autism makes him awkward and socially unaware, which is the reason he jumped in with alt-right figures he didn't know were controversial. Didn't see him backtracking on any of his views. It also states that many psychologists agreed with him. Others don't like realtalk. It concluded that there's no consensus among shrinks, not that they claim he's flat out wrong. However, 100% of psychiatric professionals would agree that you should end your life immediately, because you're a fucking retarded faggot.
>t. didn't read the article
Oh shiiiiiit.
Remember OP, don't get the aloe with alcohol in it.
now read the article and see how his skimming mislead him. It's actually a good read desu
you're the dumbshit who obviously can't read:
>"Some of Damore’s ideas, she adds, are “very familiar to me as part of my day-to-day research, and are not seen as especially controversial. So there was something quite extraordinary about someone losing their job for putting forward a view that is part of the scientific debate. And then to be so publicly shamed as well. I felt pretty sorry for him.”
>I tell Damore what the psychologists told me about his memo: that there is no agreement among the experts about the extent to which men and women have different psychological profiles; nor is there any consensus about whether any differences can be attributed to nature, nurture or a complex mix of the two.
>Was his interview with the “alt-right” personality Milo Yiannopoulos an error? “It’s hard to say,” he replies. “I don’t really know what the long-term consequences of any of my actions are.”
If you read the article, you'll see that not once does he says anything to the effect of "what I said in that memo was false and i've come to realize that."
The main focus of the piece was actually about the difficulties and awkwardness of being an autist navigating the working world. It had nothing to do with "I was wrong / SJWs are right please forgive me."
no, he dodges the question and gives soft half-answers because during the entire interview his roastie girlfriend was giving him daggers (withholding pussy as punishment), making sure he said the (((right))) thing so she could somehow attempt to salvage her career and her relationship at the sametime in that PC hellscape.
>No one recognises the woman standing beside him. She is Damore’s girlfriend: a feminist and a data scientist who works in tech.
>Damore’s girlfriend has agreed to meet only after being assured that, like her, I disagree with her boyfriend’s views.
>She does not want to be identified or directly quoted: she is keen to remain in the shadows.
>She maintains Damore was, for the most part, naive and wrong,
>not to mention the psychologists don't even agree with him,
What do psychologists make of the memo? Richard Lippa of California State University, whose work the engineer cited, tells me it contained a “reasonably accurate” summary of the research on psychological differences between men and women.
Of course he's literally autistic. When asked if he thought he was going to get fired for the memo he said "I had no idea I thought I was just helping out!!" He's no rebel he just has no fucking self awareness
>not to mention the psychologists don't even agree with him
Michael Wiederman, a psychologist at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine who conducted that research, tells me that Damore made a reasoned argument about why men could be more attuned to “climbing the hierarchy”
It's not a problem that he has high functioning autism. It can actually make people see patterns more easily while also giving them a disability. He should proudly proclaim his autism.
>jew needs a job now
>not to mention the psychologists don't even agree with him
Cordelia Fine, a professor of psychology at the University of Melbourne, a leading feminist science writer says his summary of the differences between the sexes was “more accurate and nuanced than what you sometimes find in the popular literature”.
Why do you want to give your enemy money when it's so easy not to? Could it be you're a brainless shill?
And also,
>Have you guys seen his (((((((((((nose)))))))))))?
>Hodor you not see this coming?
Fucking KYS
I know I should've archived it, I just don't like his autism
The hit pieces keep piling up in November. First Anglin (GOAT hit piece I've ever read), then that guy from the TWP, now the Google faggot.
I don't think (((The Guardian))) needs more cybershekels. High probability you're a newfag that doesn't know why we archive.
He's literally using the Chris Chan defense.
Don't badmouth Archive viking.
Autism could literally be SJW kryptonite
It is.
They know if they attack a retard, they'd be Hitler.
please don't speak to nordbot that way
DON'T SPEAK TO HIM THAT WAY. He's sensitive and has the autism
Shill gotta shill I guess
Duh? I mean that was obvious from just listening to the guy. He strikes you as the stereotypical STEM-autist from the way he talked (I mean body language and mannerisms and the lack of slang in his vocabulary). Watch his Joe Rogan interview, they explain the whole situation pretty well.
This too. Apparently he wasn't even saying anything bad about women and gave tips on how he thinks they can be better integrated into the industry and Google. The problem is normies can't and don't read for themselves and think anything that questions women, doing anything at all, is suddenly an attack on all women everywhere.
>First of all the article just says that he agrees that autism makes him awkward and socially unaware, which is the reason he jumped in with alt-right figures he didn't know were controversial.
That was my first impression of him. Seeing the way he looked and talked made me believe he automatically got the shit treatment from women and normies. So he sees things from the outside, with autism he may not even be aware of how outside the normies leave him. So he's immune to the manipulations of his female coworkers who are probably shit, but they socially manipulate everyone into not noticing or caring.
How is that even possible? That women is lying. Someone had to do SOMETHING in there.
Wasted digits. Slit your throat and die.
This guy has found a new way to weaponise his autism.
>muh career
Oh well, it was just autism, but please muh career. Now that i didn't get my job back, it's because muh career. Welcome to Jew world, you were given entrance because you were a Jew, now you have been denied entrance, still you had more privileges than most working people will ever have.
Her app...doesn't...exist?
I don't follow.
him being autistic just means he couldnt frame his arguments in an emotionally tactful way. It doesn't actually address the validity of his claims.
This is a good post. It's true though.
never trust a kike