I am at the stage of white nationalism, but why is Sup Forums seemingly pro Nazi? What did the nazis do that was so great?
(besides killing jews, I still don't understand why we don't like jews though. They are just successful people, right?)
Why are you pro nazi?
Because I am not a cuck
You have much to learn. Just remember that nothing is more important than your inheritance: western civilization. The Jews want to manipulate it for their purposes, because it was never designed to work for them. They are your enemy because of their intentions, whether or not that makes them bad individually is case by case, but nonetheless, they work collectively against us. National Socialism is one means of preventing this, in theory, but in practice it is harmful and easily co-opted.
I am assuming this is something that needs more input than just statistics on race and degeneracy. Any books or preferably online sources you have to help convince me of this?
>What did the nazis do that was so great?
Kikes want you dead you retard.
Its a result of learning that the Anti-Nazi conditioning is mostly false - people go full-circle and buy the pro-Hitler propaganda.
They weren't good guys, but they weren't the worst either.
Read Livy's history of Rome, it will give you the insight you need into understanding what heritage is to a nation. Consuming other historical texts on top of that will help, but be careful about what authors you read. As far as philosophy goes, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and the Bible should be your starting point.
Lurk moar before asking stupid questions.
>they're just successful!
>they would never give preferential treatment to their own!
Yes, I get that heritage matters, I said that I am a white nationalist. But what does that have to do with fascism? Or for that matter the Nazis in particular?
>they're just successful!
>they would never give preferential treatment to their own!
Nazi memes help dispel some of the stigma. You can argue that you're not a nazi but they're going to call you that anyway. That being said, I'm not a Nazi either, just an ethno-nationalist. Worshipping Hitler is ridiculous (inb4 NIDF redpillz)
>they're just successful!
>they would never give preferential treatment to their own!
>I still don't understand why we don't like jews though
Jesus was a Jew, Jews killed Jesus who was a good man, meaning, Jews hate good people... so why should we love them?
It's an easy shorthand for ethnonationalist discussion and aesthetic as fuck both in symbology and historic wartime outfits and weaponry.
But i agree with you, Nazis wanted to sell me and mine to the nips at the height of their 'rape and slaughter' phase.
90% of the swastika waving nazis i've encountered in my 30 odd years of seeking them out have no concept of the actual machinations of the NSDAP though, it's just they hate kikes and niggers.
Your race is only part of your heritage, Nazis and white supremacists see the value in only that alone, and forget all the mistakes and victories of their ancestors. My main point to you is that National Socialism is deceptive, because it claims to be entirely for preserving whites, but in the struggle to do that directly, it ignores and dismantles everything that has preserved whites until that point (i.e. Monarchy, religion, languages, etc). Consider traditonalism and if you are troubled by it, do some reading into pro-monarchist writers.
How did NatSoc dismantle monarchy, religion, and language?
>Oh yeah and blacks don't succeed becuz muh racism too
Assuming Jews are malicious (which wasn't what I was getting at anyways since that seems to be a small part of the whole Nazi regime thing):
The Nazis wanted to kill many more russians than Jews anyways, and they allied with chinks and attempted to ally with the sand niggers. Why idolize Nazism? You don't have to be a Nazi to kill Jews.
jews are cancer
they ruin society
>National Socialism is deceptive, because it claims to be entirely for preserving whites,
you bought into the (((their))) lies
>mfw the jewish bullshit most people believe about the NSDAP
Cool thanks user
I suggest you read the Talmuud. It explains much of why Jews are problematic. With them and their financial system we Whites and humanity for that matter, will never see peace. It is rather the thoughts of a simpleton that claims it is a hate for the Jew, we just know their ways and we know that the solution is for them to go to Israel, but they continue to subvert and destroy White countries so that they can continue to rule. But that time will come to an end, one way or another, preferably not by a world war.
That's not to say other races can't adopt a NatSoc government, but what I explained was that preserving your race shouldn't be the sole goal of government, it should be about preserving heritage as a whole (which race is indeed a part of). Forgetting the other elements of heritage is what will lead to the destruction of your race.
>durr it's just a coincidence that 2% of the population controls 99% of the media!
Read Winston Churchill's "Zionism vs Bolshevism The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish people"
Was Churchill a Nazi?
Clearly, the answer is no. Yet read what he has to say about the Jews.
you don't even know what NatSoc was about
Leon Degrelle was a Frenchman, yet Hitler said if he'd had a son he would want him to be just like Leon.
Let's read what Leon had to say about NatSoc.
How about General Patton.
Was he a Nazi?
Clearly the answer is no.
But let's read what he had to say about the Jews during his experiences in Germany...
>besides killing jews
I wish they did kill six million Jews and five million gentiles.
Most of them at miserable lifeless stormfags. Cant stand the fact that jews have higher IQ than them.
Cia nigger detected.
another example
don't mix up NatSoc with Marx's Socialism, not the same thing
>That's not to say
>Nazis and white supremacists see the value in only that alone
>because it claims to be entirely for preserving whites
speak out of one side of yer mouth at a time snek
A major redpill is realizing that democracy is a failure that allows niggers and retards to control society.
We need a white nationalist authoritarian technocracy if we want to ever make space colonies.
NatSoc didn't restore the monarchy, for one, even though they could have. Hitler and Mussolini opposed the church, and Hilter even attempted to create his own version of Christianity (see below). Lastly the NatSocs tend to be utilitarian and forget the value of things like language and culture, and that's only going to work to their detriment.
>Cant stand the fact that jews have higher IQ than them.
Ironically, this is what Jews fear about Europeans, not the other way around.
There are more genius-tier non-Jews in America than there are Jews on the planet. This doesn't even begin to factor in the whites of all the former British colonies or the European continent itself.
That is why they are pushing race-mixing propaganda everywhere because they want to dumb us down so we're not a threat.
So you're saying because it didn't restore the monarchy it was somehow responsible for dismantling it?
That doesn't seem logical to me.
You don't have to be a Nazi in order to be a white nationalist. Nazism is national socialism. I have no problem with nationalism, but socialism needs to go.
The true red pill is embracing older ideas, such as kings, religion, and family. The natural hierarchy/flow of power goes as follows: God--King--Husband--Wife--Children.
Anything else leads to chaos and wrong ideas.
for the last fucking time, read this:
don't confuse NatSoc with Marxist Socialism, they are not the same thing
essentially NatSoc would prevent companies like Big Pharma fucking over the people they are supposed to be serving... shit like the Opioid crisis never would have happened, or there would be extremely harsh consequences for it.
follow the rabbithole
Because nazis are progressive.
(Literally an ideology wholly devoted to the progress of the human race)
i dont underestand the hitler worship either he was a jewish agent sent to destroy germany
>jews are successful people
there's your first mistake
Are you implying that National Socialism is incompatible with these values and institutions that you've mentioned, beyond monarchy?
I'm not a nazi by choice, I'm simply pro nationalist, pro borders, anti immigration and anti commie.
Which makes me a nazi under leftist definition.
>What did the nazis do that was so great?
They didn't hide their power lvl faggot.
>huurrr duurrr Jews promote communism
in my country hurrr durrrr
>(you) - thats ok hurrr durrrr
>taking the easy joke
>thinks he's clever
>(besides killing jews, I still don't understand why we don't like jews though. They are just successful people, right?)
yeah bruh, there are bits and piece of the jewish plight around here but a comprehensive explanation with sources would be appreciated.
>just successful people right
I like the nazis because they wore tight pants and were very accepting of all kinds of kinky faggotry, including man-child love.
>Jews have IQ of 2000 in order to make up that percentage of the elite
No, thats just ridiculous to think that there is a LINEAR relationship between IQ and representation. I'm going to keep reading tho
I am afan of their economic sistem,their social and moral values.Ani hardcore nationalist is a "nazi" because it would make his country as strong as its possible.
National socialism balances what is good for the individual with whatbis good for the nation it take from both capitalism and communism and sits in between.
Also if it gets rid of the jews,gypsys,niggers and other parasytes then that is a great bonus.
>besides killing jews
Sure bud they "killed the jews" by what means exactly?