White Supremacy is idiocy

OK faggots. I can't sleep. So I'm going to talk a little truth. I'm going to explain to you why white supremacy is idiocy. Not moral idiocy. Tactical/strategic idiocy. I'm going to explain why the answer to identity politics can't be your identity politics. I'm going to explain why identity politics is so strong. Stronger than you. And I'm give you some food for thought for next steps for people who QQ about identity politics and immigrants and blacks and yada yada yada.

White supremacy is idiocy because it's not about ideas even though its really about ideas. Why do racists, who I understand congregate here, dislike other races? Is it because they have more melanin? Or slanted eyes? No. I don't think so. I mean if it is, please tell me, because that's just profoundly stupid and I give up. No. Rather, people are uncomfortable with sets of values, customs and behaviors that don't line up with their own. This is ubiquitous worldwide btw. Every culture does it. Racism is really culturism first. Blacks are more prone to criminality, for example. Or muslims want to impose a theocracy. Or (ashkenazi) jews are themselves kind of a closed club helping each other. I mean, this is the idea behind the master race, right? You behave better than the riff raff.

Of course, this doesn't fully explain racism because you're also racist against things that threaten you because they are demonstrably better than you. Chinese and indian immigrants are the creme de la creme of those societies, in many cases. They are coming to the US and they are kicking your fucking asses. American blacks are bigger, stronger, better entertainers and athletes. Mexicans are poorer and less proud and will work harder for less money.

From that perspective I can see why you're racist. You aren't the master race. You just can't keep up. You can't compete. On that score I really can't help you except to say that if that's your problem and you're still calling yourself the master race...

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,,, well, that's just hilarious.

But anyway, here's my point. At the core of your belief system is an idea of values. What is it that makes the white race better? What does it do better and why is that the better way to be as a human being as a member of society. What is it that other races do worse? Why are those moral/behavioral failings?

You need to think that through and identify what those are. AND THEN YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR MOVEMENT ABOUT THAT.

it mostly stems not from caring if we are better then them or they are better then us, but more to do with the fact that culturally white nations change if we accept immigrants and they do not support our values.

if you look at a USA chart and if minorities could pick the laws, they would get rid of first amendment and second amendment and have a popular vote instead of electoral college. they would also vote for big government.

most white people dont vote for that. vast majority would if we didnt have this sjw culture promoting multiculti stuff,

vast majority wouldnt if we didnt have this sjw culture promoting multiculti stuff*

Why? Because otherwise your whole racial purity movement is an ever shrinking rump. Instead of evangelizing in a way that can attract more members and grow. You're instead concentric circles of prejudice based on who's ancestors are either from England or Germany.

The alt-right was a neat idea. It was basically white supremacy against muslims with the jews inside the tent instead of outside it. A reasonable approach given the fight against the IDEA of islamism and the brutal spread of it through violence and terror.

But look what happened. This is why you can't have nice things. It took about three minutes for dipshit skinheads to show up and start talking JQ and squeezing them out of the tent. Shrinking the movement's effectiveness and opening a vulnerability on your flank which was promptly exploited.

It wouldn't be any different down the road either. After you squeezed out the jews, you'd squeeze out any eastern europeans soon after. Fucking slavs, right? (This is why polish white supremacy is such a giggle.)


Please learn grammar.

...Meanwhile, back on the farm. The social justice movement is about identity politics. BUT LOOK AT THE BROAD COALITION IT BUILDS.

They offer something for everybody BUT cis able bodied straight white males and that makes them strong. VERY FUCKING STRONG.

It's a coalition of mutually beneficial help that includes every visible minority, everyone LGBTQ, everyone with a disability, everyone who can define themselves into a disability because they have "anxiety" or "depression" (like, almost everybody) and most importantly, tthe 52% of the population known as women.

The ideology behind their identity politics is, of course, identity based. But its the opposite of white supremacy because it is based in an idea of power differentials and it offers an olive branch and a place at the table to ANYBODY who has a gripe or feels powerless. That's virtually the entire world.


t. civic nationalist cuck


I'm just tired of living in clown world desu

White nationalists are the only people not engaged in routine reality-denial.

Yeah but none of those groups are self-sustaining. They require access to White men.

If you want to stay here on Sup Forums and pissing around in cheap seats getting your ass handed to you in the culture war, than, by all means, keep thinking in terms of racial purity.

If you want any chance of succeeding. At all. Figure out what your values are, and the behavior you demand, and then open your movement up to people with those values regardless of whether they are white, brown, chinese or whatever. You need a way for your movement to grow and expand. You destroy your enemies when you make them your friends.

At the moment, everything you are is indirect, based on foggy thinking, strategically asinine, and 100 percent doomed to failure.

Get your shit together, idiots.


I require access to cattle to make myself a hamburger. Big fucking deal. Doesn't make you the master, slave.

Denying them access to White men would result in a genocide.

If I had a nice clean pool to swim in and enjoy, but then somebody starts dropping shit, garbage and pollution in it, it'd be pretty silly for me to just keep swimming, eh? Hell, that would be suicidal.

That's the appeal to white nationalism - living in a society built for the people of that society, swimming in the pool built for the owner of the pool. Why do (((others))) force me to open my pool to the shit-flingers? It'd be completely nonsensical!

And trust me, it was being AROUND niggers that made me slowly start to despise them. Beforehand I was as goody-two-shoe as one could get on race.

The nature of the struggle isn't idealistic is materialistic and genetic.

>I'm going to explain why the answer to identity politics can't be your identity politics.
are you also going to explain why we should not bring guns to a gunfight?

>white supremacy meme

we just want to live on our own without the unwanted embrace of other races

is that so fucking hard for you to understand?

You sound like a rambling retard

nice copy pasta nigger

lol k

it's funny because if whites are successfully destroyed the world won't get any better for minorities, in fact it would only get worse. There would be no strong successful societies to leech off of. There would be no one to uphold a tradition of human rights or basic standards of decency. China would become top dog, and they would be a million times more cruel to other minorities than whites currently are, except it will be a shitty stagnant society that never truly progresses.

Best of luck finding this writing anywhere else in the past. Please commence your search. I'll wait.


You don't understand. Race is genetic. The "behaviors we demand" are racially based behaviors that in the long run cannot be replicated by non-whites.
The problem is that non-whites, if allowed to become numerous enough, will vote to take away our property and our rights. They will use their majority to steal from us that which we have. If you can't propose a solution to that you're useless.

Doesn't matter. The desire to exist as a people is and for said people to have a homeland is fundamental. It is proto-idea. It's more real than an idea, it's a reality.

If people want to self-segregate, what is the problem? Why is that not allowed? Why should people be forced to live in a society with others radically different from them, when they never asked for that? And their ancestors never asked for that?

It would be one thing if the majority of people had actually wanted massive immigration, but they never have. That's what's so disgusting about all of this, you realize that these massive changes have been foisted upon society rather than being legitimate democratic decision.


settle down, take a deep breath. You know, it's OK to be white now.

you're basically saying that in order to win we would have to do a complete 180 on the core idea of the movement.

It's like telling a vegetarian that if they want to convert more people to vegetarianism, they should let them eat meat too.

kys niggerfaggot

>Is it because they have more melanin?
Melanin is genetically linked to adrenaline and testosterone.

Nobody cares about looks, they care about behaviour - and races are distinguished by behaviour a lot more than by looks.


Biology is the root, culture is the flower.

The replies I'm getting do confirm that y'all are a bunch of stupid myopic motherfuckers - err, I mean, very best examples of the very best master race - but hopefully someone out there with half a brain cell will catch a clue and think about this.

Of course, some folks already tried. The neo-reactionaries and whatever. But the cosplay Hitler brigade just have to show up and fuck up all serious thinking with their silly antics and even sillier thoughts.

If I didn't know any better I'd think you were on the social justice payroll. They couldn't ask for better cardboard cut out foils.

Why are you even responding? Does this look like an intelligent and coherent honest question or just rambling question in bad faith. Why even answer it seriously?

Behavior between racial groups is just tendency. There's massive overlap. Much more variance within any given group than between groups. So if you find people that aren't white that behave the way you think people should behave, you should be welcoming them with open arms. That's my whole point. But first you need to define what the behavior you like is. Kind of tough since the whole white race thing seems to be about radical moderation. But you still need to try. Or die. But that's ok. Dying is an option if you want to take it.

Better question: At what point did I ask anybody a goddamn question at all?

Your movement, as currently constructed, is indeed doomed, yes.

So figure out next steps.

Or keep smashing your head against a brick wall.



Just leave.


The “more variation within groups” is a fallacy.


I do agree that you should treat individuals as individuals and not prejudge them, however politics (and business) doesn’t deal with individuals, it deals with people in the millions, where clear group differences emerge.

Ahahaha. Nothing could prove my point more. You're so exclusionary that someone typing y'all isn't white enough for you. I love it. I have some news for you about the American South.

Politics requires coalition building. The racial purity movement eschews it and is therefore doomed.

Nice strawman arguments. I just don't want hordes of unassimilatable low IQ third worlders who are bound to be a detriment to society. Is that too much to ask?

Also, you're misreading that paper and my point.

The idea that all races are exactly the same, makes very little sense. If you have separated breeding communities, they are highly unlikely to breed to accentuate the same traits.

That really doesn't contradict my point though. There are angry people, venal people, selfish people, charitable people, smart people, stupid people etc in every single group in overwhelming numbers.

Figure out the way people should behave. Figure out what the culture should be. Expand your circle and let those people that evoke those behaviors into the tent.

Or be reduced to a rump.

Also, you're misreading that paper and my point.

The idea that all races are exactly the same, makes very little sense. If you have separated breeding communities, they are highly unlikely to breed to accentuate the same traits.

That really doesn't contradict my point though. There are angry people, venal people, selfish people, charitable people, smart people, stupid people etc in every single group in overwhelming numbers.

Figure out the way people should behave. Figure out what the culture should be. Expand your circle and let those people that evoke those behaviors into the tent.

Or be reduced to a rump.

Also, Canada-san, your text is worthless incoherent rambling. Sort yourself out. You put out loads of text, but all of it is your opinions that aren't based on anything. Take your meds or smth

So a movement that is growing rapidly is doomed. That doesn't make sense.

Maybe if our ideas weren't being openly discussed by major papers and media outlets I would agree with you, but people earnestly want to explore our views. They recognize them as new and fresh and different. Even people who are afraid want to understand to better counter arguments. All of this indicates winning.

The best part is, if we're right and society continues to get worse for everyone and diversity continues to dramatically increase then more people will adopt our set of ideas and values because it will just become more obvious that we are correct.

And if we are wrong and society magically improves and everything works out, well then I guess that would be a good thing and it wouldn't matter if we were wrong.

OK. You dislike low IQs. See we're getting somewhere now. You dislike too many people in a concentrated space with low IQs. What concentration?

And therefore you have no issues with economic migrants from China and India with very high IQs. Right?

This is exactly as much effort as you're worth, dipshit. ;)

>And therefore you have no issues with economic migrants from China and India with very high IQs. Right?
In low enough numbers, no. I still want to keep our supermajority though. Idk if you realize this but you don't have to cuckold anymore. Nobody gives a shit about muh racism

I see your point, but what other flags are there to rally around?

No. People were curious about the alt right for a few months and then the jackboot cosplayers got routed.

Breitbart tried to be about ideas. Economic nationalism. A defense of western values and ideas. Then chuckle fucks started showing up and spitting the word Jew. You fucked yourselves.

It's exactly as much effort as you're capable of, shitskin

Well that's where the hard thinking comes in. But here's one. DEFEND MODERNITY. Defend the enlightenment. Defend the renaissance. Defend all the ideas by philosophers that built the west. They are under fierce attack. The underpinnings of the greatest societies the world has ever known are being chopped off at the knees by devotees of dipshits like Derrida. Defend work ethic, defend cleanliness, defend order.

Mm hm.

You hear that? The oven calls out to you


On a macro scale, that's a fair analysis. I understand why you would see charts showing Mexicans have lower average IQs and commit more crime and want to reduce Mexican immigration. The problem is, there are PLENTY of intelligent, hard working people of those races that do not equate to their racial standard. By limping hard working minorities with strong family values in with the scum, you're making enemies out of people that otherwise would make excellent allies

no, more people are aware of globalization. They recognize the anti-semitism as largely tongue in cheek but with a grain of truth

Holy shit! A voice of common sense and reason!

North America is fucking gone i honestly don't care whether you make it or not you have way to much baggage. The best hope is a strong Europe.

>Expand your circle and let those people that evoke those behaviors into the tent.
define tent

Jews are a little sensitive after the whole holocaust thing. If you look at the Vice videos with Christopher Cantwell you can see he isn't tongue in cheek at all. But he was used as fuel to destroy western chauvinist leaders like Gavin McInnes. SJW opponents aren't going to play fair so keep making unforced errors at your peril.

You should read America Alone by Mark Stein. Europe is far more fucked, friend.

>White Supremacy is idiocy
why? are whites not superior?

you seem to be talking about immigration, but none of that means non-white immigration works.

Seems like you share all the values of white nationalism and fascism, minus racial purity.

Practically, the half baked white nationalism you advocate for has been a disaster. Why?

First, the left will continue to demonized you and push you to the far right. You lack the ability to compromise like white nationalists. No advantage there.

Second, minorities vote their own racial interests. Trump was considered a stunning victory for nationalism, but he small gains with nonwhites. For every ten nonwhites you bring into the country, eight will vote to destroy your nation's culture and values. You might be able to lower the number to six or even five, but you'd still be fighting a losing battle. You haven't shown us how this might change in the future.

The source of the right's growing strength has been whites banding together to fight for their collective interests. Stray from the path and you'll turn up like the libertarians.

I doubt you even know the population of Europe relative to North America.

> talk a little truth
> little truth

I see, but what about the WHOLE TRUTH?

What's going on in this thread?
Do you have a problem with the reality of race Nigger?

day of the rake when????

The messed up mind of a normie.