Do you like girls in armour?
Do you like girls in armour?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hell yeah
But I like girls in suits.
Yes but she needs a helmet
Suits and Kimonos are better
Practical armors gets me hard
I like girls
why is she holding her sword like a retard?
Look at her face. She IS a retard.
he doesn't know
Untrained peasant detected
When fighting an opponent in plate armor, a blade isn't going to do shit. It's best to use the pommel or guard as a club or mace.
Go fuck yourself, you illiterate peasants.
It's call Halfswording and it is the only effective way to take dow an armred opponent using a longsword
but you can't hold the end of a blade like that. it's sharp. maybe you'd be able to actually defeat plate armor if you sharpened your fucking sword instead of dulling it so you could treat it like a fucking war hammer.
That's retarded. It's clearly staged and they clearly suck.
I'd fuck both of them up in a sword fight and I've never even hold a sword.
Or you'd break it because the sides are so thin. Lots of european swords aren't sharp because they don't need to be. Their cutting power isn't in the sharpness but in the swing.
>why else would I need armored gloves other than to prevent me from cutting myself?
Jesus Christ
Go back to whatever pseudo-medieval harem shit you are watching
Do you like princely girls?
>do you like men
not really
>ah, my enemy is wearing plate armor
>better use the blade which will do nothing unless it hits the face instead of using the blunt part of my weapon
Why the fuck did guys wear this shit? It takes fucking forever to get off in order to rape someone. It made more sense for the women to wear it if anything
Why would girls wear armor?
They obviously can't fight, they're girls
pointless thread
But they're so handsome
Because you will be raped if you didn't wear it
>but you can't hold the end of a blade like that. it's sharp
Yes, that's why people in medieval times wore armored gloves so they can use this technique when the situation arises plus it defends their hands too.
Because you'd be dead within 5 seconds if you didn't.
>implying your fat arms would let you swing fast enough
Retarded. Just bring a mace instead of being a clown swordsman.
What slanderous attacks hast thou thrown against my good name, thou contemptible wench? Whereas I have risen even unto the foremost rank in the Royal Admiralty; whereas I have on many an occasion partaken in clandestine crusades against the Saracens; whereas by mine hands have fallen barbarians numbering some fifteen score; whereas I am most skilled in the ways of the ape warrior; whereas I am the premier marksman amongst all of our Kingdom's knights: Thou art in my sights but yet another quarry. The Lord be my witness, I shall smite thee as no-one under the sun hath heretofore been smitten. Dost thou deign to fancy thyself secure to cast thy spittle upon my face from behind the Spider's Veil? Then thou hast wandered into grievous error. Yea, even at this very moment, I am sending word across the land to my fellow Templars, and the provenance of thy scrivenings shall in short time become known unto me. A veritable maelstrom of vengeance is upon thy gates, thou wretched worm, which surely shall obliterate thy loathsome pretension of life. Truly, thou art foregone, child. I move as swift as the wind, and with mine own two hands I may at my pleasure slay thee in any of thirty and five score modes. For verily as I am a master in the pugilistic arts, even so doth the manifold armory of the Royal Guard lie at my beck and call, which in its plenitude of power I shall not delay to unleash upon thee, that thy fœtid flesh may no longer pollute this land with its presence, thou pitiful putrescence. Would that thou couldst have foreseen what great wrath thou hast by thy "brazen" jocosity summoned upon thyself! Perhaps thou wouldst have rather kept shut thy filth-spewing mouth. But neither couldst thou thus foresee, nor didst thou take heed of prudence, and thou art now reaping what thou hast sown, thou accursèd simpleton. I will excrete rage all round about thee, wherein shalt thou be consumed. Thou hast shuffled off this mortal coil, urchin.
Mace are not good against light armor...which is like 80% of an army
Most creative verion I've ever seen
Nice copy pasta
>people who have never handled a sword or heard the words 'edge alignment' thinking they know what does and doesn't work
That's you by the way.
I prefer bikini armor as an aesthetic, but a full suit can be nice too.
>practical armor
so basically you're into cross dressing
>bikini armor
Nothing comes good from any franchise that does that.
Fate used to be respectable /k/ stuff until Jeannes skirt was introduced then, it all went down to this
>Judo for katanas
what a faggot. he must think he is the hot shit.
>bro by day
>waifu by night
Do you even tomboy?
>Do you even tomboy?
No. Because I'm not a closeted homosexual.
Did he drink himself numb before reading the pasta?
My google is shit
>maybe you'd be able to actually defeat plate armor if you sharpened your fucking sword
It's true. If you sharpen your sword enough, you can cut through a steel plate. The more sharp, the more you can cut. The other day, I accidentally made my kitchen knife too sharp, and accidentally chopped my kitchen counter in half. It was just like Japanese katanas at Pearl Harbor.
Congratulations on coming out, user.
Well, I know it's not easy to reverse image search edits. Sauce is Reincarnation no Kaben. It's extremely dumb chuuni stuff.
>European swords weren't sharp
This meme needs to die.
I mean, they were dull relative to Katanas, right?
Well they were used for hacking armored people compared to katanas used for unarmored peasants.
Every sword was exactly as sharp as the guy who owned it kept it sharpened. Metal swords don't keep an edge forever, no matter how many haikus you write.
>Half-swording meme
I totally get wanting to show curves and skin. But at least make it light armor then. Leather, a few metal guards sprinkled over the place and stuff like that.
And why does it have to be a bikini, that's just doubly retarded.
100% realistic girl armor is fucking boring
There needs to be at least a little femininity or it's just a guy with a really girly face
Katanas, and other curved swords only cut better in concept, not practice. The katana wasn't even intended to be curved, it's a product of shit steel and strange heat treating methods.
I like thighs as much as the next guy but I'm really tired of seeing armour or costume designs make really stupid compromises in order to shove exposed thighs in.
I mostly agree with you, but occasionally it works really well.
Personally I'm a fan of armor that aren't really practical but look like they could work and look cool. Dark souls is a gold mine for this.
which compromises do you find preferable then?
Does a shield provide enough of an excuse to skimp on the armor?
Ones that don't have enormous gaps in them because the designer wanted to shove tits in your face.
Like the one you just posted.
I like armor, yeah. How would I know if whoever is under all that metal is a woman or not?
What? No helmet!? (that's a gob rape, right there)
you know the heads are still exposed, right?
I was posting an example of impractical fantasy armor that I still liked.
I do like food saber
yeah but heads are not "enormous gaps"?
Yes. Armor was used in lieu of a shield.
Or shields were abandoned because of armor, it's unclear...
>do it pretty strongly
>obvious pulls the swing back before it hits so he doesn't cut himself
This is autistic. And a free hanging object can be pushed just as easily by giving it a light shove. This demonstrate, if anything, is proof that this half swording garbage is complete nonsense and most likely fanciful crap produced for the sake of culture and artistic value.
>you will never be raped by a femknight
It's a mystery~
This is an odd gap in my statement that you're pushing.
If we're going to argue semantics you could just say that the helmet is a separate piece not being worn in that image.
Question: What is the fabric hanging down in front called?
No such thing as practical armor for women. No one would pay to have armor made specifically for a woman so they'd just be wearing male armor, which would be much too big and cumbersome for them simply because of the size and proportional differences between men and women, especially underfed women and well fed, trained men.
>femknight wants to rape you
>get happy
>she bends you over a table and pegs you
>not so happy
user you didn't think this through.
right should be wearing boobplate at least.
Armor isn't particularly heavy. Even a scrawny manlet like you could run around in one quite easily.
Am I being pegged with a strap-on or is she a futa?
This is important.
There's a very good reason why helmets are unpopular
Nothing says "generic canon fodder" harder than walking around with a full helmet
But helmets are cool
But the character who never takes off their helmet is always the best one.
>open helmet
I'm not talking about weight. I'm talking about fit. Even an ill-fitted modern suit can hamper your ability to move, but it'll go doubly so for a suit of armor, especially when you're on a battlefield full of butt monkeys degenerating into violent animals.
Also, this is a PSA to get your clothes fitted. Even if you're a fat lard you should look respectable in clothes that don't make you look even worse.
>you will never be the brotagonist
You can tell by the way his legs are slightly spread and the turned out knees that he's running unnaturally. I'm going to assume he's a normal human being so it's probably the suit. It's how people with the wrong size cup run.
>What are crests
>What is a coat of arms
Your helmet is a perfectly valid way of showing your importance. It's just nobody uses any indicators.
This is under the assumption that our theoretical woman is some underfed and underpaid loser scrounging some mail from somebody else, at which point she would probably have better luck throwing on some more gender-ambiguous chain mail and a gambison because at least that shit fits.
>implying buying armor in the fucking middle ages was the same as picking up jeans at the fucking Gap
Armor was made to fit you stupid fuck
one of those pseudo penises what female hyenas have
What the fuck is the point of wearing half plate and not wearing a helmet?
I hate this fantasy meme
You're wearing highly protective and restrictive armor and not protecting the most vital part of your body
Its retarded