Literally seen this truck today at a local grocery store. You losers need help.
Wtf is wrong with you people?
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you saying it isn't OK?
Fuck off racist
phase 2
LMAO if you take the time to pimp your ride out like this you are a fucking loser
That truck is going to get its tires slashed
Hello friend, you seem to have gotten lost. Reddit is back that way.
You sound mad, were your feelings hurt?
Please show us on the dummy where tyrone touched you
Only in the US could a simple statement like "it's okay to be white" be considered offensive, US get your shit together
So, my skin color makes me the enemy?
Got it. Thats the lesson im taking away from this. Enemies are denoted by skin color
Why are you so assmad about it?
Is it not okay to be white?
> oh my god im like so triggered by like words and shit
Are you from Oregon?
There's a guy from the Pacific Northwest that does this stuff unironically.
Idk, half of the dudes in this thread were triggered by words in the OP. It's not a one way.
nice argument
>OP posts picture of what he did to his MGTOW dad's truck.
>w-wow guys isn't that cool?
3 days before you get car jacked and raped
what if you take the time to get worked up and post about it online? would that make you an even bigger fucking loser?
PLOT TWIST: the driver is a white hispanic
Yes op here I live in oregon. Market of choice from the pic is a oregon grocery store
half the dudes in this thread have no reading comprehension.
like this guy
America is nowhere close to being white
no one wants anything being sold out the back of that goddamn truck.
>implying you wouldn't get arrested for that in Sweden
It's okay to be white
>you will never have a qt 3.14 yt conservative gf
Why live?
I give it a week before some nigger lights it on fire.
>Wtf is wrong with you people?
what is wrong exactly ?
That’s hilarious.
Define what a loser is. Is it a universal meaning or is it your personal perspective.
Must not be because the truck is black?
>being this easily baited by fags
>OP is a fag
You didn't answer the question.
Is it ok to be white?
Goddamnit. The point of flyers is that they were easy to rip off. They were there to taunt the lefties.
cool random nonsensical post, fuckface
just proving my point there, champ
t. nigger
You must be 18 to post here lad
Sup Forums
>shitposting website run by greedy Nip which advocates white ethnostate
>content-stealing board owned by giant multinational media corporation which bans anything that deviates from race-mixing, multiculturalism, supranationalism, gun control, feminism
Really biases the PN junctions
You literally saw it? You didn't just see it? You fucking leftists need to be gassed
Not only that, but posting it to a community to which you don't belong, which means looking up IOTBW, and then finding out who that "Sup Forums" is, and then finding Sup Forums, and then learning how commenting works. That, or it's a false flag made for some (You)
>It's ok to be X
>lmfao what a fucking loser racist, you need help
Hopefully the truck has a dashcam, because niggers can't ever manage to arson without setting themselves on fire. Also, those tires are gonna hasve a ton of air in them, and slashing them will fuck you up.
Well, he could also see it figuratively, meaning he imagined it., in "it was real in my mind" kinda way.
He's saying that it's truthful truth, however.
Shit I assumed it's gender. Don't sue me OP!
>Truthful truth
I don't think there's a better way to compare how fucking stupid "literally" sounds than this. Thank you user
lmao, is this the same guy who drives the white genocide car around Eugene?
salty faggot mason kys
>laughing at some soyboy getting upset at words is now being triggered
why is it not ok to be white, op?
we can write an article on it
You really don't like it? It's bold and the world needs this right now.
>on a black truck
I'm literally shaking. How can someone paint a message which differs from mine? ITS 2017 GUYS!
>Literally seen this truck today
You are literally a faggot.
>pimp your ride
nigger detected
The worst shoop i have ever seen. Thanks, nigger
Don't you have a basketball to steal?
Seems like a regular guy who was really wronged by anti-white policies somehow. This is not tendie munching basement dweller tier passion.
It is okay to be white though.
Jimmy Matt is a good man, and you should get out of eugene you lame shitski faggot
That's the point, it's very fun to offend the people who's IQ is about half their age
You people aren't even White
LMAO if you take the time to try and demoralize what can't be demoralized because it is already demoralized by the existence of self-hating retarded useful idiots like yourself causing this nation and the whole world to go straight down the shitter --
you are a fucking loser.
>not tolerant
why so mad
It would be cool
>have this truck
>park in a black neighborhood
>hide in bushes within eyesight of truck
>wait for nigger to do nigger shit to your truck
>shoot nigger with high point
>cops would never believe it was you because highpoint is nigger gun
Ha mad liberal amerifat
half way i guess...
Praise Tengri!
>phase 2
Hmmm maybe??
Go bitch about your day on Twitter, you nigger.