
The real real red pill

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There is a correlation between brain size and spacial intelligence in fact, and cross breeding between Neanderthals and HS would result in a hybrid with increased cranial capacity over a HS.



Cro Magnon (original hybrids) compared with smaller-brained Modern Human

Artificially neonatally elongated

The Gods/Goddesses


Copernicus, Newton, Tesla, Sagan, & Nye

Fuck homo niggers

I don't get it, what is this supposed to redpill me about exactly?

Nye is an unintelligent hack fraud. Check his reddit ama for some truly hilarious attempts at sounding like he has any understanding of even basic science.


these statues are not to be taken literally.

for example the one from syria and iraqi one too, is small in size, and some scientists speculate there was another part of the statue, the cap that was removable. look at the syrian head and how it points up, it's quite clear the intention was to put on it's head. some statues were simply childrens' toys, some were ritualistic figurines that had a place/altar in homes.

it is well known elongated heads in ancient egypt were a matter of fashion and a status symbol.
the rulers had to have special ornaments on their heads in order to appear taller, brighter, bigger than the rest. they are on the top. the head/face is what differentiates us all and has to be treated special. so no aliens plz! the truth is always simple and logical, be aware of your reasoning and your contemporary point of view and knowledge when approaching these things. don't slip on your own modern position when analyzing the man of the past.

yes we have bread with them and it's been scientifically proven. their trace is present still today in the mitohondrycal part of DNA, which is passing on on the mother's part of the geneaology line (sorry eng not first language).
Neanderthals were extraordinarily similar to us. they talked and had their language, the buried their dead (which is not proving belief in life after death, but is proving care for members of the community) and buried them with their equipment and gear included in the grave (again not necessarily for the afterlife but because it was personal). their hunting was planned and strategized.
it is my personal opinion homo sapiens learnt A LOT from them when interacting. and we DID interact for 30k years of overlapping in habitating in the same areas in europe.

however linking brain size with intelligence capacities seems a bit raw symplistic and naive deducting.
people study this shit for years, don't simplify it because "internet research

This is dumb as shit. Go read some actual HBD websites you fucking imbeciles.

>Neanderthologist here...two of those snouts are definitely kikes.




Do you mind posting about pinecones instead?



>pointy hats


2,000-year-old cemetery in eastern Mongolia, near China's northern border. DNA extracted from this man's bones pegs him as a descendant of Europeans or western Asians. Yet he still assumed a prominent position in ancient Mongolia's Xiongnu Empire

Caucasoid = Neanderthaloid

Get out of here with your knowledge. Resume unsourced, autistic memes below!



lulz no can do

europeans are minutely neanderthal
and some asians Denosovian...

abos... are just that, separate for tens of thousands of years.

>larger brain matter = more IQ

That would mean whales are smarter than us by that logic.

The reason why the cranial cavity decreased is because brains became more efficient and streamlined.

Stop being stupid Sup Forums, i know you're better than this (not really).





sir yes whales are smarter than you. brain size is only significant in relation to body size.

sea mammals dedicate it to sonar.

Australians apparently have extraordinary eyesight

Neanderthals didn't abstract too well, but must have had great sences

or madame
Obligatory Simpsons beer references aside, DUF1220 is extremely intriguing. Most other mammals only have a couple DUF1220s. A few, like the cow and horse, have seven and eight, respectively. When you get to the primates, the numbers go up dramatically. Marmosets have 31, gorillas have 99, chimps have 125, and humans have 272. Not only that, but the arrangement is very different. In cows and horses, there tends to be one DUF1220 on another larger gene that already has several other domains. In primates, there tend to be genes that have only DUF1220 on them and nothing else — sometimes as many as 50 in one gene. Whatever it’s doing, it seems important.

The most obvious thing to check first is brain size. And sure enough, this rapid increase in DUF1220 copy number has a very strong correlation with both the overall brain size and cortical neuron count in primates, but not with body size. This became even more interesting when researchers sequenced the Neanderthal. Neanderthals are thought to have had larger brains than modern humans, based on skull size. Coincidentally, they also appear to have had ~300 DUF1220 domains.

So researchers began to look for correlations within the human species, and found some. The number of DUF1220s correlates strongly with “cognitive function” (based on total IQ and mathematical aptitude tests), but also with the severity of autism (though it doesn’t seem to actually cause autism).

Another interesting factor most likely derived from Neanderthal introgression: dopamine receptor variant DRD4-7repeat

plebs will be plebs :)

>at some point in time the portuguese were about as smart as eastern asians
i'll never forgive you portugal! brazil could've been great from day one, but you fucked up.

Pic related happens when the part of chromosome 21 which carries these DUF1220 repeats is either duplicated or deleted. Thoughts? Looks highly interesting ...

worldwide occurance rate of schizophrenia


>The reason why the cranial cavity decreased is because brains became more efficient and streamlined.

Famine dipshit.

Yeah that is horsecrap and libtard wishful thinking. Decrease in brain size is not due to more effective brains, there is not a single shred of evidence for that mechanism applying to humans. The reason is that the proportion of small brain idiots in our population is increasing and that is mostly due to people of a certain ancestry...


Thx, better one. If I look at schizophrenia rates, the effects of duplication or deletion in chromosome 21 and the variation in DUF1220 which MAY have been higher in Neanderthals and also correlates with raw intellect ... I think I sense a pattern behind all this.


Chinese master race reporting in

if brain size is what matters, then whales must all be einsteins...

brain size doesn't matter you cucks

What is bodysize brainlet

>brainlet homos exterminated neanderthal intellectuals

>if brain size is what matters, then whales must all be einsteins...
In humans the correlation of brain size / IQ is ca 0.4 after correcting with body size

Jesus, for primates it does, you can compare brainsize of an gorilla with that of a human. Because they’re similiar dense. Elephants n shit have slow, giant and most important: non-dense brains.

He's right though.

Bump for neanderthal

Looks like a fucking Godzilla villain.