no young white person reading this board or any other should ever in their lives make the mistake of thinking that the political left has anything other than pure absolute hatred, derision and contempt for you. it's only masked by moralistic rhetoric and manipulative platitudes. EVERYTHING that they do in one way or another exists to destroy you personally, politically, morally, spiritually, economically and of course demographically too
No young white person reading this board or any other should ever in their lives make the mistake of thinking that the...
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100% truth, user. I'll bump this thread for ya
Git gud at baiting son
Is,she a jew by ((coincidence))) ?
OP is 100%. It’s done either consciously by (((them))) or by their minions who grew up on(((American media))) in the last 20, 30yrs
Most modern lefties don't even know why they do what they do, or where it comes from. They are useful idiots, statist sheeple.
I like how you strategically removed the date and time
Well put burger user
When was this tweeted?
Shes a welsh jew, there was a thread on it yesterday
It’s been posted in the last two days.
Shill/retards. Lurk more
I literally hate all leftists and see them as vermin.
Yup. And for what? Because of jealously of the success of SOME white people. That bitch is jealous since Chad won't get HER pregnant with a white baby.
I always think it's white people doing this anti-white people stuff to. Like they're such sheep for their media they just say "kill me please" without even realizing it. They just want to BAAAWWW when the other sheeps BAAAWWW.
Yeah most leftists have no idea they're just repeating what some retarded 12 year old girl said on tumblr. It's kind of embarrassing for them once you realize they make no distinction between mainstream and fringe views so whatever crazy ass fringe idea gets popular they all just start eating it up automatically. Like "white privilege". No liberal mentioned this until liberals online started doing it and then BOOM it became a thing with all of them at once.
It's all jealousy from ugly chicks who can't find a provider or someone willing to reproduce with them, all the hot chicks are red pilled or at least willing to go along with individualism if their husbands tell them to.
id watch the snuff movie of her getting snuffed out
if you sniff what im sayin
Only baby boys though, gotta gib us dem hwite wimminz
That's because you are inferior and jealous
Lesbianism literally isn't even real. It's just the ugly miserable chicks who can't get dicked and drug addicts who grew up without a father.
her twitter feed is full of this shit. all you have to do is go on for yourself and see. she tweets like 1000 tweets a day. just nonstop hatred of white people and men. she has 47K followers
like srsly the shit i posted up top isn't even the worst of it
She's one of (((them))) we should use this to breed anti semitism.
I own over 3,000 acres and 12 million in capital. Meanwhile, you and your retards bow down to niggers and need to hop in playpens whenever you see Turmp's face. least I still have my CONSTITUTION...r....right?
>No liberal mentioned this until liberals online started doing it and then BOOM it became a thing with all of them at once.
i think social media has activated some primitive instinct in some people and it's driving them crazy.
Like how our genes evolved to save is durign a famine make us obese in a modern world with plenty of food. Social media sends our instinct to fit into groups into over drive and it gets crazy out of hand for some people.
Like clockwork.
i mean come one dude. This woman just said white babies should be aborted as a "favor" to society. How is that not deserving of ire?
I'm so glad that she's living a miserable life.
I know it has faggot and without a timestamp. Either fake or no sauce kys quickly
Is she like 14?
Reminder that advocating for less white births is genocide, legally defined.
Reminder that Twitter is letting this happen while banning people who call for a non-violent white ethnostate
Kate = POS
I don't know why everywhere is an echo chamber full of people claiming they're being persecuted
>inciting violence and hatred
>belittling people because of their race
>Its not racism because they're white!
looks like shes in her 20s to me
Can you show proof of how wealthy you are?
Yeah, prolly 75% of these goofs never heard of rules for radicals, they don't even know they are destroying the greatest society in history.
All leftists need to hang
dude all you can do is your best to ensure your views are based on confirmed knowledge and sound logic. You can't control other people and it's none of your business anyways.
Ensure that your own beliefs are based on factsr and be content in knowing that.
>real communism hasn't been tried until everyone is a soyboy
you know whats fucked up? you want to know why the right wing always loses? it's because of what im feeling right now as i sit and read this womans tweets. i feel like shes suffering. shes a victim of some sort. she must have been horrendously sexually abused or something in her youth. probably by a family member. in truth, i feel nothing but sympathy and sorrow for her. meanwhile she feels nothing but hatred and contempt for me. she wants nothing but death for me. and her hatred will motivate her to enact the "social change" and genocide she wants to see much more effectively than some decent, not-hateful, not-insane conservative guy with a family who only has a vague preference for people to be happy and do well because at the end of the day evil and hatred is strong, and a stronger motivating force, than any of the positive feelings that humanity has
If he's a farmer or rancher it would not be unusual.
Literally a season away from liquidity, though. As in 12 million in capital is leverage capital goods like tractors and stock, which have zero or negative value if the estate is dissolved.
Would not be unusual though, and owning 3,000 acres is '''''''''''literally'''''''''''' the biggest form of Gubmit Gibs there is.
Source: I'm not a goddamned fool who would brag about having 3,000 acres of gibs.
The leftist is inherently feminine. They seek to appease what they think is the most violent and aggressive of a group in all cases. Deep down, they all see nogs and arabs as violent and aggressive, and they hope they can signal what side they're on. It's why they hate Asians for being too successful and non-violent. It's why they have the instinctual need to try to talk and rehab a violent criminal. Not out of real compassion, but a twisted, deep desire for appeasement even to someone who is behind bars. It's why they say they hate the government but want so much more of it, and to give it more power over them like good little kids.
The mistake that's made is trying to appease a leftist with anything other than aggression. That's what they want. They want you to be scarier so they can side with you and tell themselves whatever justifications let them ignore that they're just weak and scared and want to use your strength for their protection.
Rape and sexual abuse don't exist, they're the products of females regretting their decisions.
>being this objective
>being this hypocritical
The globalist left and their liberal/progressive allies are mentally ill. It is a type of deep rooted psychosis. Debating them is pointless. Persuasion is useless. Only a very harsh dose of reality - sudden loss of financial security, personal tragedy, violent trauma etc, can break their conditioning and even then it's not guaranteed. Better to simply make them aware that we regard them as lunatics and remind them that no quarter will be given, that we will show them neither mercy or compassion. They are a diseased mass, a malignant tumour that must be excised.
>being this much of a cuck
All leftists need to be killed, they are enemies of the state. It should be legal to drag them from their homes and execute them in the streets.
One of her tweets is literally just "I hate white people."
What a paragon of equality peace and love
>Have brother
>We get along great
>Tell him I'm going to vote for SD one day
>Years of good relations tossed in the bin
>He says it's such a shame to end a friendship like this
>Nigga fucking hell
Some time later after he returns from some shithole in Africa
>Calls me
>Apologize for his behaviour
>Realizes the world is bigger than his opinions
>Few hours later we watch a shitty movie together
>Don't care if he's a libcuck, just happy to have him back
>We come to a unofficial agreement to not sperg out about political topics
True. I can't believe people think that a woman being penetrated somehow scars them for life. Imagine being emotionally crippled because a woman sucked your dick. Such bullshit.
your brother disowned you for what sounds like a number of years or months at the very least, all because you told him. you were going to vote for a political party he disagreed with.
not for nothing but this story sounds much more like "#yesalllefties"
something tells me that if you were a child and a man penetrated your asshole you'd be pretty scarred
>Social media sends our instinct to fit into groups into over drive and it gets crazy out of hand for some people.
Oh I totally believe that too. I get, like, and have already thought about your biological angle here too. Like monkeys trying to conform to the troupe. Humans are social animals, we basically have to socialize to be successful. That's what I call default instinct too, by default humans socialize.
Babies and kids learn through just copying and repeating. That's how instinctual it is for us. So I believe some humans never grow their own independent conscious because they've had success while conforming. Their brains are now programmed to conform. So whenever the group is doing WHATEVER they'll still do WHATEVER.
Add Internet and social media to this process where we are practically telepathically speaking right now and as you said -- over drive of that instinct.
Want to know how I know you're a shill?
Your brother's a faggot for disowning you for an extended period of time over just who you're voting for. You're almost as big of a faggot for taking him back.
I know... the left is my family. They want to destroy me, I am constantly oppressed. Everything I say is invalid because "cis white male" is too privileged to have a voice.
They do not want discourse, everytime I make a good argument that contradicts there narrative they respond with literal autistic screeching and personal attacks.
I have given up on them.
Only my grandpa's on my side now. He is ex ww2 east Prussian. I don't have to worry about him being cucked. But he will not be around for that much longer.... :(
The difference is that he changed his ways and aplogized to me, which implied there is hope for some of them to drop the cultist mindset.
There are many out there that would never speak to me again, something that happened to one of my friends
Counter-semitism is a better term
>liberals admitting all planned parenthood is for is abortions
le m ao
Yeah that's quite a bit different than a grown vagina accommodating a penis.
This. Think about it too, during ancient times if one aggressive violent group came for another, they usually ended up killing the men and raping the women. So women have basically developed this instinct of seeing violence and immediately groveling before it because that means she survives and even has her genes passed on if the rape resulted in children. The man knows violence is violence and can't be appeased.
This is a problem for society as a whole because it's the reason why we have so much damn violence! Women love saying it's men and blaming men, but women also love to have sex with those men and validate their violent, aggressive ways in everyone's eyes.
The female love of aggression is something civilization needs to finally learn, realize and take steps to dismantle finally.
well first of all if she suffered some kind of regular abuse at the hands of a family member its almost certain that she was in fact sodomized. second of all, while i agree that women use sexual assault as a crutch and that our societies definition of such things has gotten WAY out of control and really does need to be reigned in, i think the actual genuine legitimate raping of someone is sure to be "traumatic and scarring", esp when they're a child.
remember dude women get pregnant, guys don't. it's not an "equal situation" no matter how you slice it
Anyone on here whos seriously a leftist and thinks we're all retarded for talking about DA JEWZ all the time needs to off themselves desu.
scrolled through her twitter and looks like she got some of that Ashkenazi schizophrenia
We must stand strong and stand up for our Heritage
Wow, didn't see that one coming..
I checked that shit out, she's a cunt, with serious parental issues and uses the liberactivist facade to hide her pain. Maybe she'll get a dick in her mouth.
I wonder if it's a subconscious thing that makes Jews hate gentiles so much. They pass as white most of the time but grow up/exist outside of Christian culture. My family is atheist, but they still celebrate Christian holidays and observe most Christian morality.
whenever i see posts like these i always imagine myself when i was 14-15 and would talk about topics in this sort of manner with my dad. I would be really long-winded and not say anything of value about a subject that people have talked about 100000000 times over. this shit is the exact stuff i would talk about and it makes me cringe reading it.
Every fucking time.
disgusting, there's a special place in hell for this cunt.
yes the vagina is the enemy of civilization.
>It's all jealousy from ugly chicks who can't find a provider or someone willing to reproduce with them,
I think only Milo has been able to decode the situation properly.
This isn't simple jealousy. This is lesbianism.
Jealous cunts who sees all white males as an enemy that must go extinct. And the
You should see his take on their hate crime hoaxes
It's 100% spot on as well, especially the fat ones who reject society 100% loves to fake themselves as victims out of their own imagination.
Anecdotic, but two fat lesbians from my class were the same thing.
Ugly hambeasts who isolated themselves from the rest of the class, never looked at others, never talking to others (and I say this as an outcast in the nerd group. Anytime me or one of my friends tried to help them with something they would just be as silent and negative as possible, as if we murdered them in a previous life).
They see other males as a threat to their life or something.
Bump, you're doing gods work user
Damn! I must admit, this is without a joke quite confronting... I am hitting the last few boundaries that prevents me from being anti-Semitic without exceptions.
For my own safety, I'll leave this place before I'm going to become some kind of mass shooter.
Some stupid bitch ranting on Twitter isn't genocide.
I accidentally cut myself off halfway through>Jealous cunts who sees all white males as an enemy that must go extinct. And the
motivations are perfect if you think about it.
Lesbians also infected the feminist movement in the 90's, and hijacked it to become an anti male movement.
They are quite possibly their main root to all of this bullshit.
Man hating creatures = lesbians
why are memes so real
>liberal roastie
>hates white men
>do a quick search on her
>has a daddy issues and hates her father
lmao, you can't make this shit up
Oppression Olympics bronze medalist Cunty Schlomostein.
This is absolutely correct. One of the many examples where this can be seen are the feminist campaigns against man-spreading and mansplaining, but the defeaning silence when it comes to muslim mass-rapes.
severely underrated
There's this thing you should try. It's called heterosexuality
Nah, it's conscious. Jews know that Christianity is their enemy. Thankfully for them they've managed to con the Christian churches into forgetting that.
-- The cunt who wrote that is a basket case who was forcefully interned --
She's showing signs of meltdown, we have to make her snap !
Hrm. I wonder what happens if I search for "jewish" on her twitter.
Wow, 9 tweets with variations of "I'm actually a jew", what were the odds?
These people are fucking evil and need to die.
I just love how they make their own DotR list through their smug virtueposting.
Even the church of Satan disowned her lmao
i thought there werent that many jews but they seem to be everywhere
This is uplifting me a lot. Everyone of these (((white))) girls which are saying, yes kill our race, have turned out to be kikes. There's still hope.