Why did Israel have to kill him?
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we didn't, dumbass. it was the libshit jews that want nationalist jews gone. he approved of our fucking nuclear reactor and ended the american weapons embargo on us, allowing us to win the six day war 8 years later
literally no fucking president was as easy to deal with as he was before, which made it easier to prove Israel is a viable alternative to living in america for jews. is why your own jews fucking killed him. that's also why we're fucking scared shitless of your own jews killing trump
you did it
>implying it wasn't the Mafia, CIA, FBI, pro-Castro recruits, & Lyndon Johnson simultaneously working together to bring the end of western civilization
You know nothing.
Ben Gurion did it.
he was a demaouge, and they die in this country. Like Lincoln, Taft, and MLK. King Fish and so on.
Why would we shoot someone who gives us shekels?
He tried to stop their nuclear weapons program by making sure Dimona was neutered like the faggot filthy kikes want to do to Iran.
I dont know man... But hey! Look! This guy killed more people than Hitler and somehow he isn't always crucified all day every day.
Really makes you think
Fuck you Kike, the world would be such a better place for white people if you didn't exist.