(((Bloomberg))) Tweet Just Now

Pic related.


You'll notice the absence of a father.

She'll just go on Tinder and find herself a White male city dweller to raise her kid and pay bills.

We need to edit their propaganda to make the white women look jewish. The kikes won't be able to criticize it without revealing their intent IS white genocide.

Get on it faggots.

Photoshop fags.
Edit all race mixing propaganda so that the white in the picture looks like a very obvious jew.

maybe the father is at work putting food on the table

thats not a bad idea
what's an extra jewwy woman look like?


Maybe he is Italian.

This is the best idea I have heard in quite a while. You do it enough and meme it enough, and companies will stop creating ads with racemixing in them.

I like that idea. Photoshop Jews in every photo of a White/Black interracial couple.

I like that idea more than the "It's Okay To Be White" mission.

I can dump a few. It may required editing the background of an ad, or change it to a Hanukkah advertisement.

>Maybe he is Italian.

Fuck off Man.

new yorker here -- y'all realize, right, that some jewish children have that afro jungle look as children? especially the ones direct from the levant -- they look like african palestinian mixes

How will you spend this Hanukkah, fellow white person?


Can somebody do a quick Shoop of the photo I posted and post it to Bloomberg on (((Twitter)))?

>at work

If you put a loudmouth kike in enough of them, they'll help it spread. Like make the white woman in these things Lena Dunham.

What? I looked kinda like that as a kid.

look closely you retarded nazis. She's clearly hispanic with bleached blonde hair. Stupid fucks.

I dig it.

Better yet. "How will you spend this Kwanzaa? Sisters?"

Niggers dont work

Or make every white woman in the race mixing propaganda Bess Sweetiepost. There's tons of source pictures floating on twitter of these jewesses because they're so vain.


She's EUROPEAN. She has Euro phenotypes. This is a BLACK/WHITE message by (((Bloombgerg))). Stop distracting Man, we're coming up with a game plan.

I can keep duming jewesses and or race mixing propaganda.


"Merry Christmas. Let love reign"


"Happy Hannuka from our house!!"

***Insert Jew in place of White guy on Shoop***

The countdown begins.

>"200% uropean!!"

Kek like u even know whats its like to be white.



If there's room in the picture, don't just limit it to making the woman a jew. You can add clearly jewish items to the background or foreground, partially obscured to drive home that the mother/woman is jewish.

Another template for the #Jewening

mexicanbros are hard workers, amirite?!

*Template #3

Feel free to add ornaments. Jews love Christmas.

Workable template.

look at those fucking sweaters kek


There's some pictures of jew women in shawls too. May be exploitable.

Talk to your parents and ask about your grandparents.

lol, neither do most /pol posters



Nice pic,saved

"Did my son marry a nice, jewish girl? Will I have cute, jewish babies?"

He looks like her. The resemblance is uncanny.

Another template

Kek full heartedly

>my uncle willie got gassed

How the fuck would she know he got gassed unless he lived to tell the tale?

Trust the Amerimongrel to tell us who is White.

We should go for Christmas themes though.

Blast Jew/Black Christmas photos everywhere. Photoshopped Jews on every WHITE person.



no jamal, that's not your father either, this is mommy's tinder app
oh wait he might be...

Also why would the nazis shave his head before gassing him

>too much?
cmon, i was just getting the boner going

This one is perfect. Slap a Shlomo shop over the White guy.

"Merry Christmas from our loving and open home!!"

topkek. This is a brilliant idea

This one is perfect. Slap a Shlomo shop over the White guy.

"Merry Christmas from our loving and open home!!"


"Merry Diverse Christmas Sistas!!"

I'm searching "israel interracial" what are you guys searching?

"Merry Christmas yall. Love is color blind"

*Insert Shlomo over White guy

Shut up bilbo

Edit the background of this one so it's they're in a jewish setting.

"Interracial Christmas"

"Interracial Christmas couples"

Hmmm, yes indeed. This looks promising.

We gotta go for HOLIDAY or CHRISTMAN settings. Since every fucking ad running now is Black/White interracial couples.

We have to do more of Jew men with Black women though. To make Black women and men fucking furious.

This can work. I swear.



Maybe editing pictures of hanukkah where dad is replaced with a nog will piss them off too. I wish there was something like Face App that could make the dad in this picture into a nigger.

Good template

This is too good.


We're getting their....good start

Forgot picture.


My man. Happy to witness the birth of brilliance.

This is the correct direction to go.

Yesss. We just need some captions to make it extra spicy.

Let's birth a meme back at (((them))) Sup Forums


>Maybe editing pictures of hanukkah where dad is replaced with a nog will piss them off too.


Profile shot of Lena Dunham for potential.

Hanuka OR Christmas themes on the memes Folks.

please stop, I just had breakfast

we need to start making this happen then spamming it on social media saying celebrate diversity!

Can an user use a filter to turn both of the men in this picture into niggers? I'd be ever so grateful.


Good source photo for meme Shooping



Another source photo.

**Shoop the head off and insert in photos


Also edit dad in these pictures to be """refugees""" or muslims or just plain niggers.

jew moms love new black daddy

*Source photo for editing

Because of lice.
Zyklon B is a pesticide, and tyfus was rampant towards the end of WW2, spread by lice.
>oh no the nazis shaved me head and shoved me in a concrete bunker where they sprayed me blue with gas so I would survive the war it was so horrible


another for potential

i wish it wasn't 3am here

***Source photo

every jews fantasy. they're obsessed with niggers
this too


terrible tattoo. she should just kill herself.but for real. ugly in every way, no ink of any kind will make that ugly bitch pretty or desirable.


rabbis who gay marry black guys. this is a thing and exists.

Seriously OP, save this idea. Keep making threads about this. This has legendary potential! Best idea I've seen in months.